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Tip revision: d415ac4eba2a0f4dd170f58ced8f09afe73047ea authored by Mark Clements on 28 February 2023, 15:02:29 UTC
version 1.6.1
Tip revision: d415ac4
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<div id="content">
<div id="table-of-contents">
<h2>Table of Contents</h2>
<div id="text-table-of-contents">
<li><a href="#orgheadline8">1. Axiom/Fricas source file</a>
<li><a href="#orgheadline1">1.1. General case</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline2">1.2. Proportional hazards</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline3">1.3. Proportional odds</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline4">1.4. Probit</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline5">1.5. Additive hazards</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline6">1.6. Aranda-Ordaz</a></li>
<li><a href="#orgheadline7">1.7. Other links</a></li>
<div id="outline-container-orgheadline8" class="outline-2">
<h2 id="orgheadline8"><span class="section-number-2">1</span> Axiom/Fricas source file</h2>
<div class="outline-text-2" id="text-1">
</div><div id="outline-container-orgheadline1" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline1"><span class="section-number-3">1.1</span> General case</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-1">
<pre class="example">
(95) -&gt; )cl p all
   Compiled code for rule2 has been cleared.
   Compiled code for G has been cleared.
(95) -&gt; η := operator 'η
   (95)  η
                                                          Type: BasicOperator
(96) -&gt; G := operator 'G
   (96)  G
                                                          Type: BasicOperator
(97) -&gt; rule1 := rule (D(η(t,β),β)==X; D(η(t,β),t)==XD*β; D(η(t,β),[t,β])==XD; η(t,β)==X*β)
   (97)  {η  (t,β) == X,η  (t,β) == XD β,η    (t,β) == XD,η(t,β) == X β}
           ,2            ,1               ,1,2
                           Type: Ruleset(Integer,Integer,Expression(Integer))
(98) -&gt; S := G(η(t,β))
   (98)  G(η(t,β))
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(99) -&gt; H := -log(S)
   (99)  - log(G(η(t,β)))
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(100) -&gt; h := D(H,t)
            G (η(t,β))η  (t,β)
   (100)  - ------------------
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(101) -&gt; [D(expr,β) for expr in [S,H,h]]
                          G (η(t,β))η  (t,β)
     ,                               ,2
   [G (η(t,β))η  (t,β), - ------------------,
               ,2              G(η(t,β))

                     ,                                               ,,
         - G(η(t,β))G (η(t,β))η    (t,β) - G(η(t,β))η  (t,β)η  (t,β)G  (η(t,β))
                               ,1,2                  ,1      ,2
          ,        2
         G (η(t,β)) η  (t,β)η  (t,β)
                     ,1      ,2
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))
(102) -&gt; [rule1 expr for expr in [S,H,h]]
                                  XD βG (X β)

   (102)  [G(X β),- log(G(X β)),- -----------]
                                     G(X β)
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))
(103) -&gt; [rule1 D(expr,β) for expr in [S,H,h]]
                XG (X β)
   [XG (X β), - --------,
                 G(X β)
                    ,,                ,     2             ,
    - X XD β G(X β)G  (X β) + X XD β G (X β)  - XD G(X β)G (X β)

                               G(X β)
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))

<div id="outline-container-orgheadline2" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline2"><span class="section-number-3">1.2</span> Proportional hazards</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-2">
<pre class="example">
(104) -&gt; G(x) == exp(-exp(x))
                                                                   Type: Void
(105) -&gt; S := G(η(t,β))
    Compiling function G with type Expression(Integer) -&gt; Expression(

            - %e
   (105)  %e
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(106) -&gt; H := -log(S)
   (106)  %e
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(107) -&gt; h := D(H,t)
   (107)  %e      η  (t,β)
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(108) -&gt; D(G(x),x)
    Compiling function G with type Variable(x) -&gt; Expression(Integer) 

              x  - %e
   (108)  - %e %e
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(109) -&gt; [rule1 expr for expr in [S,H,h]]
                 X β
             - %e      X β        X β
   (109)  [%e       ,%e   ,XD β %e   ]
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))
(110) -&gt; [rule1 D(expr,β) for expr in [S,H,h]]
                          X β
                 X β  - %e        X β                X β
   (110)  [- X %e   %e       ,X %e   ,(X XD β + XD)%e   ]
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))

<div id="outline-container-orgheadline3" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline3"><span class="section-number-3">1.3</span> Proportional odds</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-3">
<pre class="example">
(111) -&gt; G(x) == 1/(1+exp(x))
   Compiled code for G has been cleared.
   1 old definition(s) deleted for function or rule G 
                                                                   Type: Void
(112) -&gt; S := G(η(t,β))
    Compiling function G with type Expression(Integer) -&gt; Expression(

   (112)  ------------
          %e       + 1
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(113) -&gt; H := -log(S)
   (113)  - log(------------)
                %e       + 1
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(114) -&gt; h := D(H,t)
          %e      η  (t,β)
   (114)  ----------------
            %e       + 1
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(115) -&gt; D(G(x),x)
    Compiling function G with type Variable(x) -&gt; Expression(Integer) 

   (115)  - -----------------
               x 2      x
            (%e )  + 2%e  + 1
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(116) -&gt; [rule1 expr for expr in [S,H,h]]
                                             X β
               1               1      XD β %e
   (116)  [---------,- log(---------),----------]
             X β             X β         X β
           %e    + 1       %e    + 1   %e    + 1
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))
(117) -&gt; [rule1 D(expr,β) for expr in [S,H,h]]
                        X β             X β        X β 2                  X β
                    X %e            X %e     XD (%e   )  + (X XD β + XD)%e
   (117)  [- ---------------------,---------,--------------------------------]
                X β 2      X β       X β              X β 2      X β
             (%e   )  + 2%e    + 1 %e    + 1       (%e   )  + 2%e    + 1
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))

<div id="outline-container-orgheadline4" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline4"><span class="section-number-3">1.4</span> Probit</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-4">
Is there a more canonical approach in Axiom?

