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Tip revision: 47ac7f362b83ecd8a62793e43d58b5823e7aa337 authored by Jordan Anderson on 01 October 2020, 15:42:26 UTC
Tip revision: 47ac7f3
Code for FET of clock sites in genomic compartment
#Test for enrichment of clock sites in a genomic region of interest. Here, the genomic region of interest is gene enhancers. 
#Specify CpG subsets that will be tested for enrichment (i.e., the clock sites that increase or decrease in methylation with age), and specify the background set of all CpG sites
hypersites=hyperweights459 #"hypersites" are sites that increase in methylation with age
hyposites=hypoweights134 #"hyposites" are sites that decrease in methylation with age
allsites=meanweights450k #background set of sites; this is set of all sites that were input into glmnet to potentially be included in the clock

#Perform lift over of baboon (Panu2) coordinates to hg38
liftOver ${hypersites}.bed papAnu2ToHg38.over.chain ${hypersites}Hg38.txt unmappedhypersitesHg38.bed
liftOver ${hyposites}.bed papAnu2ToHg38.over.chain ${hyposites}Hg38.txt unmappedhypositesHg38.bed
liftOver ${allsites}.bed papAnu2ToHg38.over.chain ${allsites}Hg38.txt unmappedallsitesHg38.bed

#Determine which CpG sites overlap genomic region of interest 
bedtools coverage -b ${hyposites}.bed -a enhancers_chroms.bed > enhancers_cov_hyposites.txt 
bedtools coverage -b ${hypersites}.bed -a enhancers_chroms.bed > enhancers_cov_hypersites.txt 
bedtools coverage -b ${allsites}.bed -a enhancers_chroms.bed > enhancers_cov_mysites2.txt 

#Test hyper sites enrichment in enhancers:
aa=length(which(features[,5]>=1)) #number of hyper sites that overlap at least 1 enhancer
bb=length(which(features[,5]<1)) #number of hyper sites that do not overlap any enhancers
cc=length(which(features1[,5]>=1)) #number of background sites that overlap at least 1 enhancer
dd=length(which(features1[,5]<1)) #number of background sites that do not overlap any enhancers
values = matrix(c(aa,bb,cc-aa,dd-bb), nrow = 2) #create contingency matrix
this<-fisher.test(values,alternative="two.sided") #perform two-sided Fisher's exact test

#Test hypo sites enrichment in enhancers:
aa=length(which(features[,5]>=1)) #number of hypo sites that overlap at least 1 enhancer
bb=length(which(features[,5]<1)) #number of hypo sites that do not overlap any enhancers
cc=length(which(features1[,5]>=1)) #number of background sites that overlap at least 1 enhancer
dd=length(which(features1[,5]<1)) #number of background sites that do not overlap any enhancers
values = matrix(c(aa,bb,cc-aa,dd-bb), nrow = 2) #create contingency matrix
this<-fisher.test(values,alternative="two.sided") #perform two-sided Fisher's exact test
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