Raw File
Tip revision: f8e6732868c4afa184a379abfbc5042eef920321 authored by AZ on 18 January 2022, 15:55:11 UTC
Update startup.R
Tip revision: f8e6732
# DRA use Mi1 to define a coord trans  -----------------------------------------

# - 2 col of DRA R7/8
DRAR7_me <- nlapply(DRAR7, function(x) subset(x, pointsinside(x, ME_msh))) #me portion 
DRAR8_me <- nlapply(DRAR8, function(x) subset(x, pointsinside(x, ME_msh))) 

# This is the difference, use the 3rd (anterior) R78 pair instead of the 1st (polar)
DRA_ref_com <- rbind(xyzmatrix(DRAR7_me[[3]]), xyzmatrix(DRAR8_me[[3]])) %>% colMeans() #change back to polar col

ii <- sweep(xyz_M5_avg, 2, DRA_ref_com)^2 %>% rowSums() %>% sqrt() %>% order() %>% head(.,7)
DRA_Mi1 <- nlapply(Mi1[ii], function(x) subset(x, pointsinside(x,ME_msh,rval='distance') > 0))

# pca
node_xyz <- xyzmatrix(DRA_Mi1)
DRA_me_pca <- prcomp(node_xyz)
if (DRA_me_pca$rotation[,1] %*% c(-0.84,  0.20, -0.49) < 0) {
  DRA_me_pca$rotation <- - DRA_me_pca$rotation
if (t(cross3D(DRA_me_pca$rotation[,1],DRA_me_pca$rotation[,2])) %*% DRA_me_pca$rotation[,3] < 0 ) {
  DRA_me_pca$rotation[,3] <- - DRA_me_pca$rotation[,3]

DRAR7_xform <- xEucl_neu(DRAR7, DRA_me_pca$rotation, DRA_me_pca$center)
DRAR8_xform <- xEucl_neu(DRAR8, DRA_me_pca$rotation, DRA_me_pca$center)

# DRA Mi1
anno_Mi1_DRA <- catmaid_query_by_annotation('DRA_column') # DRA col, light blue, or darker gray
anno_Mi1_DRA_excl <- catmaid_query_by_annotation('non_PR_column') # DRA col excluded

ind_Mi1_DRA <- which(anno_Mi1$skid %in% anno_Mi1_DRA$skid)
ind_Mi1_DRA_hcol <- c(133, 268, 42)
ind_Mi1_DRA <- ind_Mi1_DRA[!(ind_Mi1_DRA %in% ind_Mi1_DRA_hcol)] #exclude home column
ind_Mi1_DRA_excl <- which(anno_Mi1$skid %in% anno_Mi1_DRA_excl$skid)

# - meshes
# - transfomr medulla mesh
DRA_ME_msh_xform <- ME_msh
DRA_ME_msh_xform$vb[1:3,] <- sweep(t(ME_msh$vb[1:3,]), 2, DRA_me_pca$center) %*% DRA_me_pca$rotation %>%  t()

DRA_AOTU_msh_xform <- AOTU_msh
DRA_AOTU_msh_xform$vb[1:3,] <- sweep(t(AOTU_msh$vb[1:3,]), 2, DRA_me_pca$center) %*% DRA_me_pca$rotation %>%  t()

DRA_ME_L_msh_xform <- ME_L_msh
DRA_ME_L_msh_xform$vb[1:3,] <- sweep(t(ME_L_msh$vb[1:3,]), 2, DRA_me_pca$center) %*% DRA_me_pca$rotation %>%  t()

DRA_PLP_R_msh_xform <- PLP_R_msh
DRA_PLP_R_msh_xform$vb[1:3,] <- sweep(t(PLP_R_msh$vb[1:3,]), 2, DRA_me_pca$center) %*% DRA_me_pca$rotation %>%  t()

# - axes
DRA_axis_ori <- c(-110000, -50000, -40000)
DRA_axis_lat <- -DRA_me_pca$rotation[1,] * 15000
DRA_axis_dor <- DRA_me_pca$rotation[2,] * -15000
DRA_axis_post <- DRA_me_pca$rotation[3,] * 15000

