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Tip revision: 7717db273a0a0f018d0c0c44db5f888ac14f9672 authored by Hosein Hashemi on 21 December 2020, 21:56:05 UTC
Tip revision: 7717db2
    This code is an unofficial implementation of
    by Yan Wu, Jeff Donahue, David Balduzzi, Karen Simonyan, Timothy Lillicrap (arXiv:1912.00953v2).
    The code is partially based on BigGAN-deep by A. Brock and A. Andonian.
    Let's do this.
import datetime
import time
import torch
import dataset
from LOGAN import *
import train_fns
import utils

def run(config):
    # Update the config dict as necessary
    # This is for convenience, to add settings derived from the user-specified
    # configuration into the config-dict (e.g. inferring the number of classes
    # and size of the images from the dataset, passing in a pytorch object
    # for the activation specified as a string)
    config['resolution'] = 256
    config['n_classes'] = 40
    config['latent_reg_weight'] = 300
    config['G_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['G_nl']] #Leaky relu for LOGAN
    config['D_activation'] = utils.activation_dict[config['D_nl']] #Leaky relu for LOGAN
    # By default, skip init if resuming training.
    if config['resume']:
        print('Skipping initialization for training resumption...')
        config['skip_init'] = True
    config = utils.update_config_roots(config)
    device = 'cuda'
    # Seed RNG
    # Prepare root folders if necessary
    # Setup cudnn.benchmark for free speed
    torch.backends.cudnn.benchmark = True

    experiment_name = (config['experiment_name'] if config['experiment_name']
                       else 'PXDgen')
    print('Experiment name is %s' % experiment_name)

    G = Generator(**config).to(device)
    D = Discriminator(**config).to(device)

    # If using EMA, prepare it
    if config['ema']:
        print('Preparing EMA for G with decay of {}'.format(config['ema_decay']))
        G_ema = Generator(**{**config, 'skip_init': True,
                                    'no_optim': True}).to(device)
        ema = utils.ema(G, G_ema, config['ema_decay'], config['ema_start'])
        G_ema, ema = None, None

    GD = G_D(G, D)
    print('Number of params in G: {} D: {}'.format(
        *[sum([ for p in net.parameters()]) for net in [G, D]]))
    # Prepare state dict, which holds things like epoch # and itr #
    state_dict = {'itr': 0, 'epoch': 0, 'save_num': 0, 'config': config}

    # If loading from a pre-trained model, load weights
    if config['resume']:
        print('Loading weights...')
        utils.load_weights(G, D, state_dict,
                           config['weights_root'], experiment_name,
                           config['load_weights'] if config['load_weights'] else None,
                           G_ema if config['ema'] else None)

    # Prepare data; the Discriminator's batch size is all that needs to be passed
    # to the dataloader, as G doesn't require dataloading.
    # Note that at every loader iteration we pass in enough data to complete
    # a full D iteration (regardless of number of D steps and accumulations)
    D_batch_size = (config['batch_size'] * config['num_D_steps'] * config['num_D_accumulations'])
    loaders = dataset.load_dataset(batch_size=D_batch_size)

    # Prepare noise and randomly sampled label arrays
    # Allow for different batch sizes in G
    G_batch_size = max(config['G_batch_size'], config['batch_size'])
    z_, y_ = utils.prepare_z_y(
        G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], ngd = True, fixed = False)

    # Prepare a fixed z & y to see individual sample evolution throghout training
    fixed_z, fixed_y = prepare_z_y(
        G_batch_size, G.dim_z, config['n_classes'], device=device, fp16=config['G_fp16'], fixed = True)
    # Loaders are loaded, prepare the training function
    train = train_fns.create_train_fn(G, D, GD, z_, y_, ema, state_dict, config)

    print('Beginning training at epoch %d...' % state_dict['epoch'])
    start_time = time.perf_counter()
    total_iters = config['num_epochs'] * len(loaders[0])

    # Train for specified number of epochs, although we mostly track G iterations.
    for epoch in range(state_dict['epoch'], config['num_epochs']):
        for i, (x, y) in enumerate(loaders[0]):
            # Increment the iteration counter
            state_dict['itr'] += 1
            # Make sure G and D are in training mode, just in case they got set to eval
            # For D, which typically doesn't have BN, this shouldn't matter much.
            if config['ema']:
            x, y =,
            metrics = train(x, y)

            if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['log_interval']):
                curr_time = time.perf_counter()
                curr_time_str = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(curr_time).strftime('%H:%M:%S')
                elapsed = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=(curr_time - start_time)))
                log = (
                        "[{}] [{}] [{} / {}] Ep {}, ".format(curr_time_str, elapsed, state_dict['itr'], total_iters,
                                                             epoch) +
                        ', '.join(['%s : %+4.3f' % (key, metrics[key]) for key in metrics])

            # Save weights and copies as configured at specified interval
            if not (state_dict['itr'] % config['save_every']):
                if config['G_eval_mode']:
                    print('Switching G to eval mode...')
                    # if config['ema']:
                    # G_ema.eval()
                train_fns.save_and_sample(G, D, G_ema, z_, y_, fixed_z, fixed_y,
                                          state_dict, config, experiment_name)

        # Increment epoch counter at end of epoch
        state_dict['epoch'] += 1

def main():
    # parse command line and run
    parser = utils.prepare_parser()
    config = vars(parser.parse_args())

if __name__ == '__main__':
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