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Tip revision: 3cef12a5d08bbaf7b486bd02ca6c194f4f167bea authored by Manuel Barbosa on 10 October 2023, 09:38:20 UTC
Making this branch work with same Why3 version as main
Tip revision: 3cef12a
require import AllCore List Distr DBool DProd DList DMap DInterval CHoareTactic IntDiv.
(*   *) import StdOrder RField RealOrder StdBigop Bigreal BRA.
require (****) VD.
require (****) T_QROM.

abstract theory T_QROM_SIM.

clone import VD. 

import Big.BAdd F.

clone include T_QROM with
   type from = FT.t,
   type hash = FT.t,
   op MUFF.FinT.enum <- FT.Support.enum,
   op dhash <- FT.dunifin,
   op MUFFH.FinT.enum <- FT.Support.enum
proof *.
realize MUFF.FinT.enum_spec. by apply FT.Support.enum_spec. qed.
realize MUFFH.FinT.enum_spec. by apply FT.Support.enum_spec. qed.
realize dhash_ll. by apply FT.dunifin_ll. qed.
realize dhash_uni. by apply FT.dunifin_uni. qed.
realize dhash_fu. by apply FT.dunifin_fu. qed.

op q : { int | 0 <= q} as q_ge0.

op genseed = dlist FT.dunifin (2 * q).

op compute1(seed : hash list, x : from) : hash =
   bigi predT 
     (fun (j : int) => exp x j * nth F.zeror seed j) 0 (2 * q).
module LQRO : QRO_i = {
  proc init() = { 
    var seed : hash list;
    seed <$ genseed;
    QRO.h <- compute1 seed;

 include QRO [h]


op dcompute : (from -> hash) distr = 
  dmap genseed (fun seed => compute1 seed).

clone import QROM_Fundamental_Lemma as FL.

module QRO_main(A:AdvRO, H:QRO_i) = {
  proc main() = {
    var r;
    r <@ A(H).main();
    return r;


local clone import DMapSampling with 
  type t1 <- hash list,
  type t2 <- (from -> hash).

lemma eager_sampling  (A<:AdvRO{-QRO, -LQRO}) &m (r : result):
  Pr[ QRO_main(A, LQRO).main() @ &m: res = r] = Pr[ QRO_main_D(A).main(dcompute) @ &m: res = r]. 
byequiv (_: _ ==> ={res}) => //.
proc; sim; conseq />.
transitivity*{1} { QRO.h <@, compute1); } => //; 1: smt ().
+ inline *; wp; rnd; wp; skip => />.
transitivity*{1} { QRO.h <@ S.sample(genseed, compute1); } => //; 1: smt().
+ by symmetry; call sample; skip => />.
by inline *; wp; rnd; wp; skip => />.

end section.

import TupleXY. 

lemma perm_eq_rem ['a] (x : 'a) (s t : 'a list) :
  perm_eq s t => perm_eq (rem x s) (rem x t).
move=> eq_st; apply/perm_eqP => p.
have /(_ x) mem_st := perm_eq_mem _ _ eq_st.
case: (x \in s) => x_s; last first.
- by rewrite !rem_id -?mem_st // &(perm_eqP).
rewrite &(addzI (b2i (p x))) -!count_rem -?mem_st //.
by apply: perm_eqP.

op trim ['a] (s t : 'a list) =
  foldr rem s t.

lemma trim_cons_notmem ['a] (x : 'a) (s t : 'a list) :
  !(x \in t) => trim (x :: s) t = x :: trim s t.
move=> @/trim /=; elim: t s => //= y t ih s.
by rewrite negb_or; case=> ne_xy /ih /(_ s) -> /=; rewrite ne_xy.

lemma trim_consR ['a] (x : 'a) (s t : 'a list) :
  perm_eq (trim s (x :: t)) (trim (rem x s) t).
elim: t => /= [|y t +]; 1: exact: perm_eq_refl.
by move=> @/trim /= /perm_eq_rem /(_ y); rewrite remC.

