Raw File
Tip revision: 59d382f2ea108e26321618ad42cef65cdcc570da authored by Mark Hillebrand on 18 January 2016, 08:31:47 UTC
License change
Tip revision: 59d382f
// BrainScriptEvaluator.cpp -- execute what's given in a config file

// main TODO items:
//  - dictionary merging, to allow overwriting from command line
//     - [ d1 ] + [ d2 ] will install a filter in d1 to first check against d2
//     - d2 can have fully qualified names on the LHS, and the filter is part of a chain that is passed down to inner dictionaries created
//     - d1 + d2 == wrapper around d1 with filter(d2)
//       When processing [ ] expressions inside d1, the current filter chain is applied straight away.
//     - model merging =
//        - Network exposes dictionary          // or use explicit expression new ConfigRecord(network)?
//        - ^^ + [ new nodes ] - [ nodes to delete ]
//          creates modified network
//        - pass into new NDLComputationNetwork
//     - also, any access needs to go up the chain and check for qualified matches there, and take the first
//       Or is that maybe the sole solution to the filter problem? [ ] + [ ] just computes a merged dict with possibly fully qualified names detected downstream?
//  - I get stack overflows...? What's wrong with stack usage?? Need to use more references? Or only a problem in Debug?
//  - a way to explicitly access a symbol up from the current scope, needed for function parameters of the same name as dict entries created from them, e.g. the optional 'tag'
//     - ..X (e.g. ..tag)? Makes semi-sense, but syntactically easy, and hopefully not used too often
//     - or MACRO.X (e.g. Parameter.tag); latter would require to reference macros by name as a clearly defined mechanism, but hard to implement (ambiguity)
//  - name lookup should inject TextLocation into error stack
//  - doc strings for every parameter? E.g. LearnableParameter(rows{"Output dimension"},cols{"Input dimension"}) = new ...
//     - identifier become more complicated; they become a struct that carries the doc string
//  - expression-path problem:
//     - macro arg expressions get their path assigned when their thunk is created, the thunk remembers it
//     - however, really, the thunk should get the expression path from the context it is executed in, not the context it was created in
//     - maybe there is some clever scheme of overwriting when a result comes back? E.g. we retrieve a value but its name is not right, can we patch it up? Very tricky to find the right rules/conditions

#define _CRT_SECURE_NO_WARNINGS // "secure" CRT not available on all platforms  --add this at the top of all CPP files that give "function or variable may be unsafe" warnings

#include "Basics.h"

#include "ScriptableObjects.h"
#include "BrainScriptEvaluator.h"
#include "BrainScriptParser.h"

#include <deque>
#include <set>
#include <functional>
#include <memory>
#include <cmath>

#ifndef let
#define let const auto

namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace BS {

    using namespace std;
    using namespace msra::strfun;
    using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
    using namespace Microsoft::MSR::ScriptableObjects;

    bool trace = false;     // enable to get debug output

#define exprPathSeparator L"."

    // =======================================================================
    // string formatting
    // =======================================================================

    // 'how' is the center of a printf format string, without % and type. Example %.2f -> how=".2"
    // TODO: change to taking a regular format string and a :: array of args that are checked. Support d,e,f,g,x,c,s (s also for ToString()).
    // TODO: :: array. Check if that is the right operator for e.g. Haskell.
    // TODO: turn Print into PrintF; e.g. PrintF provides 'format' arg. Printf('solution to %s is %d', 'question' :: 42)
    static wstring FormatConfigValue(ConfigValuePtr arg, const wstring & how)
        size_t pos = how.find(L'%');
        if (pos != wstring::npos)
            RuntimeError("FormatConfigValue: format string must not contain %");
        if (arg.Is<String>())
            return wstrprintf((L"%" + how + L"s").c_str(), arg.AsRef<String>().c_str());
        else if (arg.Is<Double>())
            let val = arg.AsRef<Double>();
            if (val == (int)val)
                return wstrprintf((L"%" + how + L"d").c_str(), (int)val);
                return wstrprintf((L"%" + how + L"f").c_str(), val);
        else if (arg.Is<ConfigRecord>())            // TODO: should have its own ToString() method
            let record = arg.AsPtr<ConfigRecord>();
            let memberIds = record->GetMemberIds(); // TODO: test this after change to ids
            wstring result;
            bool first = true;
            for (let & id : memberIds)
                if (first)
                    first = false;
                result.append(L" = ");
                result.append(FormatConfigValue((*record)[id], how));
            return HasToString::NestString(result, L'[', true, L']');
        else if (arg.Is<ConfigArray>())             // TODO: should have its own ToString() method
            let arr = arg.AsPtr<ConfigArray>();
            wstring result;
            let range = arr->GetIndexRange();
            for (int i = range.first; i <= range.second; i++)
                if (i > range.first)
                result.append(FormatConfigValue(arr->At(i, [](const wstring &){ LogicError("FormatConfigValue: out of bounds index while iterating??"); }), how));
            return HasToString::NestString(result, L'(', false, L')');
        else if (arg.Is<HasToString>())
            return arg.AsRef<HasToString>().ToString();
            return msra::strfun::utf16(arg.TypeName());             // cannot print this type

#if 0
    // #######################################################################
    // #######################################################################

    // =======================================================================
    // dummy implementation of several ComputationNode derivates for experimental purposes
    // =======================================================================

    struct Matrix { size_t rows; size_t cols; Matrix(size_t rows, size_t cols) : rows(rows), cols(cols) { } };
    typedef shared_ptr<Matrix> MatrixPtr;

    // a ComputationNode that derives from MustFinalizeInit does not resolve some args immediately (just keeps ConfigValuePtrs),
    // assuming they are not ready during construction.
    // This is specifically meant to be used by DelayNode, see comments there.
    struct MustFinalizeInit { virtual void FinalizeInit() = 0; };   // derive from this to indicate ComputationNetwork should call FinalizeIitlate initialization

    // TODO: implement ConfigRecord should this expose a config dict to query the dimension (or only InputValues?)? Expose Children too? As list and by name?
    struct ComputationNode : public Object, public HasToString, public HasName
        typedef shared_ptr<ComputationNode> ComputationNodePtr;

        // inputs and output
        vector<ComputationNodePtr> m_children;  // these are the inputs
        MatrixPtr m_functionValue;              // this is the result

        // other
        wstring m_nodeName;                     // node name in the graph
        static wstring TidyName(wstring name)
#if 0
            // clean out the intermediate name, e.g. A._b.C -> A.C for pretty printing of names, towards dictionary access
            // BUGBUG: anonymous ComputationNodes will get a non-unique name this way
            if (!name.empty())
                let pos = name.find(exprPathSeparator);
                let left = pos == wstring::npos ? name : name.substr(0, pos);
                let right = pos == wstring::npos ? L"" : TidyName(name.substr(pos + 1));
                if (left.empty() || left[0] == '_')
                    name = right;
                else if (right.empty())
                    name = left;
                    name = left + exprPathSeparator + right;
            return name;
        wstring NodeName() const { return m_nodeName; }        // TODO: should really be named GetNodeName()
        /*HasName::*/ void SetName(const wstring & name) { m_nodeName = name; }

        wstring m_tag;
        void SetTag(const wstring & tag) { m_tag = tag; }
        const wstring & GetTag() const { return m_tag; }

        virtual const wchar_t * OperationName() const = 0;

