Raw File
Tip revision: 5bab2b519c5df53f0ddd973f78110d8c681b9611 authored by Cameron Low on 06 February 2023, 14:43:04 UTC
Bug fix: created too many fresh names
Tip revision: 5bab2b5
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
open EcMaps
open EcSymbols

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val unique : unit -> int

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type uid = int
type uidmap

val create : unit -> uidmap
val lookup : uidmap -> symbol -> uid option
val forsym : uidmap -> symbol -> uid

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val uid_equal   : uid -> uid -> bool
val uid_compare : uid -> uid -> int

module Muid : Map.S  with type key = uid
module Suid : Set.S  with module M = Map.MakeBase(Muid)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
module NameGen : sig
  type t

  val ofint  : int -> string
  val bulk   : ?fmt:(string -> string) -> int -> string list
  val create : unit -> t
  val get    : t -> uid -> string
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