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Tip revision: 347c64fac3fa1a64ade0d8d1842813d4b8f7acec authored by Hugh Cayless on 12 May 2017, 16:57:59 UTC
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<html xmlns="" lang="en"><head><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" /><!--THIS FILE IS GENERATED FROM AN XML MASTER. DO NOT EDIT (7)--><title>TEI element docDate (document date) </title><meta property="Language" content="en" /><meta property="DC.Title" content="TEI element docDate (document date) " /><meta property="DC.Language" content="SCHEME=iso639 en" /><meta property="DC.Creator.Address" content="" /><meta charset="utf-8" /><link href="guidelines.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link href="odd.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" /><link rel="stylesheet" media="print" type="text/css" href="guidelines-print.css" /><script type="text/javascript" src="jquery-1.2.6.min.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="columnlist.js"></script><script type="text/javascript" src="popupFootnotes.js"></script><script type="text/javascript">
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	--></script></head><body id="TOP"><div id="container"><div id="banner"><img src="Images/banner.jpg" alt="Text Encoding Initiative logo and banner" /></div></div><div class="mainhead"><h1>P5: 
    Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange</h1><p>Version 3.1.1a. Last updated on
	10th May 2017, revision bd8dda3</p></div><div class="main-content"><div class="miniTOC miniTOC_right"><ul class="subtoc"><li class="subtoc"></li><li class="subtoc"></li><li class="subtoc"><a class="navigation" href="index.html">Home</a></li><li class="subtoc"><a class="navigation" href="REF-ELEMENTS.html">C Elements</a></li></ul></div><div><h3 class="oddSpec" id="docDate">&lt;docDate&gt;</h3><table class="wovenodd"><tr><td colspan="2" class="wovenodd-col2"><span class="label">&lt;docDate&gt; </span>(document date) contains the date of a document, as given on a title page or in a dateline. [<a class="link_ptr" href="DS.html#DSTITL" title="Title Pages"><span class="headingNumber">4.6 </span>Title Pages</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Module</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2">textstructure — Default Text Structure</td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Attributes</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><a class="link_odd" title="provides attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme." href=""></a> (<span class="attribute">@xml:id</span>, <span class="attribute">@n</span>, <span class="attribute">@xml:lang</span>, <span class="attribute">@xml:base</span>, <span class="attribute">@xml:space</span>)  (<a class="link_odd" title="provides rendering attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme." href=""></a> (<span class="attribute">@rend</span>, <span class="attribute">@style</span>, <span class="attribute">@rendition</span>))  (<a class="link_odd" title="provides a set of attributes for hypertextual linking." href=""></a> (<span class="attribute">@corresp</span>, <span class="attribute">@synch</span>, <span class="attribute">@sameAs</span>, <span class="attribute">@copyOf</span>, <span class="attribute">@next</span>, <span class="attribute">@prev</span>, <span class="attribute">@exclude</span>, <span class="attribute">@select</span>))  (<a class="link_odd" title="provides additional global attributes for associating specific analyses or interpretations with appropriate portions of a text." href=""></a> (<span class="attribute">@ana</span>))  (<a class="link_odd" title="provides an attribute used to express correspondence between an element containing transcribed text and all or part of an image representing that text." href=""></a> (<span class="attribute">@facs</span>))  (<a class="link_odd" title="supplies the @change attribute, allowing its member elements to specify one or more states or revision campaigns with which they are associated." href=""></a> (<span class="attribute">@change</span>))  (<a class="link_odd" title="provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it." href=""></a> (<span class="attribute">@cert</span>, <span class="attribute">@resp</span>))  (<a class="link_odd" title="provides an attribute used by elements to point to an external source." href=""></a> (<span class="attribute">@source</span>)) <table class="attList"><tr><td class="odd_label">when<span class="bookmarklink"><a class="bookmarklink" id="tei_att.when" href="#tei_att.when" title="link to this attribute "><span class="invisible"> when</span><span class="pilcrow">¶</span></a></span></td><td class="odd_value">gives the value of the date in standard form, i.e. YYYY-MM-DD.<table class="attDef"><tr><td class="odd_label"><span class="label" lang="en">Status</span> </td><td class="odd_value"><span lang="en">Optional</span></td></tr><tr><td class="odd_label"><span lang="en" class="label">Datatype</span> </td><td class="odd_value"><a class="link_element" href="ref-teidata.temporal.w3c.html">teidata.temporal.w3c</a></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Note</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><!-- --><p>For simple dates, the <span class="att">when</span> attribute should give the Gregorian or proleptic Gregorian date in one of the formats specified in <span class="titlem">XML Schema Part 2: Datatypes Second Edition</span>. </p></td></tr></table></td></tr></table></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Member of</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><div class="parent"><a class="link_odd_classSpec" title="groups elements which can appear at either top or bottom of a textual division." href="ref-model.divWrapper.html">model.divWrapper</a> <a class="link_odd_classSpec" title="groups paragraph-like elements which can occur as direct constituents of front matter." href="ref-model.pLike.front.html">model.pLike.front</a> <a class="link_odd_classSpec" title="groups elements which can occur as direct constituents of a title page, such as &lt;docTitle&gt;, &lt;docAuthor&gt;, &lt;docImprint&gt;, or &lt;epigraph&gt;." href="ref-model.titlepagePart.html">model.titlepagePart</a></div></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Contained by</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><div class="parent"><div class="specChildren"><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">core: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc." href="ref-lg.html">lg</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains any sequence of items organized as a