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Tip revision: 03f5769a2690f1f0f87a249b76db4d9733503a33 authored by Pierre-Yves Strub on 05 April 2024, 15:16:41 UTC
Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/main' into deploy-tc
Tip revision: 03f5769
pragma +implicits.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
(* This theory defines the subtype [sT] of [T] defined as {x : T | P x} *)
(* where P is a nonempty predicate over T. This subtype is defined      *)
(* using [choiceb] through a global axiom asserting the existence of    *)
(* the injection from [sT] to [T].                                      *)
(*                                                                      *)
(* Injection from [sT] to [T] and (partial) projection of [T] to [sT]   *)
(*    val    == generic injection from [sT] to [T]                      *)
(*    insub  == generic partial projection from [T] to [sT]             *)
(*    insubd == odflt witness (insub x)                                 *)
(*                                                                      *)
(*    {x : T | P x} and [sT] are in bijection via val/insub.            *)
(*       1. insub x = None                  if !(P x)                   *)
(*       2. insub x = Some y with val y = x if  (P x)                   *)
(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

require import AllCore.

(* These three parameters are to be instantiated by the user. *)
type T.
op P : T -> bool.
axiom inhabited: exists x, P x.

(* This parameter must never be instantiated upon cloning, otherwise
   unsoundness may ensure. Hence the name. *)
type do_not_instantiate_this_type.
(* TODO: we want a tag to make abstract types uninstantiable *)

(* The lemma below is justified by the axiom [inhabited] and the fact
  that the type [do_not_instantiate_this_type] is unspecified. It says
  that there is an injective function [f] with range [P]

  The proof is admitted, essentially turning it into a global axiom
  asserting the existence of subtypes. We cannot use [axiom] here,
  because this would make the lemma a parameter of the theory *)

lemma nosmt subtype_injection:
  exists (f : do_not_instantiate_this_type -> T),
    injective f /\ (forall x, P x <=> exists y, x = f y).
(* TODO: together with uninstantiable abstract types, we also want
   global axioms in (abstract) theories.that do not show up in [proof*] *)

(* This is the subtype that the user sees. By making it a type-copy of
   [do_not_instantiate_this_type], we make sure that the user cannot
   do `type sT <- ...` when cloning. *)
type sT = do_not_instantiate_this_type wrapped.

(* We define `val` in two steps so that `print val` does not show the
   ugly internal stuff *)
op nosmt [opaque] internal_val = choiceb
   (fun (f : do_not_instantiate_this_type -> T),
     injective f /\ (forall (x:T), ((P x) <=> exists y, x = f y))) witness.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* Injection from [sT] to [T] *)
op nosmt [opaque] val (x : sT) : T = with x = Wrap x' => internal_val x'.

lemma val_range x: P x <=> exists y, x = val y.
have /= := choicebP _ witness subtype_injection; rewrite -/internal_val.
move => [ival_inj ival_range].
split => [Px|[[y] ->]]; 2: smt().
have := ival_range x; rewrite Px /= => -[z ?].
by exists (Wrap z); smt().

lemma val_inj: injective val.
have /= := choicebP _ witness subtype_injection; rewrite -/internal_val.
by move => [ival_inj _] [x] [y] /#.

lemma valP (x : sT): P (val x) by smt (val_range).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

op nosmt [opaque] insub : T -> sT option = pinv val.

lemma insubN (x : T): !P x => insub x = None.
proof. by rewrite /insub => not; apply pinvN; smt(val_range). qed.

lemma valK: pcancel val insub.
proof. by rewrite /insub; apply/pcancel_pinv/val_inj. qed.

lemma insubT (x : T):  P x => omap val (insub x) = Some x.
proof. by move => Px @/insub; apply pinv_inv; smt(val_range). qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)

(* TODO: Maybe this could be removed, it seems relatively
pointless. It's here for compatibility with the previous Subtype
implementation *)
op nosmt wsT = val witness.

lemma insubW: insub wsT = Some witness<:sT>.
proof. by rewrite /wsT; smt (valK). qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
op insubd (x : T) = odflt witness (insub x).

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
lemma valKd: cancel val insubd.
proof. by move=> u; rewrite /insubd valK. qed.

lemma insubP (x : T):           (* We need inductive predicates *)
     (exists u, P x /\ insub x = Some u /\ val u = x)
  \/ (!P x /\ insub x = None).
proof.                          (* this proof script is awful *)
  case (P x)=> [Px | /insubN -> //]; left.
  move: Px => /insubT; case {-2}(insub x) (eq_refl (insub x))=> //.
  by move=> /= u eq_insub eqx; exists u => /=; move: eqx => ->.

lemma val_insubd x: val (insubd x) = if P x then x else val witness.
proof. by rewrite /insubd; case (insubP x) => [[u] [->] [->]|[-> ->]]. qed.

lemma insubdK (x : T): P x => val (insubd x) = x.
proof. by move=> Px; rewrite val_insubd Px. qed.

(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *)
theory Lift.
  op lift1 (f : T -> T) =
    fun (z : sT), insubd (f (val z)).

  op lift2 (f : T -> T -> T) =
    fun (z1 z2 : sT), insubd (f (val z1) (val z2)).

  lemma lift1E (f : T -> T):
       (forall x, P x => P (f x))
    => forall x, val (lift1 f x) = f (val x).
  proof. by move=> h x; rewrite /lift1 insubdK ?h ?valP. qed.

  lemma lift2E (f : T -> T -> T):
       (forall x y, P x => P y => P (f x y))
    => forall x y, val (lift2 f x y) = f (val x) (val y).
  proof. by move=> h x y; rewrite /lift2 insubdK ?h ?valP. qed.
end Lift.
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