lemma trim_cons2 ['a] (x : 'a) (s t : 'a list) :
  perm_eq (trim (x :: s) (x :: t)) (trim s t).
proof. by have := trim_consR x (x :: s) t. qed.

lemma trim_permL ['a] (s1 s2 t : 'a list) :
  perm_eq s1 s2 => perm_eq (trim s1 t) (trim s2 t).
elim: t s1 s2 => // y t ih s1 s2 eq_s @/trim /=.
by apply/perm_eq_rem/ih.

op cundup ['a] (s : 'a list) = trim s (undup s).

lemma cundup_cons ['a] (x : 'a) (s : 'a list) :
  !(x \in s) => perm_eq (cundup (x :: s)) (cundup s).
move=> @/cundup ^x_s /= -> /=; have {x_s}: !(x \in (undup s)).
- by rewrite mem_undup.
move: (undup s) => t; elim: t => //=; 1: by apply: perm_eq_refl.
move=> y t iht; rewrite negb_or; case => ne_xy x_t.
by rewrite /trim /= remC &(perm_eq_rem) &(iht).

lemma cundup_cons_dup ['a] (x : 'a) (s : 'a list) :
  x \in s => perm_eq (cundup (x :: s)) (x :: (cundup s)).
move=> @/cundup ^x_s /= -> /=; pose t := undup s.
have: uniq t by apply/undup_uniq.
have: forall x, x \in t => x \in s by move=> a; rewrite mem_undup.
move: t => t; elim: t s x x_s => /= [|y t iht] s x x_s.
- by apply: perm_eq_refl.
move=> sub_t [y_t uq_t]; case: (x = y) => [<<-|ne_xy]; last first.
- have := iht s x _ _ _ => //.
  - by move=> a a_t; apply: sub_t; rewrite a_t.
  by move/(perm_eq_rem y) => /=; rewrite ne_xy.
apply: (perm_eq_trans (trim s t)); 1: exact: trim_cons2.
have /trim_permL /(_ t) := perm_to_rem _ _ x_s.
move/perm_eq_trans; apply; rewrite trim_cons_notmem //.
by apply/perm_cons/perm_eq_sym/trim_consR.

lemma undup_cundup ['a] (s : 'a list) :
  perm_eq (undup s ++ cundup s) s.
apply: perm_eqP=> p; elim: s => //= x s ih; case: (x \in s) => x_s.
- have /perm_eqP /(_ p) /= := (cundup_cons_dup _ _ x_s).
  by rewrite count_cat => ->; rewrite addrCA -count_cat ih.
- congr; move: ih; rewrite !count_cat => <-; congr.
  by apply/perm_eqP/cundup_cons.

lemma mem_cundup ['a] (s:'a list) (x:'a) : x \in cundup s => x \in undup s.
move=> x_cs; have /perm_eq_mem /(_ x) := undup_cundup s.
by rewrite mem_cat mem_undup; case: (x \in s).

lemma size_cundup ['a] (s : 'a list) :
  size (cundup s) = size s - size (undup s).
have := (perm_eq_size _ _ (undup_cundup s)).
by rewrite size_cat => <-; ring.

lemma map_cst ['a 'b] (c:'b) (s:'a list) : map (fun _ => c) s = nseq (size s) c.
  elim: s => [ | x s hrec] /=; 1: by rewrite nseq0.
  by rewrite addzC nseqS 1:size_ge0 hrec.

import MUFF.

lemma dfun_djoin d : 
  dfun d = dmap (djoin (map d FT.Support.enum)) (fun l => (fun x => nth zeror l (index x FT.Support.enum))).
  apply eq_distr => f.
  rewrite dfun1E_djoin dmap1E; apply mu_eq_support => z /supp_djoin [].
  rewrite size_map => hs h_.
  rewrite /(\o) /pred1 eq_iff; split => [-> | <-].
  + apply fun_ext => x; rewrite (nth_map witness).
    + by rewrite index_ge0 index_mem FT.Support.enumP.
    by rewrite nth_index // FT.Support.enumP.
  apply (eq_from_nth zeror); 1: by rewrite size_map hs.
  move=> i hi; rewrite (nth_map witness) 1:hs //= index_uniq 1:hs// FT.Support.enum_uniq.