list." href="ref-list.html">list</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">drama: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(cast list) contains a single cast list or dramatis personae." href="ref-castList.html">castList</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the epilogue to a drama, typically spoken by an actor out of character, possibly in association with a particular performance or venue." href="ref-epilogue.html">epilogue</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a section of front or back matter describing how a dramatic piece is to be performed in general or how it was performed on some specific occasion." href="ref-performance.html">performance</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the prologue to a drama, typically spoken by an actor out of character, possibly in association with a particular performance or venue." href="ref-prologue.html">prologue</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">figures: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure." href="ref-figure.html">figure</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns." href="ref-table.html">table</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">msdescription: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part." href="ref-msItem.html">msItem</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">textstructure: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text." href="ref-back.html">back</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter." href="ref-body.html">body</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a brief description of the place, date, time, etc. of production of a letter, newspaper story, or other work, prefixed or suffixed to it as a kind of heading or trailer." href="ref-dateline.html">dateline</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div.html">div</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-1 text division) contains a first-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div1.html">div1</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-2 text division) contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div2.html">div2</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-3 text division) contains a third-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div3.html">div3</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div4.html">div4</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-5 text division) contains a fifth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div5.html">div5</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-6 text division) contains a sixth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div6.html">div6</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-7 text division) contains the smallest possible subdivision of the front, body or back of a text, larger than a paragraph." href="ref-div7.html">div7</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page." href="ref-docImprint.html">docImprint</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, abstracts, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body." href="ref-front.html">front</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc." href="ref-group.html">group</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter." href="ref-titlePage.html">titlePage</a></span></div></div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">May contain</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><div class="specChildren"><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">analysis: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(character) represents a character." href="ref-c.html">c</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(clause) represents a grammatical clause." href="ref-cl.html">cl</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(interpretation) summarizes a specific interpretative annotation which can be linked to a span of text." href="ref-interp.html">interp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(interpretation group) collects together a set of related interpretations which share responsibility or type." href="ref-interpGrp.html">interpGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(morpheme) represents a grammatical morpheme." href="ref-m.html">m</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(punctuation character) contains a character or string of characters regarded as constituting a single punctuation mark." href="ref-pc.html">pc</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(phrase) represents a grammatical phrase." href="ref-phr.html">phr</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(s-unit) contains a sentence-like division of a text." href="ref-s.html">s</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="associates an interpretative annotation directly with a span of text." href="ref-span.html">span</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(span group) collects together span tags." href="ref-spanGrp.html">spanGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(word) represents a grammatical (not necessarily orthographic) word." href="ref-w.html">w</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">certainty: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the degree of certainty associated with some aspect of the text markup." href="ref-certainty.html">certainty</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the numerical accuracy or precision associated with some aspect of the text markup." href="ref-precision.html">precision</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(responsibility) identifies the individual(s) responsible for some aspect of the content or markup of particular element(s)." href="ref-respons.html">respons</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">core: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(abbreviation) contains an abbreviation of any sort." href="ref-abbr.html">abbr</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(addition) contains letters, words, or phrases inserted in the source text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector." href="ref-add.html">add</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual." href="ref-address.html">address</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="provides encoded binary data representing an inline graphic, audio, video or other object." href="ref-binaryObject.html">binaryObject</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(column break) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page." href="ref-cb.html">cb</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups a number of