# - scale bar

DRA_xAng <- -30 #rotation angle around x-axis, align with long axis of ME
# DRA_xAng <- 20 # align col
DRA_xAngRot <- (DRA_xAng - 90)/180*pi
DRA_xRot <- matrix(c(1,0,0,
                     0, cos(DRA_xAngRot), sin(DRA_xAngRot),
                     0, -sin(DRA_xAngRot), cos(DRA_xAngRot)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
DRA_xAngRot2 <- DRA_xAng/180*pi
DRA_xRot2 <- matrix(c(1,0,0,
                      0, cos(DRA_xAngRot2), sin(DRA_xAngRot2),
                      0, -sin(DRA_xAngRot2), cos(DRA_xAngRot2)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)

# top view
DRA_xAng_top <- 30
DRA_xAngRot_top <- (DRA_xAng_top)/180*pi
DRA_xRot_top <- matrix(c(1,0,0,
                         0, cos(DRA_xAngRot_top), sin(DRA_xAngRot_top),
                         0, -sin(DRA_xAngRot_top), cos(DRA_xAngRot_top)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
DRA_yAng_top <- 90
DRA_yAngRot_top <- DRA_yAng_top/180*pi
DRA_yRot_top <- matrix(c(1,0,0,
                         0, cos(DRA_yAngRot_top), sin(DRA_yAngRot_top),
                         0, -sin(DRA_yAngRot_top), cos(DRA_yAngRot_top)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
DRA_zAng_top <- 80
DRA_zAngRot_top <- (DRA_zAng_top)/180*pi
DRA_zRot_top <- matrix(c(1,0,0,
                         0, cos(DRA_zAngRot_top), sin(DRA_zAngRot_top),
                         0, -sin(DRA_zAngRot_top), cos(DRA_zAngRot_top)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
DRA_sbar      <- matrix(c(30000,-5000,40000, 30000,5000,40000), ncol=3,byrow=T) %*% 
             0,-1,0), ncol=3, byrow=T)) 

# -- side, anterior view
DRA_sbar_side <-  matrix(c(30000,-5000,40000, 30000,5000,40000), ncol=3,byrow=T) %*%  DRA_xRot_top

# #rotation angle around y-axis to level layer 5
# DRA_yAng <- 0
# DRA_yAngRot <- -DRA_yAng/180*pi
# DRA_yRot <- matrix(c(cos(DRA_yAngRot), 0, sin(DRA_yAngRot),
#                      0,1,0,
#                      -sin(DRA_yAngRot), 0, cos(DRA_yAngRot)), ncol = 3, byrow = T)
# # DRA_sbar_rot90 <- DRA_sbar %*% t(matrix(c(1,0,0,
# #                                           0,0,1,
# #                                           0,-1,0), ncol=3, byrow=T)) %*% t(DRA_xRot) %*% t(DRA_yRot)
# DRA_sbar_rot90 <- matrix(c(30000,5000,10000, 30000,5000,20000), ncol=3,byrow=T)

# col for top view --------------------------------------------------------

aMe12_ind_Mi1 <- list()
Mi1_ind_aMe12 <- list()
for (ii_n in 1:3) {
  tar <- aMe12[[ii_n]]
  ii_col = match(tar$tags$`columnar branch`, tar$d$PointNo)
  xyz_col = xyzmatrix(tar$d[ii_col,])
  aMe12_ind_Mi1[[ii_n]] <- apply(xyz_col, 1, function(x) order(rowSums(sweep(Mi1_M5_xyz,2,x)^2))[1] )
  Mi1_ind_aMe12[[ii_n]] <- apply(Mi1_M5_xyz, 1, function(x) order(rowSums(sweep(xyz_col,2,x)^2))[1] )

i1 <- sqrt(rowSums(sweep(xyz_M5_avg, 2, xyz_M5_avg[ind_Mi1_DRA_hcol[1],], '-')^2)) <60000
i2 <- sqrt(rowSums(sweep(xyz_M5_avg, 2, xyz_M5_avg[ind_Mi1_DRA_hcol[2],], '-')^2)) <30000
i3 <- sqrt(rowSums(sweep(xyz_M5_avg, 2, xyz_M5_avg[ind_Mi1_DRA_hcol[3],], '-')^2)) <30000
ind_Mi1_top <- which(i1|i2|i3)

ind_Mi1_top_grey <- ind_Mi1_top[!(ind_Mi1_top %in% c(ind_Mi1_DRA_excl, ind_Mi1_DRA))]
ind_Mi1_top_red <- ind_Mi1_top[ind_Mi1_top %in% c(ind_Mi1_DRA)]
ind_Mi1_top_y <- ind_Mi1_top_grey[!(ind_Mi1_top_grey %in% unlist(aMe12_ind_Mi1))]
ind_Mi1_top_p <- ind_Mi1_top_grey[(ind_Mi1_top_grey  %in% unlist(aMe12_ind_Mi1))]