            // node nmaes are not implemented yet; use a unique node name instead
            static int nodeIndex = 1;
            m_nodeName = wstrprintf(L"anonymousNode%d", nodeIndex);

        virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr arg)
            m_children[0] = arg;
        virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr leftNode, ComputationNodePtr rightNode)
            m_children[0] = leftNode;
            m_children[1] = rightNode;
        virtual void AttachInputs(ComputationNodePtr arg1, ComputationNodePtr arg2, ComputationNodePtr arg3)
            m_children[0] = arg1;
            m_children[1] = arg2;
            m_children[2] = arg3;
        void AttachInputs(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, size_t num = 0/*0 means all OK*/)
            if (num != 0 && inputs.size() != num)
                LogicError("AttachInputs: called with incorrect number of arguments");
            m_children = inputs;
        const std::vector<ComputationNodePtr> & GetChildren() const { return m_children; }

        /*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
            // we format it like "[TYPE] ( args )"
            wstring result = TidyName(NodeName()) + L" : " + wstring(OperationName());
            if (!m_tag.empty())
                result += L" {tag: " + m_tag + L"}";
            if (m_children.empty()) result.append(L"()");
                wstring args;
                bool first = true;
                for (auto & child : m_children)
                    if (first)
                        first = false;
                result += L" " + NestString(args, L'(', true, ')');
            return result;
    typedef ComputationNode::ComputationNodePtr ComputationNodePtr;
    struct UnaryComputationNode : public ComputationNode
        UnaryComputationNode(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, const wstring & tag) { AttachInputs(move(inputs), 1); SetTag(tag); }
    struct BinaryComputationNode : public ComputationNode
        BinaryComputationNode(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, const wstring & tag) { AttachInputs(move(inputs), 2); SetTag(tag); }
    struct TernaryComputationNode : public ComputationNode
        TernaryComputationNode(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, const wstring & tag) { AttachInputs(move(inputs), 3); SetTag(tag); }

#define DefineComputationNode(T,C) \
    struct T##Node : public C##ComputationNode \
    { \
    T##Node(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, const wstring & tag) : C##ComputationNode(move(inputs), tag) { } \
    /*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L#T; } \
#define DefineUnaryComputationNode(T)   DefineComputationNode(T,Unary)
#define DefineBinaryComputationNode(T)  DefineComputationNode(T,Binary)
#define DefineTernaryComputationNode(T) DefineComputationNode(T,Ternary)

#if 0   // ScaleNode is something more complex it seems
    class ScaleNode : public ComputationNode
        double factor;
        PlusNode(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, const wstring & tag) : BinaryComputationNode(move(inputs), tag) { }
        /*implement*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"Scale"; }
    struct RowSliceNode : public UnaryComputationNode
        size_t firstRow, numRows;
        RowSliceNode(vector<ComputationNodePtr> && inputs, size_t firstRow, size_t numRows, const wstring & tag) : UnaryComputationNode(move(inputs), tag), firstRow(firstRow), numRows(numRows) { }
        /*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"RowSlice"; }
    // Nodes deriving from RecurrentComputationNode are special in that it may involve cycles.
    // Specifically, to break circular references, RecurrentComputationNode does not resolve its inputs arg (ComputationNodes),
    // but rather keeps a lambda to do so later.
    // By contract, the network builders will know to call FinalizeInit() on such nodes at the right time (before traversing its children to allow for more nodes to be created)/
    // I.e. after construction, a RecurrentComputationNode can be referenced, but it cannot perform any operation on its inputs, since it does not know them yet.
    // ComputationNetwork knows to call FinalizeInit() to resolve this, at a time when pointers for anything this may reference
    // from its or outer scope have been created (if those pointers involve recurrent nodes in turn, those would again resolve in their
    // later FinalizeInit() call, which may yet again create new nodes etc.).
    struct RecurrentComputationNode : public ComputationNode, public MustFinalizeInit
        function<vector<ComputationNodePtr>()> GetInputsLambda;
        RecurrentComputationNode(function<vector<ComputationNodePtr>()> GetInputsLambda) : GetInputsLambda(GetInputsLambda) { }
        // FinalizeInit() is called form NDLNetworkBuilder when collecting all nodes; this is where we can lazily evaluate the recurrent connections.
        /*MustFinalizeInit::*/ void FinalizeInit()
            vector<ComputationNodePtr> inputs = GetInputsLambda();   // this evaluates the nodes, and possibly creates local downstream pieces of the graph
            GetInputsLambda = []() -> vector<ComputationNodePtr> { LogicError("RecurrentComputationNode::FinalizeInit: called twice"); };   // avoid it being called twice
            // dim?
    struct DelayNode : public RecurrentComputationNode
        int deltaT;
        DelayNode(function<vector<ComputationNodePtr>()> GetInputsLambda, int deltaT, const wstring & tag) : RecurrentComputationNode(GetInputsLambda), deltaT(deltaT) { SetTag(tag); }
        /*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"Delay"; }
    class InputValue : public ComputationNode
        InputValue(const ConfigRecord & config) // TODO
        /*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"InputValue"; }
    class LearnableParameter : public ComputationNode
        size_t outDim, inDim;
        LearnableParameter(size_t outDim, size_t inDim, const wstring & tag) : outDim(outDim), inDim(inDim) { SetTag(tag); }
        /*ComputationNode::*/ const wchar_t * OperationName() const { return L"LearnableParameter"; }
        /*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
            return wstrprintf(L"%ls : %ls {tag: %s} (%d, %d)", TidyName(NodeName()).c_str(), OperationName(), GetTag().c_str(), (int)outDim, (int)inDim);
    // helper for the factory function for ComputationNodes
    static vector<ComputationNodePtr> GetInputs(const IConfigRecord & config, size_t expectedNumInputs, const wstring & classId/*for error msg*/)
        vector<ComputationNodePtr> inputs;
        let inputsArg = config[L"inputs"];
        if (inputsArg.Is<ComputationNodeObject>())  // single arg
            let inputsArray = (ConfigArrayPtr)inputsArg;
            let range = inputsArray->GetIndexRange();
            for (int i = range.first; i <= range.second; i++)
                inputs.push_back(inputsArray->At(i, inputsArg.GetLocation()));
        if (inputs.size() != expectedNumInputs)
            EvaluationError(L"unexpected number of inputs to ComputationNode class " + classId, inputsArg.GetLocation());
        return inputs;
    // factory function for ComputationNodes
    shared_ptr<Object> MakeRuntimeObject<ComputationNode>(const IConfigRecordPtr configp)
        let & config = *configp;
        let classIdParam = config[L"operation"];
        wstring classId = classIdParam;
        let tagp = config.Find(L"tag");
        wstring tag = tagp ? *tagp : wstring();
        // TODO: factor these GetInputs() calls out
        if (classId == L"LearnableParameter")
            return make_shared<LearnableParameter>(config[L"outDim"], config[L"inDim"], tag);
        else if (classId == L"Plus")
            return make_shared<PlusNode>(GetInputs(config, 2, L"Plus"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"Minus")
            return make_shared<MinusNode>(GetInputs(config, 2, L"Minus"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"Times")
            return make_shared<TimesNode>(GetInputs(config, 2, L"Times"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"DiagTimes")
            return make_shared<DiagTimesNode>(GetInputs(config, 2, L"DiagTimes"), tag);
        // BUGBUG: ScaleNode is given a BoxOf<Double>, not ComputationNode; need to create a Const first
        else if (classId == L"Scale")
            return make_shared<ScaleNode>(GetInputs(config, 2, L"Scale"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"Log")
            return make_shared<LogNode>(GetInputs(config, 1, L"Log"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"Sigmoid")
            return make_shared<SigmoidNode>(GetInputs(config, 1, L"Sigmoid"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"Mean")
            return make_shared<MeanNode>(GetInputs(config, 1, L"Mean"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"InvStdDev")
            return make_shared<InvStdDevNode>(GetInputs(config, 1, L"InvStdDev"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"PerDimMeanVarNormalization")
            return make_shared<PerDimMeanVarNormalizationNode>(GetInputs(config, 3, L"PerDimMeanVarNormalization"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"RowSlice")
            return make_shared<RowSliceNode>(GetInputs(config, 1, L"RowSlice"), (size_t)config[L"first"], (size_t)config[L"num"], tag);
        else if (classId == L"CrossEntropyWithSoftmax")
            return make_shared<CrossEntropyWithSoftmaxNode>(GetInputs(config, 2, L"CrossEntropyWithSoftmax"), tag);
        else if (classId == L"ErrorPrediction")
            return make_shared<ErrorPredictionNode>(GetInputs(config, 2, L"ErrorPrediction"), tag);
            EvaluationError(L"unknown ComputationNode class " + classId, classIdParam.GetLocation());
    // factory function for RecurrentComputationNodes
    // The difference to the above is that the children are not resolved immediately but later during network connection.
    // This takes the record as a shared_ptr so that we can keep it inside a lambda.
    shared_ptr<Object> MakeRuntimeObject<RecurrentComputationNode>(const IConfigRecordPtr configp)
        let & config = *configp;
        let classIdParam = config[L"class"];
        wstring classId = classIdParam;
        let tagp = config.Find(L"tag");
        wstring tag = tagp ? *tagp : wstring();
        // instead of passing the array of input nodes, we pass a lambda that computes this array in the network-gathering path in NDLComputationNetwork
        if (classId == L"Delay")
            return make_shared<DelayNode>([configp](){ return GetInputs(*configp, 1, L"Delay"); }, config[L"deltaT"], tag);
            EvaluationError(L"unknown ComputationNode class " + classId, classIdParam.GetLocation());

