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Tip revision: 3798b1a269fc1f40f3c09e248d29530f1a66d8d5 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 28 September 2021, 13:50:14 UTC
Tip revision: 3798b1a
(* --------------------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Inria
 * Copyright (c) - 2012--2018 - Ecole Polytechnique
 * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-B-V1 license
 * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

require import Bool Core Int FSet DBool.

type key.
type message.
type container.

module type Scheme = {
  proc init(): unit
  proc kg(): key
  proc send(k:key,m:message): container
  proc recv(k:key,c:container): message option

theory MultiUser.
  require import Array.

  const users:int.
  axiom users_pos: 0 < users.

  module type Oracles = {
    proc send(i:int,m0:message,m1:message): container option
    proc recv(i:int,c:container): message option

  module Wrap(S:Scheme) = {
    var qs:message fset
    var ks:key array
    var b:bool
    var auth:bool

    proc initKeys(): unit = {
      var i:int;
      var k;

      i <- 0;
      while (i < users)
        k <@;
        ks.[i] <- k;
        i <- i + 1;

    proc init(): unit = {
      qs   <- fset0;
      auth <- false;
      b    <${0,1};

    proc send(i:int,m0:message,m1:message): container option = {
      var r:container option;
      var c:container;

      if (0 <= i < users)
        qs <- qs `|` (fset1 m0) `|` (fset1 m1);
        c  <@ S.send(ks.[i],b ? m1 : m0);
        r  <- Some c;
        r <- None;

      return r;

    proc recv(i:int,c:container): message option = {
      var r:message option;

      if (0 <= i < users)
        r <@ S.recv(ks.[i],c);
        if (r <> None /\ !mem qs (oget r))
          auth <- true;
        r <- None;
      return r;

    proc guess(b':bool): bool = {
      return b' = b;

    proc auth(): bool = {
      return auth;

  module type Adv_LOR(O:Oracles) = {
    proc guess(): bool

  module LOR(S:Scheme,A:Adv_LOR) = {
    module O = Wrap(S)
    module A = A(O)

    proc main(): bool = {
      var b',sec,auth:bool;

      b'   <@ A.guess();
      sec  <@ O.guess(b');
      auth <@ O.auth();
      return sec \/ auth;
end MultiUser.

(* Reduce multi-user to single-user *)
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