# meshes ------------------------------------------------------------------

# - Mi1 M5 nodes
xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA <- sweep(xyz_M5_avg, 2, DRA_me_pca$center) %*% DRA_me_pca$rotation

xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA_yz <- xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA
xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA_yz[,1] <- 0

Nnb <- 16
ind_nb <- sweep(xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA, 2,
                xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA[ind_Mi1_DRA_hcol[3],])^2 %>%
  rowSums() %>%
  order() %>%

points3d(xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA_yz, col='grey', size = 20)
# points3d(xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA, col='grey', size = 10)
# points3d(ref_com4,col='red',size=10)
points3d(xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA_yz[ind_nb,], size=25, col='blue')
plot3d(DRAR7_xform, col='green', lwd=2)
plot3d(DRAR8_xform, col='gold2', lwd=2)

# -- make local mesh
xyz <- t(DRA_ME_msh_xform$vb[1:3,])
dd <- sweep(xyz[,2:3], 2, colMeans(xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA_yz[ind_nb,])[-1]) %>% .^2 %>% rowSums() %>% sqrt()
xyz_msh <- xyz[dd < 1.2*max(dist(xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA_yz[ind_nb,])), ]
DRA_ME_msh_local_3 <- ashape3d(xyz_msh, alpha = 60000) %>% as.mesh3d()

# - transfomr LO mesh
DRA_LO_msh_xform <- LO_msh
DRA_LO_msh_xform$vb[1:3,] <- sweep(t(LO_msh$vb[1:3,]), 2, DRA_me_pca$center) %*% DRA_me_pca$rotation %>%  t()

# ME layer side DRAR7, 3 - anterior ---------------------------------------

# --layers from 7-column
# bp7c <- c(0, 5.5,14.5,20,23,28,36,42,48,56,61) #layer 1 to 10
bp7c <- c(0, 5.5, 14.5, 20, 23, 28, 33, 39, 45, 56, 61) #layer 1 to 10, modify 6-7-8-9 by Mi1, C2, Tm5 and Tm20
bp7c <- max(bp7c) - bp7c %>% rev() #layer 10 to 1
bp7c_prob <- bp7c/max(bp7c)

# -- ME boundary
yz_msh <- t(DRA_ME_msh_local_3$vb)
# yz_dorsal <- data.frame(y = seq(80000, 35000, length.out = 20),
#                         z = seq(-40000, -0000, length.out = 20))
# yz_posterior <- data.frame(y = seq(30000, 70000, length.out = 16),
#                            z = seq(-40000, -8000, length.out = 16))

yz_posterior <- data.frame(y = seq(-40000, 0000, length.out = 20),
                        z = seq(20000, -20000, length.out = 20))
yz_dorsal <- data.frame(y = seq(-25000, 25000, length.out = 16),
                           z = seq(-25000, 25000, length.out = 16))
# choose yz
points3d(cbind(0, yz_dorsal))
points3d(yz_posterior, col='red')
# points3d(yz_msh[,1:3])
shade3d(DRA_ME_msh_local_3, alpha=0.1, col='gray')
shade3d(DRA_ME_msh_xform, alpha=0.1, col='gold')
axes3d(c('x','y','z')); title3d('','','x','y','z')
# points3d(xyz_bot)
# points3d(top_bd_dorsal_3)
# points3d(bot_bd_dorsal_3)

