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Tip revision: 3cef12a5d08bbaf7b486bd02ca6c194f4f167bea authored by Manuel Barbosa on 10 October 2023, 09:38:20 UTC
Making this branch work with same Why3 version as main
Tip revision: 3cef12a
require import AllCore Distr Dexcepted.

type pkey.
type skey.

type dom. 
type codom. 

op [lossless] kg : (pkey * skey) distr.

abstract theory PERM.

  op f : pkey -> dom -> codom.
  op finv: skey -> codom -> dom.

  axiom finv_f ks s : ks \in kg => finv ks.`2 (f ks.`1 s) = s.
  axiom f_finv ks h : ks \in kg => f ks.`1 (finv ks.`2 h) = h.

end PERM.

clone include PERM.

abstract theory T_OW.

type init.

quantum module type AdvOW = {
  proc main(pk:pkey, y:codom, i:init) : dom

op dcodom : codom distr.

module OW(A:AdvOW) = {
  proc main(i:init) = {
    var pk, sk, y, x;
    (pk, sk) <$ kg;
    y <$ dcodom;
    x <@ A.main(pk, y, i);
    return (finv sk y) = x;

end T_OW.

quantum module type AdvClawFree = {
  proc main (pk:pkey) : dom * dom

abstract theory T_ClawFree.

clone PERM as P2.

module ClawFree(A:AdvClawFree) = {
  proc main () = {
    var pk, sk, s1, s2;
    (pk, sk) <$ kg;
    (s1, s2) <@ A.main(pk);
    return f pk s1 = P2.f pk s2;

end T_ClawFree.

abstract theory T_PSF.

op sampleD : dom distr.
op samplePre : skey -> codom -> dom distr.

op sampleDf (pk:pkey) = dmap sampleD (f pk).

axiom sampleD_ll : is_lossless sampleD.

(* Domain sampling with uniform output *)
axiom sampleDf_funi pk sk: 
  (pk, sk) \in kg => is_funiform (sampleDf pk).

(* Preimage sampling with trapdoor *)
axiom samplePreE pk sk y: 
   (pk, sk) \in kg =>
   samplePre sk y = sampleD \ (fun x => f pk x <> y).

clone include T_OW.

end T_PSF.
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