Raw File
Tip revision: 32f0ee5d128b91f3c82e79fde23d61d207c08a4f authored by Adrien Koutsos on 25 August 2023, 16:20:56 UTC
[cost v2] printing of full mpath + first wrapped mpath in the parser
Tip revision: 32f0ee5
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type idx_t
type ecloader

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type kind = [`Ec | `EcA]

exception BadExtension of string

val getkind : string -> kind

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
type namespace = [ `System | `Named of string ]

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
val create  : unit -> ecloader
val aslist  : ecloader -> ((namespace option * string) * idx_t) list
val dup     : ecloader -> ecloader
val forsys  : ecloader -> ecloader
val addidir : ?namespace:namespace -> ?recursive:bool -> string -> ecloader -> unit
val locate  : ?namespaces:(namespace option) list -> string -> ecloader -> (namespace option * string * kind) option
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