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Tip revision: b5ccca1e63a9b681ab1f1a6dfd4cae3058422522 authored by Erik Garrison on 01 February 2018, 12:25:19 UTC
allow calling on N-matching bases
Tip revision: b5ccca1
from scipy.special import gamma, gammaln
import operator
import math
from logsumexp import logsumexp
from factorialln import factorialln

def product(l):
    return reduce(operator.mul, l)

def beta(alphas):
    """Multivariate beta function"""
    return math.exp(sum(map(gammaln, alphas)) - gammaln(sum(alphas)))

def dirichlet(probs, obs, s=1):
    """Dirichlet probability density for a given set probabilities and prior
    observation counts.  s serves as a concentration parameter between 0 and 1,
    with smaller s yielding progressively more diffuse probability density
    alphas = [(a + 1) * float(s) for a in obs]
    return 1 / beta(alphas) * product([math.pow(x, a - 1) for x, a in zip(probs, alphas)])

def dirichlet_maximum_likelihood_ratio(probs, obs, s=1):
    """Ratio between the dirichlet for the specific probs and obs and the
    maximum likelihood value for the dirichlet over the given probs (this can
    be determined by partitioning the observations according to the
    maximum_likelihood = dirichlet(probs, [float(sum(obs)) / len(obs) for o in obs], s)
    return dirichlet(probs, obs, s) / float(maximum_likelihood)

def multinomial(probs, obs):
    return math.factorial(sum(obs)) / product(map(math.factorial, obs)) * product([math.pow(p, x) for p,x in zip(probs, obs)])

def multinomialln(probs, obs):
    return factorialln(sum(obs)) - sum(map(factorialln, obs)) + sum([math.log(math.pow(p, x)) for p,x in zip(probs, obs)])

def multinomial_coefficientln(n, counts):
    return factorialln(n) - sum(map(factorialln, counts))

def multinomial_coefficient(n, counts):
    return math.exp(multinomial_coefficientln(n, counts))

def multinomial_dirichlet(probs, obs): return multinomial(probs, obs) * dirichlet(probs, obs)

# I started exploring the multinomial_maximum_likelihood_ratio to see if the
# same maximim likelihood estimation approach could be applied to multinomials.
# It *can't* for the obvious reason that you can't have non-integral
# observation counts while the dirichlet distribution is defined across
# non-integral alphas!  I see no clean way to resolve this using the
# multinomial distribution and now have a better understanding of the use and
# abuse of the dirichlet distribution as a conjugate prior for multinomial
# posteriors.
def multinomial_maximum_likelihood_ratio(probs, obs):
    maximum_likelihood = multinomial(probs, [float(sum(obs)) / len(obs) for o in obs])
    return multinomial(probs, obs) / float(maximum_likelihood)

def binomial(successes, trials, prob):
    return math.factorial(trials) / (math.factorial(successes) * math.factorial(trials - successes)) * math.pow(prob, successes) * math.pow(1 - prob, trials - successes)
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