    // =======================================================================
    // dummy implementations of ComputationNetwork derivates
    // =======================================================================

    // ComputationNetwork class
    class ComputationNetwork : public Object, public IConfigRecord
        map<wstring, ComputationNodePtr> m_namesToNodeMap;      // root nodes in this network; that is, nodes defined in the dictionary
        // pretending to be a ConfigRecord
        /*IConfigRecord::*/ const ConfigValuePtr & operator()(const wstring & id, wstring message) const   // e.g. confRec(L"message", helpString)
            id; message; RuntimeError("unknown class parameter");    // (for now)
        /*IConfigRecord::*/ const ConfigValuePtr * Find(const wstring & id) const         // returns nullptr if not found
            id; return nullptr; // (for now)
        /*IConfigRecord::*/ vector<wstring> GetMemberIds() const
            return vector<wstring>();

    class NDLComputationNetwork : public ComputationNetwork, public HasToString
        set<ComputationNodePtr> inputs;     // all input nodes
        set<ComputationNodePtr> outputs;    // all output nodes
        set<ComputationNodePtr> parameters; // all parameter nodes
        NDLComputationNetwork(const IConfigRecordPtr configp)
            let & config = *configp;
            deque<ComputationNodePtr> workList;
            // flatten the set of all nodes
            // we collect all ComputationNodes from the config; that's it
            for (let & id : config.GetMemberIds())
                let & value = config[id];
                if (value.Is<ComputationNodeObject>())
            // process work list
            // Also call FinalizeInit where we must.
            set<ComputationNodePtr> allChildren;    // all nodes that are children of others (those that are not are output nodes)
            while (!workList.empty())
                let n = workList.front();
                // add to set
                let res = m_namesToNodeMap.insert(make_pair(n->NodeName(), n));
                if (!res.second)        // not inserted: we already got this one
                    if (res.first->second != n)
                        LogicError("NDLComputationNetwork: multiple nodes with the same NodeName()");
                // If node derives from MustFinalizeInit() then it has unresolved ConfigValuePtrs. Resolve them now.
                // This may generate a whole new load of nodes, including nodes which in turn have late init.
                // TODO: think this through whether it may generate delays nevertheless
                let mustFinalizeInit = dynamic_pointer_cast<MustFinalizeInit>(n);
                if (mustFinalizeInit)
                // TODO: ...can we do stuff like propagating dimensions here? Or still too early?
                // get children
                // traverse children (i.e., append them to the work list)
                let children = n->GetChildren();
                for (auto c : children)
                    workList.push_back(c);  // (we could check whether c is in 'nodes' here to optimize, but this way it is cleaner)
                    allChildren.insert(c);  // also keep track of all children, for computing the 'outputs' set below
            // build sets of special nodes
            for (auto iter : m_namesToNodeMap)
                let n = iter.second;
                if (n->GetChildren().empty())
                    if (dynamic_pointer_cast<InputValue>(n))
                    else if (dynamic_pointer_cast<LearnableParameter>(n))
                        LogicError("ComputationNetwork: found child-less node that is neither InputValue nor LearnableParameter");
                if (allChildren.find(n) == allChildren.end())
        /*HasToString::*/ wstring ToString() const
            wstring args;
            bool first = true;
            for (auto & iter : m_namesToNodeMap)
                let node = iter.second;
                if (first)
                    first = false;
            return L"NDLComputationNetwork " + NestString(args, L'[', true, ']');

#if 0
    // get information about configurable runtime types
    const ConfigurableRuntimeType * FindExternalRuntimeTypeInfo(const wstring & typeId)
        // lookup table for "new" expression
        // This table lists all C++ types that can be instantiated from "new" expressions, and gives a constructor lambda and type flags.
        static map<wstring, ConfigurableRuntimeType> configurableRuntimeTypes =
            // ComputationNodes
            // other relevant classes
            DefineRuntimeType(NDLComputationNetwork),           // currently our fake
            // glue to experimental integration
            //{ L"ExperimentalComputationNetwork", MakeExperimentalComputationNetworkConstructor() },
            //{ L"Computation", MakeExperimentalComputationNodeConstructor() },

        // first check our own
        let newIter = configurableRuntimeTypes.find(typeId);
        if (newIter != configurableRuntimeTypes.end())
            return &newIter->second;
        return nullptr; // not found

    // #######################################################################
    // #######################################################################

    // =======================================================================
    // built-in functions (implemented as Objects that are also their value)
    // =======================================================================

    // StringFunction implements
    //  - Format
    //  - Chr(c) -- gives a string of one character with Unicode value 'c'
    //  - Replace(s,what,withwhat) -- replace all occurences of 'what' with 'withwhat'
    //  - Substr(s,begin,num) -- get a substring
    // TODO: RegexReplace()
    class StringFunction : public String
        // actual operations that we perform
        static wstring Replace(wstring s, const wstring & what, const wstring & withwhat)
            wstring res = s;
            auto pos = res.find(what);
            while (pos != wstring::npos)
                res = res.substr(0, pos) + withwhat + res.substr(pos + what.size());
                pos = res.find(what, pos + withwhat.size());
            return res;
        static wstring Substr(const wstring & s, int ibegin, int inum)
            // negative index indexes from end; index may exceed
            let begin = min(ibegin < 0 ? s.size() + ibegin : ibegin, s.size());
            // 'num' is allowed to exceed
            let num = min(inum < 0 ? SIZE_MAX : inum, s.size() - begin);
            return s.substr(begin, num);
        // TODO: RegexReplace!
        StringFunction(const IConfigRecordPtr & configp)
            let & config = *configp;
            wstring & us = *this;   // we write to this
            let arg = config[L"arg"];
            let whatArg = config[L"what"];
            wstring what = whatArg;
            if (what == L"Format")
                us = FormatConfigValue(arg, config[L"how"]);
            else if (what == L"Chr")
                us = wstring(1, (wchar_t)(double)arg);
            else if (what == L"Substr")
                us = Substr(arg, config[L"pos"], config[L"chars"]);
            else if (what == L"Replace")
                us = Replace(arg, config[L"replacewhat"], config[L"withwhat"]);
                whatArg.Fail(L"unknown 'what' value to StringFunction: " + what);

