Raw File
Tip revision: d5066237e26fae0c8c8eb5fd5b158a530cc4cf2c authored by Filip Wasilewski on 02 May 2009, 23:32:49 UTC
Added fixed-point computations code and example file with custom rescaled filter bank.
Tip revision: d506623
#!/usr/bin/env python
#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import glob, os, os.path, sys, warnings
from distutils.core import setup
from distutils.extension import Extension
import util.templating

if os.path.exists('MANIFEST'):

compiler = "cython" # "pyrex"
    if compiler == "cython":
        from Cython.Distutils import build_ext
    elif compiler == "pyrex":
        warnings.warn('It is recommended to use Cython instead of Pyrex.', UserWarning)
        from Pyrex.Distutils import build_ext
        raise ValueError("Invalid compiler '%s'." % compiler)
except ImportError:
    print "A recent version of Cython is required to build PyWavelets. Get Cython from!"

# gather the release details
release = {}
execfile(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'pywt',''), {}, release)

# tune the C compiler settings
extra_compile_args = ['-fwrapv', '-O2', '-Wall', '-fno-strict-aliasing', '-finline-limit=1']
#extra_compile_args += ['-march=pentium4',  '-mtune=pentium4']
#extra_compile_args += ['-Wno-long-long', '-Wno-uninitialized', '-Wno-unused']

macros = [('PY_EXTENSION', None),
          #('OPT_UNROLL2', None), # enable some manual unroll loop optimizations
          #('OPT_UNROLL4', None)  # enable more manual unroll loop optimizations

source_ext = '.pyx'
cmdclass    = {'build_ext': build_ext}

dwt = Extension("pywt._pywt",
        sources = [(n + source_ext) for n in ['src/_pywt']] + \
            ["src/common.c", "src/convolution.c", "src/wavelets.c", "src/wt.c"],
        include_dirs = ['src'],
        library_dirs = [],
        runtime_library_dirs = [],
        libraries = [],
        define_macros = macros,
        extra_compile_args = extra_compile_args,
        extra_link_args = [],
        export_symbols = [],

ext_modules = [dwt]
packages =  ['pywt',]
package_dir = {'pywt':'pywt',}

def do_setup(**extra_kwds):
    util.templating.expand_files('src/*.template', True)

        name = release["name"],
        version = release["version"],
        description = release["description"],
        long_description = release["long_description"],
        author = release["author"],
        author_email = release["author_email"],
        url = release["url"],
        download_url = release["download_url"],
        license = release["license"],
        keywords = release["keywords"],
        platforms = release["platforms"],
        classifiers = release["classifiers"],

        ext_modules = ext_modules,

        packages = packages,
        package_dir = package_dir,
        #script_args = ["build_ext"],

        cmdclass = cmdclass,

if __name__ == '__main__':
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