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<html xmlns="" lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><!--THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM AN XML MASTER. DO NOT EDIT (7)--><title>TEI macro data.language </title><meta property="Language" content="en" /><meta property="DC.Title" content="TEI macro data.language " /><meta property="DC.Language" content="SCHEME=iso639 en" /><meta property="DC.Creator.Address" content="" /><meta charset="utf-8" /><link href="guidelines.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link href="odd.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" media="print" type="text/css" href="guidelines-print.css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="columnlist.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="popupFootnotes.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">
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	--></script></head><body id="TOP"><div id="container"><div id="banner"><img src="Images/banner.jpg" alt="Text Encoding Initiative logo and banner" /></div></div><div class="mainhead"><h1>P5: 
    Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange</h1><p>Version 3.1.1a. Last updated on
	10th May 2017, revision bd8dda3</p></div><div class="main-content"><div class="miniTOC miniTOC_right"><ul class="subtoc"><li class="subtoc"></li><li class="subtoc"></li><li class="subtoc"><a class="navigation" href="index.html">Home</a></li><li class="subtoc"><a class="navigation" href="REF-MACROS.html">E Datatypes and Other Macros</a></li></ul></div><div><h3 class="oddSpec" id="data.language">data.language</h3><table class="wovenodd"><tr><td colspan="2"><span class="label">data.language</span> defines the range of attribute values used to identify a particular combination of human language and writing system. [<a class="link_ptr" href="CH.html#CHSH" title="Language Identification"><span class="headingNumber">vi.1. </span>Language Identification</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span lang="en" class="deprecated"><a class="link_" href=""><span>Deprecated</span></a></span></td><td colspan="2" class="wovenodd-col2"><span lang="en" class="deprecated">This feature will be withdrawn after 2018-10-01</span></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Module</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2">tei — The TEI Infrastructure</td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Used by</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><div class="parent"></div></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Declaration</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><div class="displayRelax"><button class="displayRelaxButton"><span class="RNG_Compact">XML syntax</span><span class="RNG_XML">Compact syntax</span></button><pre class="RNG_XML"><span class="element">&lt;rng:define <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue">data.language</span>"&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:choice&gt;</span><br />  <span class="element">&lt;rng:data <span class="attribute">type</span>="<span class="attributevalue">language</span>"/&gt;</span><br />  <span class="element">&lt;rng:value/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;/rng:choice&gt;</span><br /><span class="element">&lt;/rng:define&gt;</span></pre><pre class="RNG_Compact">
data.language = xsd:language | ""</pre></div></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Note</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><!-- --><p>The values for this attribute are language ‘tags’ as defined in <a class="link_ref" href="">BCP 47</a>. Currently BCP 47 comprises RFC 5646 and RFC 4647; over time, other IETF documents may succeed these as the best current practice.</p><p>A ‘language tag’, per BCP 47, is assembled from a sequence of components or <span class="term">subtags</span> separated by the hyphen character (<span class="mentioned">-</span>, U+002D). The tag is made of the following subtags, in the following order. Every subtag except the first is optional. If present, each occurs only once, except the fourth and fifth components (variant and extension), which are repeatable. </p><dl><dt><span>language</span></dt><dd>The IANA-registered code for the language. This is almost always the same as the ISO 639 2-letter language code if there is one. The list of available registered language subtags can be found at <a class="link_ptr" href=""><span></span></a>. It is recommended that this code be written in lower case.</dd><dt><span>script</span></dt><dd>The ISO 15924 code for the script. These codes consist of 4 letters, and it is recommended they be written with an initial capital, the other three letters in lower case. The canonical list of codes is maintained by the Unicode Consortium, and is available at <a class="link_ptr" href=""><span></span></a>. The IETF recommends this code be omitted unless it is necessary to make a distinction you need.</dd><dt><span>region</span></dt><dd>Either an ISO 3166 country code or a UN M.49 region code that is registered with IANA (not all such codes are registered, e.g. UN codes for economic groupings or codes for countries for which there is already an ISO 3166 2-letter code are not registered). The former consist of 2 letters, and it is recommended they be written in upper case; the list of codes can be searched or browsed at <a class="link_ptr" href=""><span></span></a>. The latter consist of 3 digits; the list of codes can be found at <a class="link_ptr" href=""><span></span></a>.</dd><dt><span>variant</span></dt><dd>An IANA-registered variation. These codes <span class="quoted">are used to indicate additional, well-recognized variations that define a language or its dialects that are not covered by other available subtags</span>.</dd><dt><span>extension</span></dt><dd>An extension has the format of a single letter followed by a hyphen followed by additional subtags. These exist to allow for future extension to BCP 47, but as of this writing no such extensions are in use.</dd><dt><span>private use</span></dt><dd>An extension that uses the initial subtag of the single letter <span class="mentioned">x</span> (i.e., starts with <code>x-</code>) has no meaning except as negotiated among the parties involved. These should be used with great care, since they interfere with the interoperability that use of RFC 4646 is intended to promote. In order for a document that makes use of these subtags to be TEI-conformant, a corresponding <a class="gi" title="characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text." href="ref-language.html">language</a> element must be present in the TEI header.</dd></dl><p>There are two exceptions to the above format. First, there are language tags in the <a class="link_ref" href="">IANA registry</a> that do not match the above syntax, but are present because they have been ‘grandfathered’ from previous specifications.</p><p>Second, an entire language tag can consist of only a private use subtag. These tags start with <code>x-</code>, and do not need to follow any further rules established by the IETF and endorsed by these Guidelines. Like all language tags that make use of private use subtags, the language in question must be documented in a corresponding <a class="gi" title="characterizes a single language or sublanguage used within a text." href="ref-language.html">language</a> element in the TEI header.</p><p>Examples include </p><dl><dt><span><span class="val">sn</span></span></dt><dd>Shona</dd><dt><span><span class="val">zh-TW</span></span></dt><dd>Taiwanese</dd><dt><span><span class="val">zh-Hant-HK</span></span></dt><dd>Chinese written in traditional script as used in Hong Kong</dd><dt><span><span class="val">en-SL</span></span></dt><dd>English as spoken in Sierra Leone</dd><dt><span><span class="val">pl</span></span></dt><dd>Polish</dd><dt><span><span class="val">es-MX</span></span></dt><dd>Spanish as spoken in Mexico</dd><dt><span><span class="val">es-419</span></span></dt><dd>Spanish as spoken in Latin America</dd></dl><p>The W3C Internationalization Activity has published a useful introduction to BCP 47, <a class="link_ref" href="">Language tags in HTML and XML</a>.</p></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="stdfooter autogenerated"><p>
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    </p><hr /><div class="footer"><a class="plain" href="">TEI Consortium</a> | <a class="plain" href="">Feedback</a></div><hr /><address><br />TEI Guidelines <a class="link_ref" href="AB.html#ABTEI4">Version</a> <a class="link_ref" href="../../readme-3.1.1.html">3.1.1a</a>. Last updated on <span class="date">10th May 2017</span>, revision <a class="link_ref" href="">bd8dda3</a>. This page generated on 2017-05-12T12:30:09Z.</address></div></body></html>
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