Raw File
import nltk

import owlready2 as OWL
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn
import tensorflow as tf
import os
import datetime
import json
from DataReader import Reader

class Ont():
  def __init__(self, ontology):    
    self.ontology = OWL.get_ontology(ontology)
    self.ontology.base_iri = ontology
    self.ontology = self.ontology.load()    
    self.polarity_categories = {}
    self.polarity_categories['positive'] = self.ontology.search(iri='*Positive')[0]
    self.polarity_categories['negative'] = self.ontology.search(iri='*Negative')[0]
    self.type1, self.type2, self.type3 = {}, {}, {}    
    classes = set(self.ontology.classes())    
    self.classes_dict = {onto_class: onto_class.lex for onto_class in classes}
    self.majority_count = 0  

  def classesIntoTypes(self, classes):
    remove_words = ['property', 'mention', 'positive', 'neutral', 'negative']
    for ont_class in classes:
      class_name = ont_class.__name__.lower()
      if any(word in class_name for word in remove_words): continue
      names = [x.__name__ for x in ont_class.ancestors()]
      for name in names:
        if 'Generic' in name:
          self.type1[class_name] = ont_class
        elif any(x in name for x in ['Positive', 'Negative']):
          self.type2[class_name] = ont_class
        elif 'PropertyMention' in name:
          self.type3[class_name] = ont_class
  def getMajorityClass(self, polarity):
    index = (pd.get_dummies(pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate([np.array(['negative','neutral','positive']), polarity])))
    if index == 0: return np.array([[1, 0, 0]])
    elif index == 1: return np.array([[0, 1, 0]])
    else: return np.array([[0, 0, 1]])    

  def getClassPolarity(self, word_lemma_class, negated, type3):
    positive, negative = False, False
    if type3: OWL.sync_reasoner(debug=False) # To set relations of all newly created classes
    if self.polarity_categories['positive'].__subclasscheck__(word_lemma_class):
      if negated:
        positive = False
        negative = True
        positive = True
    if self.polarity_categories['negative'].__subclasscheck__(word_lemma_class):
      if negated:
        positive = True
        negative = False
        negative = True
    return positive, negative

  def categoryMatch(self, aspect_class, word_class):
    if aspect_class is None: return False
    aspect_mentions, word_mentions = [], []
    for ancestor in aspect_class.ancestors():
      if 'Mention' in ancestor.__name__:
    for ancestor in word_class.ancestors():
      if 'Mention' in ancestor.__name__:
    common = set(aspect_mentions).intersection(set(word_mentions))
    # If they have more than 2 ancestors in common (ontology.Mention, ontology.EntityMention and something else)
    if len(common) > 2: return True 
    else: return False
  def addSubclass(self, word_class, aspect_class):
    class_name = word_class.__name__ + aspect_class.__name__
    new_class = OWL.types.new_class(class_name, (word_class, aspect_class))
    self.type3[new_class.__name__.lower()] = new_class
    return new_class    
  def isNegated(self, word, words_in_sentence):
    negation = ({"not","no","never","isnt","arent","wont","wasnt","werent", 
                 "havent","hasnt", "nt", "cant", "couldnt", "dont", "doesnt"})
    negated = False
    index = words_in_sentence.index(word)
    check = set(words_in_sentence[max(index-3,0):index])
    if check.intersection(negation): negated = True
    return negated    
  def predictSentiment(self, sentence, aspect):
    lemmatizer = nltk.WordNetLemmatizer()
    positive_list, negative_list = [], []
    sentence_classes = {}
    words_in_sentence = sentence.split() 
    aspect_class = None
    for word, tag in np.array(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(aspect))):
      if tag.startswith("V"): aspect_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "v")   # Verb
      elif tag.startswith("J"): aspect_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "a") # Adjective
      elif tag.startswith("R"): aspect_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "r") # Adverb
      else: aspect_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word)                          # Other words do not change
      for ont_class in list(self.classes_dict.values()):
        if aspect_lemma in ont_class:
          aspect_class = list(self.classes_dict.keys())[list(self.classes_dict.values()).index(ont_class)]
    for word, tag in np.array(nltk.pos_tag(nltk.word_tokenize(sentence))):
      if tag.startswith("V"): word_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "v")   # Verb
      elif tag.startswith("J"): word_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "a") # Adjective
      elif tag.startswith("R"): word_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word, "r") # Adverb
      else: word_lemma = lemmatizer.lemmatize(word)                          # Other words do not change
      for ont_class in list(self.classes_dict.values()):
        if word_lemma in ont_class:
          word_class = list(self.classes_dict.keys())[list(self.classes_dict.values()).index(ont_class)]
          sentence_classes[word] = word_class
          if word == aspect:
            aspect_class = word_class
          is_negated = self.isNegated(word, words_in_sentence)
          if word_lemma in self.type1:
            positive, negative = self.getClassPolarity(word_class, is_negated, False)
          elif word_lemma in self.type2:
            if self.categoryMatch(aspect_class, word_class):
              positive, negative = self.getClassPolarity(word_class, is_negated, False)
          elif word_lemma in self.type3:
            if (aspect_class != word_class) and (aspect_class is not None):
              new_class = self.addSubclass(word_class, aspect_class)
              positive, negative = self.getClassPolarity(new_class, is_negated, True)
    if (True in positive_list) and (True not in negative_list):
      prediction = np.array([[0,0,1]])
    elif (True not in positive_list) and (True in negative_list):
      prediction = np.array([[1,0,0]])
      prediction = self.majority_class
      self.majority_count += 1
    return prediction      