    // NumericFunctions
    //  - Floor()
    //  - Length() (of string or array)
    class NumericFunction : public BoxOf<Double>
        NumericFunction(const IConfigRecordPtr & configp) : BoxOf<Double>(0.0)
            let & config = *configp;
            double & us = *this;   // we write to this
            let arg = config[L"arg"];
            let whatArg = config[L"what"];
            wstring what = whatArg;
            if (what == L"Floor")
                us = floor((double)arg);
            else if (what == L"Length")
                if (arg.Is<String>())
                    us = (double)((wstring&)arg).size();
                else        // otherwise expect an array
                    let arr = (ConfigArray)arg;
                    let range = arr.GetIndexRange();
                    us = (double)(range.second + 1 - range.first);
                whatArg.Fail(L"unknown 'what' value to NumericFunction: " + what);

    // =======================================================================
    // general-purpose use Actions
    // =======================================================================

    // sample runtime objects for testing
    class PrintAction : public Object
        PrintAction(const IConfigRecordPtr & configp)
            let & config = *configp;
            let what = config[L"what"];
            let str = what.Is<String>() ? what : FormatConfigValue(what, L""); // convert to string (without formatting information)
            fprintf(stderr, "%ls\n", str.c_str());

    // FailAction just throw a config error
    class FailAction : public Object
        FailAction(const IConfigRecordPtr & configp)
            let & config = *configp;
            // note: not quite optimal yet in terms of how the error is shown; e.g. ^ not showing under offending variable
            let messageValue = config[L"what"];
            bool fail = true;
            if (fail)   // this will trick the VS compiler into not issuing warning 4702: unreachable code
                messageValue.Fail(messageValue);    // this will show the location of the message string, which is next to the Fail() call

    // =======================================================================
    // Evaluator -- class for evaluating a syntactic parse tree
    // Evaluation converts a parse tree from ParseConfigString/File() into a graph of live C++ objects.
    // =======================================================================

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // error handling
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // error object

    class EvaluationException : public ConfigException
        EvaluationException(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) : ConfigException(msg, where) { }
        /*Configerror::*/ const wchar_t * kind() const { return L"evaluating"; }

    __declspec_noreturn static inline void EvaluationError(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) 
        throw EvaluationException(msg, where);

    __declspec_noreturn static void Fail(const wstring & msg, TextLocation where) { EvaluationError(msg, where); }
    __declspec_noreturn static void TypeExpected(const wstring & what, ExpressionPtr e) { Fail(L"expected expression of type '" + what + L"'", e->location); }
    __declspec_noreturn static void UnknownIdentifier(const wstring & id, TextLocation where) { Fail(L"unknown identifier '" + id + L"'", where); }

    // create a function that will fail with an error message at the given text location
    // This is used to abstract awat knowledge of TextLocations from ConfigValuePtr (which could arise out of a different system, such as a Python wrapper).
    function<void(const wstring &)> MakeFailFn(const TextLocation & textLocation)
        return [textLocation](const wstring & msg) { Fail(msg, textLocation); };

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // access to ConfigValuePtr content with error messages
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // get value
    template<typename T>
    static shared_ptr<T> AsPtr(ConfigValuePtr value, ExpressionPtr e, const wchar_t * typeForMessage)
        if (!value.Is<T>())
            TypeExpected(typeForMessage, e);
        return value.AsPtr<T>();

    static double ToDouble(ConfigValuePtr value, ExpressionPtr e)
        let val = dynamic_cast<Double*>(value.get());
        if (!val)
            TypeExpected(L"number", e);
        double & dval = *val;
        return dval;    // great place to set breakpoint

    // get number and return it as an integer (fail if it is fractional)
    static int ToInt(ConfigValuePtr value, ExpressionPtr e)
        let val = ToDouble(value, e);
        let res = (int)(val);
        if (val != res)
            TypeExpected(L"integer", e);
        return res;

    static bool ToBoolean(ConfigValuePtr value, ExpressionPtr e)
        let val = dynamic_cast<Bool*>(value.get());            // TODO: factor out this expression
        if (!val)
            TypeExpected(L"boolean", e);
        return *val;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // configurable runtime types ("new" expression)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // internal types (such as string functions)
#define DefineRuntimeType(T) { L ## #T, MakeRuntimeTypeConstructor<T>() }
    template<class C>
    static ConfigurableRuntimeType MakeRuntimeTypeConstructor()
        ConfigurableRuntimeType rtInfo;
        rtInfo.construct = [](const IConfigRecordPtr & config) // lambda to construct
            return MakeRuntimeObject<C>(config);
        rtInfo.isConfigRecord = is_base_of<IConfigRecord, C>::value;
        return rtInfo;

    // Debug is a special class that just dumps its argument's value to log and then returns that value
    struct Debug { };   // fake class type to get the template below trigger
    /*static*/ ConfigurableRuntimeType MakeRuntimeTypeConstructor<Debug>()
        ConfigurableRuntimeType rtInfo;
        rtInfo.construct = [](const IConfigRecordPtr & configp)
            let & config = *configp;
            let value = config[L"value"];
            bool enabled = config[L"enabled"];
            if (enabled)
                wstring say = config[L"say"];
                if (!say.empty())
                    fprintf(stderr, "%ls\n", say.c_str());
                let str = value.Is<String>() ? value : FormatConfigValue(value, L""); // convert to string (without formatting information)
                fprintf(stderr, "%ls\n", str.c_str());
            return value;
        rtInfo.isConfigRecord = false;
        return rtInfo;

    // get information about configurable runtime types
    static const ConfigurableRuntimeType * FindRuntimeTypeInfo(const wstring & typeId)
        // lookup table for "new" expression
        // This table lists all C++ types that can be instantiated from "new" expressions, and gives a constructor lambda and type flags.
        static map<wstring, ConfigurableRuntimeType> configurableRuntimeTypes =
            // Functions
            // Actions
            // Special

        // first check our own internal types
        let newIter = configurableRuntimeTypes.find(typeId);
        if (newIter != configurableRuntimeTypes.end())
            return &newIter->second;

        // not our own type: check external types
        return FindExternalRuntimeTypeInfo(typeId);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // name lookup
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    static ConfigValuePtr Evaluate(const ExpressionPtr & e, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, wstring exprPath, const wstring & exprId); // forward declare

    // look up a member by id in the search scope
    // If it is not found, it tries all lexically enclosing scopes inside out. This is handled by the ConfigRecord itself.
    static const ConfigValuePtr & ResolveIdentifier(const wstring & id, const TextLocation & idLocation, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope)
        auto p = scope->Find(id);                               // look up the name
        // Note: We could also just use scope->operator[] here, like any C++ consumer, but then we'd not be able to print an error with a proper text location (that of the offending field).
        if (!p)
            UnknownIdentifier(id, idLocation);
        // found it: resolve the value lazily (the value will hold a Thunk to compute its value upon first use)
        p->EnsureIsResolved();          // if this is the first access, then the value must have executed its Thunk
        // now the value is available
        return *p;