alternative encodings for the same point in a text." href="ref-choice.html">choice</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(correction) contains the correct form of a passage apparently erroneous in the copy text." href="ref-corr.html">corr</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a date in any format." href="ref-date.html">date</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(deletion) contains a letter, word, or passage deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise indicated as superfluous or spurious in the copy text by an author, scribe, or a previous annotator or corrector." href="ref-del.html">del</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="identifies any word or phrase which is regarded as linguistically distinct, for example as archaic, technical, dialectal, non-preferred, etc., or as forming part of a sublanguage." href="ref-distinct.html">distinct</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(electronic mail address) contains an email address identifying a location to which email messages can be delivered." href="ref-email.html">email</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(emphasized) marks words or phrases which are stressed or emphasized for linguistic or rhetorical effect." href="ref-emph.html">emph</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(expansion) contains the expansion of an abbreviation." href="ref-expan.html">expan</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="identifies a word or phrase as belonging to some language other than that of the surrounding text." href="ref-foreign.html">foreign</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible." href="ref-gap.html">gap</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(gathering begins) marks the point in a transcribed codex at which a new gathering or quire begins." href="ref-gb.html">gb</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="identifies a phrase or word used to provide a gloss or definition for some other word or phrase." href="ref-gloss.html">gloss</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the location of a graphic or illustration, either forming part of a text, or providing an image of it." href="ref-graphic.html">graphic</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(highlighted) marks a word or phrase as graphically distinct from the surrounding text, for reasons concerning which no claim is made." href="ref-hi.html">hi</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose." href="ref-index.html">index</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text." href="ref-lb.html">lb</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a word or phrase referring to some quantity of an object or commodity, usually comprising a number, a unit, and a commodity name." href="ref-measure.html">measure</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(measure group) contains a group of dimensional specifications which relate to the same object, for example the height and width of a manuscript page." href="ref-measureGrp.html">measureGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the location of any form of external media such as an audio or video clip etc." href="ref-media.html">media</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="() marks words or phrases mentioned, not used." href="ref-mentioned.html">mentioned</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element." href="ref-milestone.html">milestone</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(name, proper noun) contains a proper noun or noun phrase." href="ref-name.html">name</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a note or annotation." href="ref-note.html">note</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(number) contains a number, written in any form." href="ref-num.html">num</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(original form) contains a reading which is marked as following the original, rather than being normalized or corrected." href="ref-orig.html">orig</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document." href="ref-pb.html">pb</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(pointer) defines a pointer to another location." href="ref-ptr.html">ptr</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(reference) defines a reference to another location, possibly modified by additional text or comment." href="ref-ref.html">ref</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(regularization) contains a reading which has been regularized or normalized in some sense." href="ref-reg.html">reg</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(referencing string) contains a general purpose name or referring string." href="ref-rs.html">rs</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(Latin for thus or so) contains text reproduced although apparently incorrect or inaccurate." href="ref-sic.html">sic</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a word or phrase for which the author or narrator indicates a disclaiming of responsibility, for example by the use of scare quotes or italics." href="ref-soCalled.html">soCalled</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a single-word, multi-word, or symbolic designation which is regarded as a technical term." href="ref-term.html">term</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format." href="ref-time.html">time</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a title for any kind of work." href="ref-title.html">title</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a word, phrase, or passage which cannot be transcribed with certainty because it is illegible or inaudible in the source." href="ref-unclear.html">unclear</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">dictionaries: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(language name) contains the name of a language mentioned in etymological or other linguistic discussion." href="ref-lang.html">lang</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(orthographic-form reference) in a dictionary example, indicates a reference to the orthographic form(s) of the headword." href="ref-oRef.html">oRef</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(orthographic-variant reference) in a dictionary example, indicates a reference to variant orthographic form(s) of the headword." href="ref-oVar.html">oVar</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(pronunciation reference) in a dictionary example, indicates a reference to the pronunciation(s) of the headword." href="ref-pRef.html">pRef</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(pronunciation-variant