Raw File
Tip revision: 068aaaf06a1976d202222142a95f2e951da0f604 authored by Tomislav Hengl on 07 June 2022, 13:00:02 UTC
version 0.8-3
Tip revision: 068aaaf
\title{Imports GBIF cell density records}
\description{Read GBIF cell (1--degree) density record counts and converts them to a \code{"raster"} object.}
\usage{readKML.GBIFdensity(kml.file, gbif.url = FALSE, silent = FALSE)
  \item{kml.file}{GBIF cell density file (local file or URL)}
  \item{gbif.url}{logical; species whether the cellid and taxon content information should be also imported (usually not used)}
  \item{silent}{logical; species whether the progress bar should be printed}
\details{This document contains data shared through the GBIF Network --- see \url{} for more information. GBIF records are constantly updated and every map derived refers to a certain date indicated in the \code{@zname} \emph{Last update} slot.\cr 
All usage of these data must be in accordance with the GBIF Data Use Agreement: \url{}.}
\item GBIF cell density description (\url{})
\author{Tomislav Hengl }
\dontrun{# reading taxon density maps:
kml.file <- "taxon-celldensity-2294100.kml"
# download.file(paste("", kml.file, sep=""),
# destfile=paste(getwd(), kml.file, sep="")) 
# this will not run (you must first accept the data usage agreeent); 
# instead, obtain the kml file via a web browser, and save it to the working directory:
r <- readKML.GBIFdensity(kml.file)
# add world borders:
country.m = map('world', plot=FALSE, fill=TRUE)
IDs <- sapply(strsplit(country.m$names, ":"), function(x) x[1])
country <- as(map2SpatialPolygons(country.m, IDs=IDs), "SpatialLines")
# to import a list of files, use e.g.:
kml.list <- list(kml.file)
r.lst <- lapply(kml.list, readKML.GBIFdensity, silent = TRUE)
# mask out missing layers (empty KML files):
mask <- !sapply(r.lst, is.null)
r.lst <- brick(r.lst[mask])
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