    // look up an identifier in an expression that is a ConfigRecord
    static ConfigValuePtr RecordLookup(const ExpressionPtr & recordExpr, const wstring & id, const TextLocation & idLocation, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
        // Note on scope: The record itself (left of '.') must still be evaluated, and for that, we use the current scope;
        // that is, variables inside that expression--often a single variable referencing something in the current scope--
        // will be looked up there.
        // Now, the identifier on the other hand is looked up in the record and *its* scope (parent chain).
        let record = AsPtr<ConfigRecord>(Evaluate(recordExpr, scope, exprPath, L""), recordExpr, L"record");
        return ResolveIdentifier(id, idLocation, record/*resolve in scope of record; *not* the current scope*/);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // runtime-object creation
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // evaluate all elements in a dictionary expression and turn that into a ConfigRecord
    // which is meant to be passed to the constructor or Init() function of a runtime object
    static shared_ptr<ConfigRecord> ConfigRecordFromDictExpression(const ExpressionPtr & recordExpr, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
        // evaluate the record expression itself
        // This will leave its members unevaluated since we do that on-demand
        // (order and what gets evaluated depends on what is used).
        let record = AsPtr<ConfigRecord>(Evaluate(recordExpr, scope, exprPath, L""), recordExpr, L"record");
        // resolve all entries, as they need to be passed to the C++ world which knows nothing about this
        return record;

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // infix operators
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // entry for infix-operator lookup table
    typedef function<ConfigValuePtr(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)> InfixOp /*const*/;
    struct InfixOps
        InfixOp NumbersOp;            // number OP number -> number
        InfixOp StringsOp;            // string OP string -> string
        InfixOp BoolOp;               // bool OP bool -> bool
        InfixOp ComputeNodeOp;        // one operand is ComputeNode -> ComputeNode
        InfixOp DictOp;               // dict OP dict
        InfixOps(InfixOp NumbersOp, InfixOp StringsOp, InfixOp BoolOp, InfixOp ComputeNodeOp, InfixOp DictOp)
            : NumbersOp(NumbersOp), StringsOp(StringsOp), BoolOp(BoolOp), ComputeNodeOp(ComputeNodeOp), DictOp(DictOp) { }

    // functions that implement infix operations
    static void InvalidInfixOpTypes(ExpressionPtr e) { Fail(L"operator " + e->op + L" cannot be applied to these operands", e->location); }
    template<typename T>
    static ConfigValuePtr CompOp(const ExpressionPtr &  e, const T & left, const T & right, const IConfigRecordPtr &, const wstring & exprPath)
        if (e->op == L"==")      return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left == right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"!=") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left != right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"<")  return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left <  right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L">")  return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left >  right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"<=") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left <= right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L">=") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left >= right, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else LogicError("unexpected infix op");
    static ConfigValuePtr NumOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
        let left = leftVal.AsRef<Double>();
        let right = rightVal.AsRef<Double>();
        if (e->op == L"+")       return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left + right,      MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"-")  return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left - right,      MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"*")  return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left * right,      MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"/")  return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left / right,      MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"%")  return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(fmod(left, right), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"**") return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(pow(left, right),  MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else return CompOp<double>(e, left, right, scope, exprPath);
    static ConfigValuePtr StrOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
        let left = leftVal.AsRef<String>();
        let right = rightVal.AsRef<String>();
        if (e->op == L"+")  return ConfigValuePtr(make_shared<String>(left + right), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else return CompOp<wstring>(e, left, right, scope, exprPath);
    static ConfigValuePtr BoolOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
        let left = leftVal.AsRef<Bool>();
        //let right = rightVal.AsRef<Bool>();   // we do this inline, as to get the same short-circuit semantics as C++ (if rightVal is thunked, it will remain so unless required for this operation)
        if (e->op == L"||")       return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left || rightVal.AsRef<Bool>(), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"&&")  return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left && rightVal.AsRef<Bool>(), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else if (e->op == L"^")   return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(left ^  rightVal.AsRef<Bool>(), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        else return CompOp<bool>(e, left, rightVal.AsRef<Bool>(), scope, exprPath);
    // NodeOps handle the magic CNTK types, that is, infix operations between ComputeNode objects.
    // TODO: rename to MagicOps
    static ConfigValuePtr NodeOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr leftVal, ConfigValuePtr rightVal, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath)
        // special cases/overloads:
        //  - unary minus -> NegateNode
        //  - product with a scalar
        // TODO: test these two (code was updated after originally tested)
        wstring operationName;
        if (e->op == L"-(")
            if (rightVal.get()) LogicError("unexpected infix op");
            operationName = L"Negate";
        else if (e->op == L"*")
            if (rightVal.Is<Double>())          // ComputeNode * scalar
                swap(leftVal, rightVal);        // -> scalar * ComputeNode
            if (leftVal.Is<Double>()) operationName = L"Scale";       // scalar * ComputeNode
            else                      operationName = L"Times";       // ComputeNode * ComputeNode (matrix produt)
        else                                // ComputeNode OP ComputeNode
            if (e->op == L"+")       operationName = L"Plus";
            else if (e->op == L"-")  operationName = L"Minus";
            else if (e->op == L".*") operationName = L"ElementTimes";
            else LogicError("unexpected infix op");
        // directly instantiate a ComputationNode for the magic operators * + and - that are automatically translated.
        // find creation lambda
        let rtInfo = FindRuntimeTypeInfo(L"ComputationNode");
        if (!rtInfo)
            LogicError("unknown magic runtime-object class");
        // form the ConfigRecord for the ComputeNode that corresponds to the operation
        auto config = make_shared<ConfigRecord>(scope, MakeFailFn(e->location));
        // Note on scope: This config holds the arguments of the XXXNode runtime-object instantiations.
        // When they fetch their parameters, they should only look in this record, not in any parent scope (if they don't find what they are looking for, it's a bug in this routine here).
        // The values themselves are already in ConfigValuePtr form, so we won't need any scope lookups there either.
        config->Add(L"operation", MakeFailFn(e->location), ConfigValuePtr(make_shared<String>(operationName), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath));
        vector<ConfigValuePtr> inputs;
        if (operationName == L"Scale")
            // if we scale, the first operand is a Double, and we must convert that into a 1x1 Constant
            auto constantConfig = make_shared<ConfigRecord>(config, MakeFailFn(e->location));
            let leftFailFn = leftVal.GetFailFn();   // report any error for this Constant object as belonging to the scalar factor's expression
            constantConfig->Add(L"operation", leftFailFn, ConfigValuePtr(make_shared<String>(L"Constant"), leftFailFn, exprPath));
            let one = MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(1.0, leftVal.GetFailFn(), exprPath);
            constantConfig->Add(L"rows",      leftFailFn , one);
            constantConfig->Add(L"cols",      leftFailFn , one);
            constantConfig->Add(L"value",     leftFailFn , leftVal);
            let value = ConfigValuePtr(rtInfo->construct(constantConfig), leftFailFn, exprPath);
            let valueWithName = dynamic_cast<HasName*>(value.get());
            if (valueWithName)
            leftVal = value;            // and that's our actual left value
        if (operationName != L"Negate") // Negate only has one input (rightVal is a nullptr)
        config->Add(L"inputs", leftVal.GetFailFn(), ConfigValuePtr(make_shared<ConfigArray>(0, move(inputs)), leftVal.GetFailFn(), exprPath));
        config->Add(L"tag",    leftVal.GetFailFn(), ConfigValuePtr(make_shared<String>(), leftVal.GetFailFn(), exprPath)); // infix nodes have no tag
        // instantiate the ComputationNode
        let value = ConfigValuePtr(rtInfo->construct(config), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
        let valueWithName = dynamic_cast<HasName*>(value.get());
        if (valueWithName)
        return value;
    static ConfigValuePtr BadOp(const ExpressionPtr & e, ConfigValuePtr, ConfigValuePtr, const IConfigRecordPtr &, const wstring &) { InvalidInfixOpTypes(e); };

