Raw File
\title{Fit the Thomas Point Process by Minimum Contrast}
  Fits the Thomas point process to a point pattern dataset by the Method of
  Minimum Contrast.
thomas.estK(X, startpar=c(kappa=1,sigma2=1), lambda=NULL,
            q = 1/4, p = 2, rmin = NULL, rmax = NULL, ...)
    Data to which the Thomas model will be fitted.
    Either a point pattern or a summary statistic.
    See Details.
    Vector of starting values for the parameters of the
    Thomas process.
    Optional. An estimate of the intensity of the point process.
    Optional. Exponents for the contrast criterion.
  \item{rmin, rmax}{
    Optional. The interval of \eqn{r} values for the contrast criterion.
    Optional arguments passed to \code{\link[stats]{optim}}
    to control the optimisation algorithm. See Details.
  This algorithm fits the Thomas point process model to a point pattern dataset
  by the Method of Minimum Contrast, using the \eqn{K} function.

  The argument \code{X} can be either
    \item{a point pattern:}{An object of class \code{"ppp"}
      representing a point pattern dataset. 
      The \eqn{K} function of the point pattern will be computed
      using \code{\link{Kest}}, and the method of minimum contrast
      will be applied to this.
    \item{a summary statistic:}{An object of class \code{"fv"} containing
      the values of a summary statistic, computed for a point pattern
      dataset. The summary statistic should be the \eqn{K} function,
      and this object should have been obtained by a call to
      \code{\link{Kest}} or one of its relatives.

  The algorithm fits the Thomas point process to \code{X},
  by finding the parameters of the Thomas model
  which give the closest match between the
  theoretical \eqn{K} function of the Thomas process
  and the observed \eqn{K} function.
  For a more detailed explanation of the Method of Minimum Contrast,
  see \code{\link{mincontrast}}.
  The Thomas point process is described in Moller and Waagepetersen
  (2003, pp. 61--62). It is a cluster process formed by taking a 
  pattern of parent points, generated according to a Poisson process
  with intensity \eqn{\kappa}{kappa}, and around each parent point,
  generating a random number of offspring points, such that the
  number of offspring of each parent is a Poisson random variable with mean
  \eqn{\mu}{mu}, and the locations of the offspring points of one parent
  are independent and isotropically Normally distributed around the parent
  point with standard deviation \eqn{\sigma}{sigma}.

  The theoretical \eqn{K}-function of the Thomas process is
    K(r) = \pi r^2 + \frac 1 \kappa (1 - \exp(-\frac{r^2}{4\sigma^2})).
    K(r) = pi r^2 + (1 - exp(-r^2/(4 sigma^2)))/kappa.
  The theoretical intensity
  of the Thomas process is \eqn{\lambda = \kappa \mu}{lambda=kappa* mu}.

  In this algorithm, the Method of Minimum Contrast is first used to find
  optimal values of the parameters \eqn{\kappa}{kappa}
  and \eqn{\sigma^2}{sigma^2}. Then the remaining parameter
  \eqn{\mu}{mu} is inferred from the estimated intensity

  If the argument \code{lambda} is provided, then this is used
  as the value of \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}. Otherwise, if \code{X} is a
  point pattern, then  \eqn{\lambda}{lambda}
  will be estimated from \code{X}. 
  If \code{X} is a summary statistic and \code{lambda} is missing,
  then the intensity \eqn{\lambda}{lambda} cannot be estimated, and
  the parameter \eqn{\mu}{mu} will be returned as \code{NA}.

  The remaining arguments \code{rmin,rmax,q,p} control the
  method of minimum contrast; see \code{\link{mincontrast}}.

  The Thomas process can be simulated, using \code{\link{rThomas}}.

  Homogeneous or inhomogeneous Thomas process models can also
  be fitted using the function \code{\link{kppm}}.

  The optimisation algorithm can be controlled through the
  additional arguments \code{"..."} which are passed to the
  optimisation function \code{\link[stats]{optim}}. For example,
  to constrain the parameter values to a certain range,
  use the argument \code{method="L-BFGS-B"} to select an optimisation
  algorithm that respects box constraints, and use the arguments
  \code{lower} and \code{upper} to specify (vectors of) minimum and
  maximum values for each parameter.
  An object of class \code{"minconfit"}. There are methods for printing
  and plotting this object. It contains the following main components:
  \item{par }{Vector of fitted parameter values.}
  \item{fit }{Function value table (object of class \code{"fv"})
    containing the observed values of the summary statistic
    (\code{observed}) and the theoretical values of the summary
    statistic computed from the fitted model parameters.
  Moller, J. and Waagepetersen, R. (2003).
  Statistical Inference and Simulation for Spatial Point Processes.
  Chapman and Hall/CRC, Boca Raton.

  Waagepetersen, R. (2006).
  An estimation function approach to inference for inhomogeneous
  Neyman-Scott processes. Submitted.
\author{Rasmus Waagepetersen
  Adapted for \pkg{spatstat} by Adrian Baddeley
  \code{\link{rThomas}} to simulate the fitted model.
    u <- thomas.estK(redwood, c(kappa=10, sigma2=0.1))
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