lemma perfect_sim xy:
  xy \in wordn (2 * q) =>
 mu dfhash (fun (fx : from -> hash) => all (fun (xr : from * hash) => fx xr.`1 = xr.`2) xy) =
 mu dcompute (fun (fx : from -> hash) => all (fun (xr : from * hash) => fx xr.`1 = xr.`2) xy).
move => xys.
pose P := (fun (fx : from -> hash) => all (fun (xr : from * hash) => fx xr.`1 = xr.`2) xy).
case: (forall p p', p \in xy => p' \in xy => p.`1 = p'.`1 => p = p'); last first.
+ move=> /negb_forall [p] /= /negb_forall [p'] /= h.
  by do 2! rewrite mu0_false 1:#smt:(allP).
move=> hxy.
pose fxy := fun x => oget (assoc xy x).
pose xs := undup (unzip1 xy) ++ cundup (unzip1 xy).
pose ys := map fxy xs.
have hperm := undup_cundup (unzip1 xy). 
have heq : forall d, mu d P = mu1 (dmap d (fun fr => map fr xs)) ys.
+ move=> d; rewrite dmap1E; apply mu_eq => fr.
  rewrite /(\o) /pred1 eq_iff /P allP /=; split.
  + move=> h; rewrite /ys /xs; apply eq_in_map.
    move=> x; rewrite (perm_eq_mem _ _ hperm).
    move=> ^ => /mapP [p] /= [] /h heq -> hin.
    by have /#:= assocP xy p.`1.
  rewrite /ys => /eq_in_map heq p hp. 
  have : p.`1 \in xs. 
  + by rewrite /xs (perm_eq_mem _ _ hperm) mapP; exists p.
  move=> ^ hin /heq ->; rewrite /fxy; have := assocP xy; smt(mapP).
rewrite (heq dfhash) (heq (dcompute)) /=.
have /= := dsim_dout (undup (unzip1 xy)) (cundup (unzip1 xy)) _ _.
+ by apply undup_uniq.
+ by apply mem_cundup.
rewrite /dout /dfhash dfun_djoin dmap_comp /dv dlist_djoin map_cst /p /FT.Support.card /(\o) /= => <-; congr.
rewrite /dsim /dcompute dmap_comp /genseed.
have heqs : size (undup (unzip1 xy)) + size (cundup (unzip1 xy)) = 2*q.
+ by rewrite size_cundup size_map; smt(wordnP q_ge0).
rewrite heqs; apply eq_dmap_in=> l hl /=.
rewrite /(\o) /compute1 /= -(map_nth_range zeror xs) -map_comp.
by have -> : size xs = 2 * q by rewrite /xs size_cat.

lemma efficient_sim (A<:AdvRO{-QRO, -LQRO}) &m (r : result):
  hoare[ QRO_main_D(A).main : true ==> <= q] =>
  Pr[ QRO_main(A,QRO).main() @ &m: res = r ] = Pr[ QRO_main(A,LQRO).main() @ &m: res = r ].
move=> hq.  
have -> : 
 Pr[ QRO_main(A,QRO).main() @ &m: res = r ] = Pr[QRO_main_D(A).main(dfhash) @ &m : res = r].
   by byequiv=>//; conseq (_: _ ==> ={res})=> //; proc;inline*; sim; auto => />.
have [C dA_split] := dA_split q A &m hq. 
rewrite (eager_sampling A) (dA_split dfhash r) (dA_split dcompute r).
by apply BRA.eq_big_seq => */=; congr; apply perfect_sim.


abstract theory T_QROM_SIM_GEN.

op q : { int | 0 <= q} as q_ge0.