reference) in a dictionary example, indicates a reference to variant pronunciation(s) of the headword." href="ref-pVar.html">pVar</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">figures: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure." href="ref-figure.html">figure</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a mathematical or other formula." href="ref-formula.html">formula</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="encodes the presence of music notation in a text" href="ref-notatedMusic.html">notatedMusic</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">gaiji: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(character or glyph) represents a glyph, or a non-standard character." href="ref-g.html">g</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">header: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(identifier) supplies any form of identifier used to identify some object, such as a bibliographic item, a person, a title, an organization, etc. in a standardized way." href="ref-idno.html">idno</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">iso-fs: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(feature library) assembles a library of feature elements." href="ref-fLib.html">fLib</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(feature structure) represents a feature structure, that is, a collection of feature-value pairs organized as a structural unit." href="ref-fs.html">fs</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(feature-value library) assembles a library of reusable feature value elements (including complete feature structures)." href="ref-fvLib.html">fvLib</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">linking: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(alternation) identifies an alternation or a set of choices among elements or passages." href="ref-alt.html">alt</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(alternation group) groups a collection of &lt;alt&gt; elements and possibly pointers." href="ref-altGrp.html">altGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element." href="ref-anchor.html">anchor</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="identifies a possibly fragmented segment of text, by pointing at the possibly discontiguous elements which compose it." href="ref-join.html">join</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(join group) groups a collection of &lt;join&gt; elements and possibly pointers." href="ref-joinGrp.html">joinGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines an association or hypertextual link among elements or passages, of some type not more precisely specifiable by other elements." href="ref-link.html">link</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(link group) defines a collection of associations or hypertextual links." href="ref-linkGrp.html">linkGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(arbitrary segment) represents any segmentation of text below the ‘chunk’ level." href="ref-seg.html">seg</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="provides a set of ordered points in time which can be linked to elements of a spoken text to create a temporal alignment of that text." href="ref-timeline.html">timeline</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">msdescription: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="describes the system used to ensure correct ordering of the quires making up a codex or incunable, typically by means of annotations at the foot of the page." href="ref-catchwords.html">catchwords</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a measurement measured across the spine of a book or codex, or (for other text-bearing objects) perpendicular to the measurement given by the &lt;width&gt; element." href="ref-depth.html">depth</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains any single measurement forming part of a dimensional specification of some sort." href="ref-dim.html">dim</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a dimensional specification." href="ref-dimensions.html">dimensions</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a measurement measured along the axis at right angles to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. parallel to the spine for a codex or book." href="ref-height.html">height</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a heraldic formula or phrase, typically found as part of a blazon, coat of arms, etc." href="ref-heraldry.html">heraldry</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines a location within a manuscript or manuscript part, usually as a (possibly discontinuous) sequence of folio references." href="ref-locus.html">locus</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups a number of locations which together form a distinct but discontinuous item within a manuscript or manuscript part, according to a specific foliation." href="ref-locusGrp.html">locusGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a word or phrase describing the material of which the object being described is composed." href="ref-material.html">material</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a word or phrase describing the type of object being referred to." href="ref-objectType.html">objectType</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part." href="ref-origDate.html">origDate</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(origin place) contains any form of place name, used to identify the place of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part." href="ref-origPlace.html">origPlace</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(second folio) marks the word or words taken from a fixed point in a codex (typically the beginning of the second leaf) in order to provide a unique identifier for it." href="ref-secFol.html">secFol</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains discussion of the leaf or quire signatures found within a codex." href="ref-signatures.html">signatures</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a word or phrase describing a stamp or similar device." href="ref-stamp.html">stamp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a word or phrase describing a watermark or similar device." href="ref-watermark.html">watermark</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a measurement measured along the axis parallel to the bottom of the written surface, i.e. perpendicular to the spine of a book or codex." href="ref-width.html">width</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">namesdates: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(additional