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Tip revision: 56a393d6ae4961a5d8fbaa80ffe08cdeb3510de1 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 06 May 2022, 06:44:04 UTC
[github-action]: push docker images
Tip revision: 56a393d
require import Int.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type xint = [N of int | Inf].

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
abbrev ('0) = N 0.
abbrev ('1) = N 1.

op xopp (x:xint) = 
  with x = N x => N (-x)
  with x = Inf => Inf.

op xadd (x y : xint) =
  with x = N x, y = N y => N (x + y)
  with x = N _, y = Inf => Inf
  with x = Inf, y = N _ => Inf
  with x = Inf, y = Inf => Inf.

op xmul (x : xint) (y : xint) =
  with x = N x, y = N y => N (x * y)
  with x = N _, y = Inf => Inf
  with x = Inf, y = N _ => Inf
  with x = Inf, y = Inf => Inf.

abbrev ([-])  = xopp.
abbrev ( +  ) = xadd.
abbrev ( - ) x y = xadd x (-y).
abbrev ( *  ) = xmul.
abbrev ( ** ) = fun (c : int) (x : xint) => N c * x.

op is_int (x:xint) = 
  with x = N _ => true
  with x = Inf => false.

op is_inf (x:xint) = 
  with x = N _ => false
  with x = Inf => true.
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