# points on mesh
xyz <- t(DRA_ME_msh_xform$vb[1:3,])
dd <- sweep(xyz[,2:3], 2, colMeans(xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA_yz[ind_nb,])[-1]) %>% .^2 %>% rowSums() %>% sqrt()
xyz_msh <- xyz[dd < max(dist(xyz_M5_avg_xform_DRA_yz[ind_nb,])), ]
# top
xyz_top <- xyz_msh[xyz_msh[,1] > 0, ]
x <- xyz_top[,1]; y <- xyz_top[,2]; z <- xyz_top[,3]
fitlm <- lm(x ~ poly(y, z, degree = 2, raw = T))
valfit <- predict(fitlm, yz_dorsal) #generate values from the fit
top_bd_dorsal_3 <- cbind(valfit, yz_dorsal)
valfit <- predict(fitlm, yz_posterior) #generate values from the fit
top_bd_posterior_3 <- cbind(valfit, yz_posterior)
# bottom
# xyz_bot <- xyz_msh[xyz_msh[,1] < -24000, ]
xyz_bot <- xyz_msh[xyz_msh[,1] < -24000 & xyz_msh[,2] < 68000, ]
x <- xyz_bot[,1]; y <- xyz_bot[,2]; z <- xyz_bot[,3]
fitlm <- lm(x ~ poly(y, z, degree = 2, raw = T))
valfit <- predict(fitlm, yz_dorsal) #generate values from the fit
bot_bd_dorsal_3 <- cbind(valfit, yz_dorsal)
valfit <- predict(fitlm, yz_posterior) #generate values from the fit
bot_bd_posterior_3 <- cbind(valfit, yz_posterior)

x_qua <- apply(cbind(top_bd_dorsal_3$valfit, bot_bd_dorsal_3$valfit), MARGIN = 1,
               function(x) quantile(x, probs = bp7c_prob) )
DRA_layers_ME_dorsal_3 <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0)
for (j in 1:length(bp7c_prob)) {
  cc <- cbind(x_qua[j,], yz_dorsal)
  c2 <- cbind(cc[-nrow(cc),], cc[-1,]) %>%
    t() %>%
    matrix(., ncol = 3, byrow = T)
  DRA_layers_ME_dorsal_3 <- rbind(DRA_layers_ME_dorsal_3, c2)

# manual translation
DRA_layers_ME_dorsal_3[,1] <- DRA_layers_ME_dorsal_3[,1] - 4000

x_qua <- apply(cbind(top_bd_posterior_3$valfit, bot_bd_posterior_3$valfit), MARGIN = 1,
               function(x) quantile(x, probs = bp7c_prob) )
DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3 <- matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0)
for (j in 1:length(bp7c_prob)) {
  cc <- cbind(x_qua[j,], yz_posterior)
  c2 <- cbind(cc[-nrow(cc),], cc[-1,]) %>%
    t() %>%
    matrix(., ncol = 3, byrow = T)
  DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3 <- rbind(DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3, c2)
bot2 <- DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3[(nrow(yz_posterior)*2-3):(nrow(yz_posterior)*2-2),]
top2 <- DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3[(nrow(DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3)-1):(nrow(DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3)), ]
DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3 <- DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3[-c(
  (nrow(DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3)-1):(nrow(DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3))), ]

cc <- cbind(x_qua[2:10,nrow(yz_posterior)], yz_posterior[nrow(yz_posterior),])
c2 <- cbind(cc[-nrow(cc),], cc[-1,]) %>%
  t() %>%
  matrix(., ncol = 3, byrow = T)
DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3 <- rbind(DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3, c2)

# add round corner
pt_corner <- rbind(bot2,
                   as.numeric(c(x_qua[2,nrow(yz_posterior)], yz_posterior[nrow(yz_posterior),])))
ptArc <- round_corner(pt_corner)
cc <- rbind(pt_corner[3,], ptArc, pt_corner[1,])
c2 <- cbind(cc[-nrow(cc),], cc[-1,]) %>%
  t() %>%
  matrix(., ncol = 3, byrow = T)
DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3 <- rbind(DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3, c2)

pt_corner <- rbind(top2,
                   as.numeric(c(x_qua[10,nrow(yz_posterior)], yz_posterior[nrow(yz_posterior),])))
ptArc <- round_corner(pt_corner)
cc <- rbind(pt_corner[3,], ptArc, pt_corner[1,])
c2 <- cbind(cc[-nrow(cc),], cc[-1,]) %>%
  t() %>%
  matrix(., ncol = 3, byrow = T)
DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3 <- rbind(DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3, c2)

# manual adjust
DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3[,1] <- DRA_layers_ME_posterior_3[,1] - 5500
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