Release v0.10.29 created by Jonathan Small on 27 June 2018, 21:28:41 UTC
Slang v0.10.29
Support for Tessellation (#607) Domain and Hull shaders have specialized attributes that were previously not recognised. This update recognises the attributes, and uses them within code generation. NOTE! Currently code generation ONLY supports tessellation for DirectX based targets. Ie HLSL/Dxbc/DXIL. For GLSL and spir-v etc they are not translated, and so will not produce the appropriate code. Validation of attributes is rudimentary - and many attributes values will directly passed through to output. * Added test tests/render/tess.hlsl * Added support for attributes domain, partitioning, outputtopology, outputcontrolpoints, patchconstantfunc for hull shader * Added support for attribute domain from domain shader
Target: 22033f06573f900dc030c487b2c30feddf3d8f16
Directory: 34770637a5985328478eda0b7b31cc91ee87c0f8
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