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	--></script></head><body id="TOP"><div id="container"><div id="banner"><img src="Images/banner.jpg" alt="Text Encoding Initiative logo and banner" /></div></div><div class="mainhead"><h1>P5: 
    Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange</h1><p>Version 3.1.1a. Last updated on
	10th May 2017, revision bd8dda3</p></div><div class="main-content"><div class="miniTOC miniTOC_right"><ul class="subtoc"><li class="subtoc"></li><li class="subtoc"></li><li class="subtoc"><a class="navigation" href="index.html">Home</a></li><li class="subtoc"><a class="navigation" href="REF-CLASSES-ATTS.html">B Attribute Classes</a></li></ul></div><div><h3 class="oddSpec" id="att.declaring">att.declaring</h3><table class="wovenodd"><tr><td colspan="2" class="wovenodd-col2"><span class="label">att.declaring</span> provides attributes for elements which may be independently associated with a particular declarable element within the header, thus overriding the inherited default for that element. [<a class="link_ptr" href="CC.html#CCAS" title="Associating Contextual Information with a Text"><span class="headingNumber">15.3 </span>Associating Contextual Information with a Text</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Module</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2">tei — The TEI Infrastructure</td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Members</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><span class="showmembers1"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(anonymous block) contains any arbitrary component-level unit of text, acting as an anonymous container for phrase or inter level elements analogous to, but without the semantic baggage of, a paragraph." href="ref-ab.html">ab</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text." href="ref-back.html">back</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter." href="ref-body.html">body</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div.html">div</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-1 text division) contains a first-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div1.html">div1</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-2 text division) contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div2.html">div2</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-3 text division) contains a third-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div3.html">div3</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div4.html">div4</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-5 text division) contains a fifth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div5.html">div5</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-6 text division) contains a sixth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div6.html">div6</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-7 text division) contains the smallest possible subdivision of the front, body or back of a text, larger than a paragraph." href="ref-div7.html">div7</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a representation of some written source in the form of a set of images rather than as transcribed or encoded text." href="ref-facsimile.html">facsimile</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, which interrupts the text containing it at any point and after which the surrounding text resumes." href="ref-floatingText.html">floatingText</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, abstracts, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body." href="ref-front.html">front</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation." href="ref-geo.html">geo</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="identifies a phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase." href="ref-gloss.html">gloss</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the location of a graphic or illustration, either forming part of a text, or providing an image of it." href="ref-graphic.html">graphic</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc." href="ref-group.html">group</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc." href="ref-lg.html">lg</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the location of any form of external media such as an audio or video clip etc." href="ref-media.html">media</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(manuscript description) contains a description of a single identifiable manuscript or other text-bearing object." href="ref-msDesc.html">msDesc</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(paragraph) marks paragraphs in prose." href="ref-p.html">p</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(pointer) defines a pointer to another location." href="ref-ptr.html">ptr</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment." href="ref-ref.html">ref</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a transcription or other representation of a single source document potentially forming part of a dossier génétique or collection of sources." href="ref-sourceDoc.html">sourceDoc</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them." href="ref-surface.html">surface</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit." href="ref-surfaceGrp.html">surfaceGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term." href="ref-term.html">term</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample." href="ref-text.html">text</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(utterance) contains a stretch of speech usually preceded and followed by silence or by a change of speaker." href="ref-u.html">u</a></span></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Attributes</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2">Attributes<table class="attList"><tr><td class="odd_label">decls<span class="bookmarklink"><a class="bookmarklink" id="tei_att.decls" href="#tei_att.decls" title="link to this attribute "><span class="invisible"> decls</span><span class="pilcrow">¶</span></a></span></td><td class="odd_value">identifies one or more <span class="term">declarable elements</span> within the header, which are understood to apply to the element bearing this attribute and its content.<table class="attDef"><tr><td class="odd_label"><span class="label" lang="en">Status</span> </td><td class="odd_value"><span lang="en">Optional</span></td></tr><tr><td class="odd_label"><span lang="en" class="label">Datatype</span> </td><td class="odd_value"> 1–∞ <span lang="en">occurrences of</span> <a class="link_element" href="ref-teidata.pointer.html">teidata.pointer</a> <span lang="en">separated by whitespace</span></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Note</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><!-- --><p>The rules governing the association of declarable elements with individual parts of a TEI text are fully defined in chapter <a class="link_ptr" href="CC.html#CCAS" title="Associating Contextual Information with a Text"><span class="headingNumber">15.3 </span>Associating Contextual Information with a Text</a>.</p></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="stdfooter autogenerated"><p>
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    </p><hr /><div class="footer"><a class="plain" href="">TEI Consortium</a> | <a class="plain" href="">Feedback</a></div><hr /><address><br />TEI Guidelines <a class="link_ref" href="AB.html#ABTEI4">Version</a> <a class="link_ref" href="../../readme-3.1.1.html">3.1.1a</a>. Last updated on <span class="date">10th May 2017</span>, revision <a class="link_ref" href="">bd8dda3</a>. This page generated on 2017-05-12T12:30:09Z.</address></div></body></html>
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