<pre class="example">
(118) -&gt; Φ := operator 'Φ

   (118)  Φ
                                                          Type: BasicOperator
(119) -&gt; φ := operator 'φ
   (119)  φ
                                                          Type: BasicOperator
(120) -&gt; rule2 == rule D(Φ(x),x)==φ(x)
                                                                    Type: Void
(121) -&gt; G(x) == Φ(-x)
    Compiled code for G has been cleared.
   1 old definition(s) deleted for function or rule G 
                                                                   Type: Void
(122) -&gt; S := G(η(t,β))
    Compiling function G with type Expression(Integer) -&gt; Expression(

   (122)  Φ(- η(t,β))
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(123) -&gt; H := -log(S)
   (123)  - log(Φ(- η(t,β)))
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(124) -&gt; h := D(H,t)
          Φ (- η(t,β))η  (t,β)
   (124)  --------------------
               Φ(- η(t,β))
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(125) -&gt; rule2 D(G(x),x)
    Compiling function G with type Variable(x) -&gt; Expression(Integer) 
   Compiling body of rule rule2 to compute value of type RewriteRule(

   (125)  - φ(- x)
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(126) -&gt; [rule1 rule2 expr for expr in [S,H,h]]
                                    XD β φ(- X β)
   (126)  [Φ(- X β),- log(Φ(- X β)),-------------]
                                       Φ(- X β)
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))
(127) -&gt; [rule1 rule2 D(expr,β) for expr in [S,H,h]]
                  X φ(- X β)
   [- X φ(- X β), ----------,
                   Φ(- X β)
                      ,                         2
    - X XD β Φ(- X β)φ (- X β) + X XD β φ(- X β)  + XD Φ(- X β)φ(- X β)

                                 Φ(- X β)
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))

<div id="outline-container-orgheadline5" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline5"><span class="section-number-3">1.5</span> Additive hazards</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-5">
<pre class="example">
(128) -&gt; G(x) == exp(-x)
   Compiled code for G has been cleared.
   1 old definition(s) deleted for function or rule G 
                                                                   Type: Void
(129) -&gt; S := G(η(t,β))
    Compiling function G with type Expression(Integer) -&gt; Expression(

            - η(t,β)
   (129)  %e
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(130) -&gt; H := -log(S)
   (130)  η(t,β)
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(131) -&gt; h := D(H,t)
   (131)  η  (t,β)
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(132) -&gt; D(G(x),x)
    Compiling function G with type Variable(x) -&gt; Expression(Integer) 

              - x
   (132)  - %e
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(133) -&gt; [rule1 expr for expr in [S,H,h]]
             - X β
   (133)  [%e     ,X β,XD β]
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))
(134) -&gt; [rule1 D(expr,β) for expr in [S,H,h]]
                 - X β
   (134)  [- X %e     ,X,XD]
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))

<div id="outline-container-orgheadline6" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline6"><span class="section-number-3">1.6</span> Aranda-Ordaz</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-6">
<pre class="example">
(135) -&gt; G(x) == exp(-log(θ*exp(x)+1)/θ)
   Compiled code for G has been cleared.
   1 old definition(s) deleted for function or rule G 
                                                                   Type: Void
(136) -&gt; S := G(η(t,β))
    Compiling function G with type Expression(Integer) -&gt; Expression(

              log(θ %e       + 1)
            - -------------------
   (136)  %e
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(137) -&gt; H := -log(S)
          log(θ %e       + 1)
   (137)  -------------------
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(138) -&gt; h := D(H,t)
          %e      η  (t,β)
   (138)  ----------------
           θ %e       + 1
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(139) -&gt; D(G(x),x)
    Compiling function G with type Variable(x) -&gt; Expression(Integer) 

                   log(θ %e  + 1)
                 - --------------
              x           θ
            %e %e
   (139)  - ---------------------
                  θ %e  + 1
                                                    Type: Expression(Integer)
(140) -&gt; [rule1 expr for expr in [S,H,h]]
                       X β
               log(θ %e    + 1)
             - ----------------         X β              X β
                       θ        log(θ %e    + 1)  XD β %e
   (140)  [%e                  ,----------------,-----------]
                                        θ            X β
                                                 θ %e    + 1
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))
(141) -&gt; [rule1 D(expr,β) for expr in [S,H,h]]
                         X β
                 log(θ %e    + 1)
               - ----------------
          X β            θ               X β
      X %e   %e                      X %e
   [- ---------------------------, -----------,
                  X β                  X β
              θ %e    + 1          θ %e    + 1
            X β 2                  X β
    XD θ (%e   )  + (X XD β + XD)%e
          2   X β 2        X β
         θ (%e   )  + 2θ %e    + 1
                                              Type: List(Expression(Integer))

<div id="outline-container-orgheadline7" class="outline-3">
<h3 id="orgheadline7"><span class="section-number-3">1.7</span> Other links</h3>
<div class="outline-text-3" id="text-1-7">
The development for other links would be similar.
<div id="postamble" class="status">
<p class="author">Author: Mark Clements</p>
<p class="date">Created: 2016-11-26 Sat 19:04</p>
<p class="validation"><a href="">Validate</a></p>
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