    // lookup table for infix operators
    // This lists all infix operators with lambdas for evaluating them.
    static map<wstring, InfixOps> infixOps =
        // NumbersOp StringsOp BoolOp ComputeNodeOp DictOp  TODO: this comment is incomplete
        { L"*",  InfixOps(NumOp, BadOp, BadOp,  NodeOp, BadOp) },
        { L"/",  InfixOps(NumOp, BadOp, BadOp,  BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L".*", InfixOps(BadOp, BadOp, BadOp,  NodeOp, BadOp) },
        { L"**", InfixOps(NumOp, BadOp, BadOp,  BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L"%",  InfixOps(NumOp, BadOp, BadOp,  BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L"+",  InfixOps(NumOp, StrOp, BadOp,  NodeOp, BadOp) },
        { L"-",  InfixOps(NumOp, BadOp, BadOp,  NodeOp, BadOp) },
        { L"==", InfixOps(NumOp, StrOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L"!=", InfixOps(NumOp, StrOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L"<",  InfixOps(NumOp, StrOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L">",  InfixOps(NumOp, StrOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L"<=", InfixOps(NumOp, StrOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L">=", InfixOps(NumOp, StrOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L"&&", InfixOps(BadOp, BadOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L"||", InfixOps(BadOp, BadOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) },
        { L"^",  InfixOps(BadOp, BadOp, BoolOp, BadOp,  BadOp) }

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // thunked (delayed) evaluation
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // create a lambda that calls Evaluate() on an expr to get or realize its value
    // Unresolved ConfigValuePtrs (i.e. containing a Thunk) may only be moved, not copied.
    static ConfigValuePtr MakeEvaluateThunkPtr(const ExpressionPtr & expr, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, const wstring & exprPath, const wstring & exprId)
        function<ConfigValuePtr()> f = [expr, scope, exprPath, exprId]()   // lambda that computes this value of 'expr'
            if (trace)
                TextLocation::Trace(expr->location, msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"thunk SP=0x%p", &exprPath).c_str(), expr->op.c_str(), (exprPath + L":" + exprId).c_str());
            let value = Evaluate(expr, scope, exprPath, exprId);
            return value;   // this is a great place to set a breakpoint!
        return ConfigValuePtr::MakeThunk(f, MakeFailFn(expr->location), exprPath);