  def run(self, train_data, test_data, purpose):
    self.majority_class = self.getMajorityClass(train_data[:, 2])
    predictions = np.zeros([1,3])
    for sentence, aspect, _ in test_data:
      predictions = np.concatenate([predictions, self.predictSentiment(sentence, aspect)])
    predictions = predictions[1:,:]
    self.evaluation(test_data[:, 2], predictions, purpose)
    return predictions  
  def evaluation(self, Y, pred, purpose, print_results=True):
    real = (pd.get_dummies(pd.DataFrame(np.concatenate([np.array(['negative','neutral','positive']), Y]))).values[3:,:])
    for i in range(len(pred)):
      if (pred[i].argmax() == 0) and (real[i].argmax()==0): neg_neg += 1
      if (pred[i].argmax() == 0) and (real[i].argmax()==1): neg_neu += 1
      if (pred[i].argmax() == 0) and (real[i].argmax()==2): neg_pos += 1
      if (pred[i].argmax() == 2) and (real[i].argmax()==0): pos_neg += 1
      if (pred[i].argmax() == 2) and (real[i].argmax()==1): pos_neu += 1
      if (pred[i].argmax() == 2) and (real[i].argmax()==2): pos_pos += 1
    pos_pred = pos_pos + pos_neu + pos_neg
    neg_pred = neg_pos + neg_neu + neg_neg    
    pos_true = pos_pos + neg_pos
    neu_true = pos_neu + neg_neu
    neg_true = pos_neg + neg_neg    
    total = pos_true + neu_true + neg_true
    table = pd.DataFrame(columns = ['Negative', 'Neutral',  'Positive',  '|', 'total'],
                         data =   [[ neg_neg,    neg_neu,     neg_pos,   '|', neg_pred], 
                                   [ pos_neg,    pos_neu,     pos_pos,   '|', pos_pred],
                                   ['--------', '-------',   '--------', '-', '-----'],
                                   [ neg_true,   neu_true,    pos_true,  '|',  total]],
                         index =   ['Negative', 'Positive', '--------', 'total'])
    acc = np.round(100*sklearn.metrics.accuracy_score(np.argmax(pred, 1), np.argmax(real, 1)), 2)
    loss = sklearn.metrics.log_loss(real, pred)      
    path = './Results/logs/{0}/{1}/'.format(self.__class__.__name__, purpose)
    results = {'accuracy' : acc, 'loss' : loss, 'table' : table.to_json()}
    if not os.path.exists(path):
    with open(path+'results.json', 'w') as file:
    if print_results:
      print("                  "+purpose+" Data")
      print('Accuracy:', acc)
      print('Loss:', loss)

if __name__ == '__main__':
  np.set_printoptions(threshold=np.inf, edgeitems=3, linewidth=120)
  FLAGS = tf.app.flags.FLAGS
  for name in list(FLAGS):
    if name not in ('showprefixforinfo',):
      delattr(FLAGS, name)

  tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string('f', '', 'kernel')
  tf.app.flags.DEFINE_float('train_proportion', 1.0, 'Train proportion for train/validation split')
  tf.app.flags.DEFINE_integer('seed', None, 'Random seed')
  tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string('ontology_path', './Ontology/Ontology_restaurants.owl', 'Ontology path')
  tf.app.flags.DEFINE_boolean('train_model', True, 'Run Ont on train data')
  tf.app.flags.DEFINE_boolean('predict_values', True, 'Run Ont on test data')  
  tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string('train_data_path', './Data/ABSA-15_Restaurants_Train_Final.xml', 'Train data path')
  tf.app.flags.DEFINE_string('test_data_path', './Data/ABSA15_Restaurants_Test.xml', 'Test data path')

  reader = Reader(FLAGS)

  data_train, _ = reader.readData(FLAGS.train_data_path)
  data_test, _ = reader.readData(FLAGS.test_data_path)

  model = Ont(FLAGS.ontology_path)

  if FLAGS.train_model:
    a = datetime.datetime.now()
    predictions_train = model.run(data_train, data_train, 'Train')
    b = datetime.datetime.now()
    print('Time:', b-a)

  if FLAGS.predict_values:
    c = datetime.datetime.now()
    predictions_test = model.run(data_train, data_test, 'Test')  
    d = datetime.datetime.now()
    print('Time:', d-c)
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