(* Sampling is based on two finite fields with the same characteristic. *)
op p : { int | 1 < p } as gt1_p.

type ff_in.
op enum_ff_in : ff_in list.
op n : { int | 0 < n } as gt0_n.
axiom ff_in_order : size enum_ff_in = p^n.

axiom  enum_spec: forall (x : ff_in), count (pred1 x) enum_ff_in = 1.
(* axiom ge0_cunifin: 0 <= cunifin *)

type ff_out.
op enum_ff_out : ff_out list.
op m : { int | 0 < m <= n } as bnd_m.
axiom ff_out_order : size enum_ff_out = p^m.

clone import T_QROM_SIM with
  op q <- q,
  type VD.FT.t = ff_in,
  op VD.FT.Support.enum <- enum_ff_in
  proof VD.FT.Support.enum_spec by apply enum_spec
  proof q_ge0 by apply q_ge0.

import VD Big.BAdd F.

lemma in_char_order : p %| FT.Support.card. 
have -> : (p = p^1); first by smt(@Ring.IntID).
by rewrite /card  ff_in_order; apply dvdz_exp2l; smt(gt0_n).

clone import T_QROM.

op encode : from -> FT.t.
op decode : ff_out -> hash.

axiom encode_inj : injective encode.
axiom decode_bij : bijective decode.

(* FIXME: transform this into a lemma *)
op project : ff_in -> ff_out.
axiom project_preimages y :
   count (fun x => project x = y) enum_ff_in = p^(n-m).

op compute1(seed : FT.t list, x : from) : hash =
 (decode \o project)
   (bigi predT 
     (fun (j : int) => exp (encode x) j * nth F.zeror seed j) 0 (2 * q)).
module LQRO_GEN : QRO_i = {
  proc init() = { 
    var seed : FT.t list;
    seed <$ genseed;
    QRO.h <- compute1 seed;

 include QRO [h]


clone import QROM_Fundamental_Lemma as FLT with
    type result <- FL.result.

module QRO_main(A:AdvRO, H:QRO_i) = {
  proc main() = {
    var r;
    r <@ A(H).main();
    return r;

module (B (A : AdvRO) : FL.AdvRO) (H : T_QROM_SIM.QRO) = {

    module O = {
       quantum proc h() {x : from} : hash = {
            quantum var preh;
            preh <@ H.h() {encode x};
            return ((decode \o project) preh);

    proc main() : FL.result = {
       var r;
       r <@ A(O).main();
       return r;

module Aux(A : AdvRO)  = {

    proc main() : FL.result = {
       var r, h;
       h <$ T_QROM_SIM.dfhash;
       QRO.h <- decode \o project \o h \o encode;
       r <@ A(QRO).main();
       return r;

lemma aux  (A<:AdvRO{-QRO, -LQRO}[main : `{Inf, #H.h : q}]) &m (r : FL.result):
  Pr [ T_QROM_SIM.QRO_main(B(A),T_QROM_SIM.QRO).main() @ &m: res = r ] =  
    Pr[ Aux(A).main() @ &m: res = r].
byequiv => //;proc;inline *.
wp; call (_: QRO.h{2} = decode \o project \o T_QROM_SIM.QRO.h{1} \o encode).
by proc; inline *;auto => />.
by wp;rnd;auto => />.

op dcomputei : (from -> hash) distr = 
 MUFF.dfun (fun f => dmap FT.dunifin (fun x => (decode \o project) x)).

lemma int_real_exp : forall (b e : int),
  0 <= e => (b^e)%r = b%r ^ e by smt(@Real).

lemma mudecode y:
 mu1 (dmap FT.dunifin project) y = 1%r/(p^m)%r. 
rewrite /mu1 dmapE /pred1 /(\o) /=.
rewrite FT.dunifinE /=.
rewrite project_preimages.
have -> : (FT.Support.card = p^n). 
  by rewrite /FT.Support.card; apply ff_in_order.
rewrite !int_real_exp; 1..3: smt(bnd_m gt0_n).  
have -> :(T_QROM_SIM_GEN.p%r ^ (n - m) = (T_QROM_SIM_GEN.p%r ^ n) / (T_QROM_SIM_GEN.p%r ^ m)).
rewrite exprD; first by smt(gt1_p).
by rewrite exprN; smt().
pose a := p%r^n. pose b := p%r^m. 
have an0 : a <> 0%r. print Num.Domain.unitrX_neq0.
   by apply (Num.Domain.unitrX p%r n); smt(gt1_p). 
have bn0 : b <> 0%r. print Num.Domain.unitrX_neq0.
   by apply (Num.Domain.unitrX p%r m); smt(gt1_p). 

