Release v0.16.7 created by Tim Foley on 21 August 2020, 20:31:43 UTC
Slang 0.16.7
* Support for float atomics on RWByteAddressBuffer (#1502) * Support initializing an existential value from a generic value. (#1503) * Int64 atomic add RWByteAddressBuffer support (#1504) * Remove IncludeHandler. (#1505) * Initial support for a using construct (#1506) * Allow calling a generic function with an existential value (dynamic dispatch) (#1508) * Another fix for overriding property decls (#1509) * Fix stdlib declarations for texture Gather() (#1510) * Vulkan update/NVAPI support (#1511)
Target: fcac02e405661de311b5ceebbd6d3e2c78bf8aea
Directory: 6e79865b39f0739d2ac9c3f91cc4129c244b6977
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