Raw File

@fn float vrna_pf(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc, char *structure)
This function is attached as method @b pf() to objects of type @em fold_compound

@fn vrna_dimer_pf_t vrna_pf_dimer(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc, char *structure)
This function is attached as method @b pf_dimer() to objects of type @em fold_compound

@fn double vrna_mean_bp_distance(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc)
This function is attached as method @b mean_bp_distance() to objects of type @em fold_compound

@fn double vrna_ensemble_defect_pt(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc, const short *pt)
This function is attached as overloaded method @b ensemble_defect() to objects of type @em fold_compound.

@fn double vrna_ensemble_defect(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc, const char *structure)
This function is attached as method @b ensemble_defect() to objects of type @em fold_compound.
Note that the SWIG wrapper takes a structure in dot-bracket notation and converts it into
a pair table using vrna_ptable_from_string(). The resulting pair table is then internally
passed to vrna_ensemble_defect_pt(). To control which kind of matching brackets will be used
during conversion, the optional argument @p options can be used. See also the description of
vrna_ptable_from_string() for available options. (default: @b VRNA_BRACKETS_RND).

@fn double *vrna_positional_entropy(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc)
This function is attached as method @b positional_entropy() to objects of type @em fold_compound

@fn double vrna_pr_structure(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc, const char *structure)
This function is attached as method @b pr_structure() to objects of type @em fold_compound

@fn double vrna_pr_energy(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc, double e)
This function is attached as method @b pr_energy() to objects of type @em fold_compound

@fn char *vrna_MEA(vrna_fold_compound_t *fc, double gamma, float *mea)
This function is attached as overloaded method @b MEA(gamma = 1.) to objects of type @em fold_compound.
Note, that it returns the MEA structure and MEA value as a tuple (MEA_structure, MEA)

@fn char *vrna_MEA_from_plist(vrna_ep_t *plist, const char *sequence, double gamma, vrna_md_t *md,float *mea)
This function is available as overloaded function @b MEA_from_plist(gamma = 1., md = NULL).
Note, that it returns the MEA structure and MEA value as a tuple (MEA_structure, MEA)

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