lemma bijective_surjective ['a,'b] (f : 'a -> 'b) :
    bijective f => surjective f.
rewrite /bijective /surjective.
move => bij; elim bij => g [#] gc1 gc2 x.
exists (g x). 
by rewrite gc2.

lemma dcomputei_funi : 
 is_funiform dcomputei. 
rewrite /dcomputei -dmap_comp.
apply MUFF.dfun_funi => /=.
apply dmap_uni; first by apply (bij_inj _ decode_bij).
by rewrite /is_uniform;smt(mudecode).
apply dmap_fu. 
apply (bijective_surjective _ decode_bij).
apply dmap_fu. 
rewrite /surjective => x.
move : (count_gt0 (fun (x0 : ff_in) => project x0 = x) enum_ff_in _). 
move : (project_preimages x). 
smt(@List @Ring.IntID gt1_p gt0_n bnd_m).

lemma dcomputei_ll : 
 is_lossless dcomputei.
rewrite /dcomputei. 
apply MUFF.dfun_ll => /=.
apply dmap_ll. 
apply FT.dunifin_ll. 

lemma dcompute_dfhash : dcomputei = T_QROM.dfhash. 
apply eq_funi_ll.
apply dcomputei_funi.
apply dcomputei_ll.
apply is_full_funiform. 
apply T_QROM.dfhash_fu.
apply T_QROM.dhash_fu.
apply T_QROM.dfhash_uni.
apply T_QROM.dfhash_ll.

op fill_zeros : ff_out -> FT.t.
axiom fill_zeros_proj x : project (fill_zeros x) = x.

lemma eager_sampling  (A<:AdvRO{-QRO, -LQRO}[main : `{Inf, #H.h : q}]) &m (r : FL.result):
  Pr [ T_QROM_SIM.QRO_main(B(A),T_QROM_SIM.QRO).main() @ &m: res = r ] =  
    Pr[ FLT.QRO_main_D(A).main(dcomputei) @ &m: res = r].
rewrite (aux A).
byequiv => //;proc;inline *.
conseq (_: _ ==> ={r}); first by auto => />. 
admitted. (* We can't construct a bijection, as there are more functions on the
             left, but the distributions are identical *)

lemma queries (A<:AdvRO{-QRO, -LQRO}[main : `{Inf, #H.h : q}]) :
  hoare[ QRO_main_D(A).main : true ==> <= q] =>
  hoare[ FL.QRO_main_D(B(A)).main : true ==> <= q].
admitted. (* Can't go around lossless issues *)

lemma efficient_sim_gen (A<:AdvRO{-QRO, -LQRO, -LQRO_GEN}[main : `{Inf, #H.h : q}]) &m (r : FL.result):
  hoare[ QRO_main_D(A).main : true ==> <= q] =>
  Pr[ QRO_main(A,QRO).main() @ &m: res = r ] = 
    Pr[ QRO_main(A,LQRO_GEN).main() @ &m: res = r ].
move => qH.
have -> : 
 Pr[ QRO_main(A,QRO).main() @ &m: res = r ] = 
   Pr[ T_QROM_SIM.QRO_main(B(A),T_QROM_SIM.QRO).main() @ &m : res = r].
rewrite (eager_sampling A).
byequiv => //.
proc;inline *.
wp; call(_: ={QRO.h}); first by proc; inline *; auto => />.  
by auto => />; smt(dcompute_dfhash).
have -> : 
 Pr[ QRO_main(A,LQRO_GEN).main() @ &m: res = r ] = Pr[ T_QROM_SIM.QRO_main(B(A),LQRO).main() @ &m : res = r].
byequiv => //.
proc;inline *.
wp; call(_: forall x, QRO.h{1} x = (decode \o project) (T_QROM_SIM.QRO.h{2} (encode x))).
by proc; inline *; auto => /> /#.
by wp; rnd; auto => />.
by apply (efficient_sim (B(A)) _ _ (queries A qH)).

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