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // main evaluator function (highly recursive)
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // Evaluate()
    //  - input:  expression
    //  - output: ConfigValuePtr that holds the evaluated value of the expression
    //  - secondary inputs:
    //     - scope: parent ConfigRecord to pass on to nested ConfigRecords we create, for recursive name lookup
    //     - exprPath, exprId: for forming the expression path
    // On expression paths:
    //  - expression path encodes the path through the expression tree
    //  - this is meant to be able to give ComputationNodes a name for later lookup that behaves the same as looking up an object directly
    //  - not all nodes get their own path, in particular nodes with only one child, e.g. "-x", that would not be useful to address
    // Note that returned values may include complex value types like dictionaries (ConfigRecord) and functions (ConfigLambda).
    // TODO: change ConfigRecordPtr to IConfigRecordPtr if possible, throughout
    static ConfigValuePtr Evaluate(const ExpressionPtr & e, const IConfigRecordPtr & scope, wstring exprPath, const wstring & exprId)
        try // catch clause for this will catch error, inject this tree node's TextLocation, and rethrow
            // expression names
            // Merge exprPath and exprId into one unless one is empty
            if (!exprPath.empty() && !exprId.empty())
            // tracing
            if (trace)
                TextLocation::Trace(e->location, msra::strfun::wstrprintf(L"eval SP=0x%p", &exprPath).c_str(), e->op.c_str(), exprPath.c_str());
            // --- literals
            if (e->op == L"d")       return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(e->d, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);         // === double literal
            else if (e->op == L"s")  return ConfigValuePtr(make_shared<String>(e->s), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath); // === string literal
            else if (e->op == L"b")  return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(e->b, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);         // === bool literal
            else if (e->op == L"new")                                                   // === 'new' expression: instantiate C++ runtime object right here
                // find the constructor lambda
                let rtInfo = FindRuntimeTypeInfo(e->id);
                if (!rtInfo)
                    Fail(L"unknown runtime type " + e->id, e->location);
                // form the config record
                let & dictExpr = e->args[0];
                let argsExprPath = rtInfo->isConfigRecord ? L"" : exprPath;   // reset expr-name path if object exposes a dictionary
                let value = ConfigValuePtr(rtInfo->construct(ConfigRecordFromDictExpression(dictExpr, scope, argsExprPath)), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath); // this constructs it
                // if object has a name, we set it
                let valueWithName = dynamic_cast<HasName*>(value.get());
                if (valueWithName)
                return value;   // we return the created but not initialized object as the value, so others can reference it
            else if (e->op == L"if")                                                    // === conditional expression
                let condition = ToBoolean(Evaluate(e->args[0], scope, exprPath, L"if"), e->args[0]);
                if (condition)
                    return Evaluate(e->args[1], scope, exprPath, L"");      // pass exprName through 'if' since only of the two exists
                    return Evaluate(e->args[2], scope, exprPath, L"");
            // --- functions
            else if (e->op == L"=>")                                                    // === lambda (all macros are stored as lambdas)
                // on scope: The lambda expression remembers the lexical scope of the '=>'; this is how it captures its context.
                let & argListExpr = e->args[0];           // [0] = argument list ("()" expression of identifiers, possibly optional args)
                if (argListExpr->op != L"()") LogicError("parameter list expected");
                let & fnExpr = e->args[1];                // [1] = expression of the function itself
                let f = [argListExpr, fnExpr, scope, exprPath](vector<ConfigValuePtr> && args, ConfigLambda::NamedParams && namedArgs, const wstring & callerExprPath) -> ConfigValuePtr
                    // TODO: document namedArgs--does it have a parent scope? Or is it just a dictionary? Should we just use a shared_ptr<map,ConfigValuPtr>> instead for clarity?
                    // on exprName
                    //  - 'callerExprPath' is the name to which the result of the fn evaluation will be assigned
                    //  - 'exprPath' (outside) is the name of the macro we are defining this lambda under
                    let & argList = argListExpr->args;
                    if (args.size() != argList.size()) LogicError("function application with mismatching number of arguments");
                    // To execute a function body with passed arguments, we
                    //  - create a new scope that contains all positional and named args
                    //  - then evaluate the expression with that scope
                    //  - parent scope for this is the scope of the function definition (captured context)
                    //    Note that the 'scope' variable in here (we are in a lambda) is the scope of the '=>' expression, that is, the macro definition.
                    // create a ConfigRecord with param names from 'argList' and values from 'args'
                    let argScope = make_shared<ConfigRecord>(scope, MakeFailFn(argListExpr->location)); // look up in params first; then proceed upwards in lexical scope of '=>' (captured context)
                    // Note: ^^ The failfn in the ConfigRecord will report unknown variables by pointing to the location of the argList expression.
                    // However, as long as we run this lambda inside BrainScript, the access will check by itself and instead print the location of the variable.
                    // create an entry for every argument value
                    // Note that these values should normally be thunks since we only want to evaluate what's used.
                    for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++)    // positional arguments
                        let argName = argList[i];       // parameter name
                        if (argName->op != L"id")
                            LogicError("function parameter list must consist of identifiers");
                        auto argVal = move(args[i]);    // value of the parameter
                        let failfn = argVal.GetFailFn();
                        argScope->Add(argName->id, MakeFailFn(argName->location), move(argVal));
                        // note: these are expressions for the parameter values; so they must be evaluated in the current scope
                    // also named arguments
                    for (auto & namedArg : namedArgs)
                        let id = namedArg.first;
                        auto argVal = move(namedArg.second);
                        let failfn = argVal.GetFailFn();            // note: do before argVal gets destroyed in the upcoming move()
                        argScope->Add(id, failfn, move(argVal));    // TODO: is the failfn the right one?
                    // get the macro name for the exprPath
                    wstring macroId = exprPath;
                    let pos = macroId.find(exprPathSeparator);
                    if (pos != wstring::npos)
                        macroId.erase(0, pos + 1);
                    // now evaluate the function
                    return Evaluate(fnExpr, argScope, callerExprPath, L""/*L"[" + macroId + L"]"*/);  // bring args into scope; keep lex scope of '=>' as upwards chain
                // positional args
                vector<wstring> paramNames;
                let & argList = argListExpr->args;
                for (let & arg : argList)
                    if (arg->op != L"id")
                        LogicError("function parameter list must consist of identifiers");
                // named args
                // The nammedArgs in the definition lists optional arguments with their default values
                ConfigLambda::NamedParams namedParams;
                for (let & namedArg : argListExpr->namedArgs)
                    let & id = namedArg.first;
                    //let & location = namedArg.second.first;   // location of identifier
                    let & expr = namedArg.second.second;      // expression to evaluate to get default value
                    namedParams[id] = move(MakeEvaluateThunkPtr(expr, scope/*evaluate default value in context of definition*/, exprPath/*TODO??*/, id));
                    //namedParams->Add(id, location/*loc of id*/, ConfigValuePtr(MakeEvaluateThunkPtr(expr, scope/*evaluate default value in context of definition*/, exprPath, id), expr->location, exprPath/*TODO??*/));
                    // the thunk is called if the default value is ever used
                return ConfigValuePtr(make_shared<ConfigLambda>(move(paramNames), move(namedParams), f), MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
            else if (e->op == L"(")                                         // === apply a function to its arguments
                let & lambdaExpr = e->args[0];            // [0] = function
                let & argsExpr = e->args[1];              // [1] = arguments passed to the function ("()" expression of expressions)
                let lambda = AsPtr<ConfigLambda>(Evaluate(lambdaExpr, scope, exprPath, L""/*macros are not visible in expression names*/), lambdaExpr, L"function");
                if (argsExpr->op != L"()") LogicError("argument list expected");
                // put all args into a vector of values
                // Like in an [] expression, we do not evaluate at this point, but pass in a lambda to compute on-demand.
                let & args = argsExpr->args;
                if (args.size() != lambda->GetNumParams())
                    Fail(wstrprintf(L"function expects %d positional parameters, %d were provided", (int)lambda->GetNumParams(), (int)args.size()), argsExpr->location);
                vector<ConfigValuePtr> argVals(args.size());
                //bool onlyOneArg = args.size() == 1 && argsExpr->namedArgs.empty();
                for (size_t i = 0; i < args.size(); i++)    // positional arguments
                    let argValExpr = args[i];               // expression to evaluate arg [i]
                    let argName = lambda->GetParamNames()[i];
                    argVals[i] = move(MakeEvaluateThunkPtr(argValExpr, scope, exprPath/*TODO??*/, /*onlyOneArg ? L"" :*/ argName));
                    // Make it a thunked value and pass by rvalue ref since unresolved ConfigValuePtrs may not be copied.
                    /*this wstrprintf should be gone, this is now the exprName*/
                    // Note on scope: macro arguments form a scope (ConfigRecord), the expression for an arg does not have access to that scope.
                    // E.g. F(A,B) is used as F(13,A) then that A must come from outside, it is not the function argument.
                    // This is a little inconsistent with real records, e.g. [ A = 13 ; B = A ] where this A now does refer to this record.
                    // However, it is still the expected behavior, because in a real record, the user sees all the other names, while when
                    // passing args to a function, he does not; and also the parameter names can depend on the specific lambda being used.
                // named args are put into a ConfigRecord
                // We could check whether the named ars are actually accepted by the lambda, but we leave that to Apply() so that the check also happens for lambda calls from CNTK C++ code.
                let & namedArgs = argsExpr->namedArgs;
                ConfigLambda::NamedParams namedArgVals;
                // TODO: no scope here? ^^ Where does the scope come in? Maybe not needed since all values are already resolved? Document this!
                for (let namedArg : namedArgs)
                    let id = namedArg.first;                // id of passed in named argument
                    let location = namedArg.second.first;   // location of expression
                    let expr = namedArg.second.second;      // expression of named argument
                    namedArgVals[id] = move(MakeEvaluateThunkPtr(expr, scope, exprPath/*TODO??*/, id));
                    // the thunk is evaluated when/if the passed actual value is ever used the first time
                    // This array owns the Thunk, and passes it by styd::move() to Apply, since it is not allowed to copy unresolved ConfigValuePtrs.
                    // Note on scope: same as above.
                    // E.g. when a function declared as F(A=0,B=0) is called as F(A=13,B=A), then A in B=A is not A=13, but anything from above.
                    // For named args, it is far less clear whether users would expect this. We still do it for consistency with positional args, which are far more common.
                // call the function!
                return lambda->Apply(move(argVals), move(namedArgVals), exprPath);
            // --- variable access
            else if (e->op == L"[]")                                                // === record (-> ConfigRecord)
                let newScope = make_shared<ConfigRecord>(scope, MakeFailFn(e->location));   // new scope: inside this record, all symbols from above are also visible
                // ^^ The failfn here will be used if C++ code uses operator[] to retrieve a value. It will report the text location where the record was defined.
                // create an entry for every dictionary entry.
                // We do not evaluate the members at this point.
                // Instead, as the value, we keep the ExpressionPtr itself wrapped in a lambda that evaluates that ExpressionPtr to a ConfigValuePtr when called.
                // Members are evaluated on demand when they are used.
                for (let & entry : e->namedArgs)
                    let & id = entry.first;
                    let & expr = entry.second.second;             // expression to compute the entry
                    newScope->Add(id, MakeFailFn(entry.second.first/*loc of id*/), MakeEvaluateThunkPtr(expr, newScope/*scope*/, exprPath/*TODO??*/, id));
                    // Note on scope: record assignments are like a "let rec" in F#/OCAML. That is, all record members are visible to all
                    // expressions that initialize the record members. E.g. [ A = 13 ; B = A ] assigns B as 13, not to a potentially outer A.
                    // (To explicitly access an outer A, use the slightly ugly syntax ...A)
                // BUGBUG: wrong text location passed in. Should be the one of the identifier, not the RHS. NamedArgs store no location for their identifier.
                return ConfigValuePtr(newScope, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
            else if (e->op == L"id") return ResolveIdentifier(e->id, e->location, scope);   // === variable/macro access within current scope
            else if (e->op == L".")                                                         // === variable/macro access in given ConfigRecord element
                let & recordExpr = e->args[0];
                return RecordLookup(recordExpr, e->id, e->location, scope/*for evaluating recordExpr*/, exprPath);
            // --- arrays
            else if (e->op == L":")                                                         // === array expression (-> ConfigArray)
                // this returns a flattened list of all members as a ConfigArray type
                let arr = make_shared<ConfigArray>();       // note: we could speed this up by keeping the left arg and appending to it
                for (size_t i = 0; i < e->args.size(); i++) // concatenate the two args
                    let & expr = e->args[i];
                    let item = Evaluate(expr, scope, exprPath, wstrprintf(L"[%d]", i));           // result can be an item or a vector
                    if (item.Is<ConfigArray>())
                        arr->Append(item.AsRef<ConfigArray>());     // append all elements (this flattens it)
                return ConfigValuePtr(arr, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);  // location will be that of the first ':', not sure if that is best way
            else if (e->op == L"array")                                                     // === array constructor from lambda function
                let & firstIndexExpr = e->args[0];    // first index
                let & lastIndexExpr  = e->args[1];    // last index
                let & initLambdaExpr = e->args[2];    // lambda to initialize the values
                let firstIndex = ToInt(Evaluate(firstIndexExpr, scope, exprPath, L"array_first"), firstIndexExpr);
                let lastIndex  = ToInt(Evaluate(lastIndexExpr,  scope, exprPath, L"array_last"),  lastIndexExpr);
                let lambda = AsPtr<ConfigLambda>(Evaluate(initLambdaExpr, scope, exprPath, L"_initializer"), initLambdaExpr, L"function");
                if (lambda->GetNumParams() != 1)
                    Fail(L"'array' requires an initializer function with one argument (the index)", initLambdaExpr->location);
                // At this point, we must know the dimensions and the initializer lambda, but we don't need to know all array elements.
                // Resolving array members on demand allows recursive access to the array variable, e.g. h[t] <- f(h[t-1]).
                // create a vector of Thunks to initialize each value
                vector<ConfigValuePtr> elementThunks;
                for (int index = firstIndex; index <= lastIndex; index++)
                    let indexValue = MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr((double)index, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath/*never needed*/);           // index as a ConfigValuePtr
                    let elemExprPath = exprPath.empty() ? L"" : wstrprintf(L"%ls[%d]", exprPath.c_str(), index);    // expression name shows index lookup
                    let initExprPath = exprPath.empty() ? L"" : wstrprintf(L"_lambda");    // expression name shows initializer with arg
                    // create a lambda that realizes this array element
                    function<ConfigValuePtr()> f = [indexValue, initLambdaExpr, scope, elemExprPath, initExprPath]()   // lambda that computes this value of 'expr'
                        if (trace)
                            TextLocation::PrintIssue(vector<TextLocation>(1, initLambdaExpr->location), L"", wstrprintf(L"index %d", (int)indexValue).c_str(), L"executing array initializer thunk");
                        // apply initLambdaExpr to indexValue and return the resulting value
                        let initLambda = AsPtr<ConfigLambda>(Evaluate(initLambdaExpr, scope, initExprPath, L""), initLambdaExpr, L"function");  // get the function itself (most of the time just a simple name)
                        vector<ConfigValuePtr> argVals(1, indexValue);              // create an arg list with indexValue as the one arg
                        // TODO: where does the current scope come in? Aren't we looking up in namedArgs directly?
                        let value = initLambda->Apply(move(argVals), ConfigLambda::NamedParams(), elemExprPath);
                        // TODO: change this ^^ to the const & version of Apply() once it is there
                        return value;   // this is a great place to set a breakpoint!
                    elementThunks.push_back(ConfigValuePtr::MakeThunk(f, MakeFailFn(initLambdaExpr->location), elemExprPath/*TODO??*/));
                auto arr = make_shared<ConfigArray>(firstIndex, move(elementThunks));
                return ConfigValuePtr(arr, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
            else if (e->op == L"[")                                         // === access array element by index
                let arrValue = Evaluate(e->args[0], scope, exprPath, L"_vector");
                let & indexExpr = e->args[1];
                let arr = AsPtr<ConfigArray>(arrValue, indexExpr, L"array");
                let index = ToInt(Evaluate(indexExpr, scope, exprPath, L"_index"), indexExpr);
                return arr->At(index, MakeFailFn(indexExpr->location)); // note: the array element may be as of now unresolved; this resolved it
            // --- unary operators '+' '-' and '!'
            else if (e->op == L"+(" || e->op == L"-(")                      // === unary operators + and -
                let & argExpr = e->args[0];
                let argValPtr = Evaluate(argExpr, scope, exprPath, e->op == L"+(" ? L"" : L"_negate");
                // note on exprPath: since - has only one argument, we do not include it in the expessionPath
                if (argValPtr.Is<Double>())
                    if (e->op == L"+(") return argValPtr;
                    else return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(-(double)argValPtr, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
                else if (argValPtr.Is<ComputationNodeObject>())   // -ComputationNode becomes NegateNode(arg)
                    if (e->op == L"+(") return argValPtr;
                    else return NodeOp(e, argValPtr, ConfigValuePtr(), scope, exprPath);
                    Fail(L"operator '" + e->op.substr(0, 1) + L"' cannot be applied to this operand (which has type " + msra::strfun::utf16(argValPtr.TypeName()) + L")", e->location);
            else if (e->op == L"!(")                                        // === unary operator !
                let arg = ToBoolean(Evaluate(e->args[0], scope, exprPath, L"_not"), e->args[0]);
                return MakePrimitiveConfigValuePtr(!arg, MakeFailFn(e->location), exprPath);
            // --- regular infix operators such as '+' and '=='
                let opIter = infixOps.find(e->op);
                if (opIter == infixOps.end())
                    LogicError("e->op " + utf8(e->op) + " not implemented");
                let & functions = opIter->second;
                let & leftArg = e->args[0];
                let & rightArg = e->args[1];
                let leftValPtr  = Evaluate(leftArg,  scope, exprPath, L"/*" + e->op + L"*/left");
                let rightValPtr = Evaluate(rightArg, scope, exprPath, L"/*" + e->op + L"*/right");
                if (leftValPtr.Is<Double>() && rightValPtr.Is<Double>())
                    return functions.NumbersOp(e, leftValPtr, rightValPtr, scope, exprPath);
                else if (leftValPtr.Is<String>() && rightValPtr.Is<String>())
                    return functions.StringsOp(e, leftValPtr, rightValPtr, scope, exprPath);
                else if (leftValPtr.Is<Bool>() && rightValPtr.Is<Bool>())
                    return functions.BoolOp(e, leftValPtr, rightValPtr, scope, exprPath);
                // ComputationNode is "magic" in that we map *, +, and - to know classes of fixed names.
                else if (leftValPtr.Is<ComputationNodeObject>() && rightValPtr.Is<ComputationNodeObject>())
                    return functions.ComputeNodeOp(e, leftValPtr, rightValPtr, scope, exprPath);
                else if (leftValPtr.Is<ComputationNodeObject>() && rightValPtr.Is<Double>())
                    return functions.ComputeNodeOp(e, leftValPtr, rightValPtr, scope, exprPath);
                else if (leftValPtr.Is<Double>() && rightValPtr.Is<ComputationNodeObject>())
                    return functions.ComputeNodeOp(e, leftValPtr, rightValPtr, scope, exprPath);
                // TODO: DictOp  --maybe not; maybedo this in ModelMerger class instead
            //LogicError("should not get here");
        catch (ConfigException & err)
            // in case of an error, we keep track of all parent locations in the parse as well, to make it easier for the user to spot the error

    static ConfigValuePtr EvaluateParse(ExpressionPtr e)
        return Evaluate(e, IConfigRecordPtr(nullptr)/*top scope*/, L"", L"$");

    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------
    // external entry points
    // -----------------------------------------------------------------------

    // top-level entry
    // A config sequence X=A;Y=B;do=(A,B) is really parsed as [X=A;Y=B].do. That's the tree we get. I.e. we try to compute the 'do' member.
    void Do(ExpressionPtr e)
        RecordLookup(e, L"do", e->location, nullptr, L"$");  // we evaluate the member 'do'

    shared_ptr<Object> EvaluateField(ExpressionPtr e, const wstring & id)
        //let record = AsPtr<ConfigRecord>(Evaluate(recordExpr, scope, exprPath, L""), recordExpr, L"record");
        //return ResolveIdentifier(id, idLocation, MakeScope(record, nullptr/*no up scope*/));
        return RecordLookup(e, id, e->location, nullptr/*scope for evaluating 'e'*/, L"$");  // we evaluate the member 'do'

    ConfigValuePtr Evaluate(ExpressionPtr e)
        return /*Evaluator().*/EvaluateParse(e);

}}}     // namespaces
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