name) contains an additional name component, such as a nickname, epithet, or alias, or any other descriptive phrase used within a personal name." href="ref-addName.html">addName</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains an informal description of a person's present or past affiliation with some organization, for example an employer or sponsor." href="ref-affiliation.html">affiliation</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the name of a geo-political unit consisting of two or more nation states or countries." href="ref-bloc.html">bloc</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains information about the physical climate of a place." href="ref-climate.html">climate</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the name of a geo-political unit, such as a nation, country, colony, or commonwealth, larger than or administratively superior to a region and smaller than a bloc." href="ref-country.html">country</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the name of any kind of subdivision of a settlement, such as a parish, ward, or other administrative or geographic unit." href="ref-district.html">district</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a forename, given or baptismal name." href="ref-forename.html">forename</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(generational name component) contains a name component used to distinguish otherwise similar names on the basis of the relative ages or generations of the persons named." href="ref-genName.html">genName</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(geographical coordinates) contains any expression of a set of geographic coordinates, representing a point, line, or area on the surface of the earth in some notation." href="ref-geo.html">geo</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(geographical feature name) contains a common noun identifying some geographical feature contained within a geographic name, such as valley, mount, etc." href="ref-geogFeat.html">geogFeat</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(geographical name) identifies a name associated with some geographical feature such as Windrush Valley or Mount Sinai." href="ref-geogName.html">geogName</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines the location of a place as a set of geographical coordinates, in terms of other named geo-political entities, or as an address." href="ref-location.html">location</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(name link) contains a connecting phrase or link used within a name but not regarded as part of it, such as “van der” or “of”." href="ref-nameLink.html">nameLink</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks that part of a relative temporal or spatial expression which indicates the direction of the offset between the two place names, dates, or times involved in the expression." href="ref-offset.html">offset</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(organization name) contains an organizational name." href="ref-orgName.html">orgName</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(personal name) contains a proper noun or proper-noun phrase referring to a person, possibly including one or more of the person's forenames, surnames, honorifics, added names, etc." href="ref-persName.html">persName</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains an absolute or relative place name." href="ref-placeName.html">placeName</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains information about the population of a place." href="ref-population.html">population</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the name of an administrative unit such as a state, province, or county, larger than a settlement, but smaller than a country." href="ref-region.html">region</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a name component which indicates that the referent has a particular role or position in society, such as an official title or rank." href="ref-roleName.html">roleName</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the name of a settlement such as a city, town, or village identified as a single geo-political or administrative unit." href="ref-settlement.html">settlement</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization often at some specific time or for a specific date range." href="ref-state.html">state</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a family (inherited) name, as opposed to a given, baptismal, or nick name." href="ref-surname.html">surname</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains information about the physical terrain of a place." href="ref-terrain.html">terrain</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a description of some status or quality attributed to a person, place, or organization typically, but not necessarily, independent of the volition or action of the holder and usually not at some specific time or for a specific date range." href="ref-trait.html">trait</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">spoken: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks any phenomenon or occurrence, not necessarily vocalized or communicative, for example incidental noises or other events affecting communication." href="ref-incident.html">incident</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks any communicative phenomenon, not necessarily vocalized, for example a gesture, frown, etc." href="ref-kinesic.html">kinesic</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks a pause either between or within utterances." href="ref-pause.html">pause</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks the point at which some paralinguistic feature of a series of utterances by any one speaker changes." href="ref-shift.html">shift</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks any vocalized but not necessarily lexical phenomenon, for example voiced pauses, non-lexical backchannels, etc." href="ref-vocal.html">vocal</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a passage of written text revealed to participants in the course of a spoken text." href="ref-writing.html">writing</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">tagdocs: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(attribute) contains the name of an attribute appearing within running text." href="ref-att.html">att</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains literal code from some formal language such as a programming language." href="ref-code.html">code</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(element name) contains the name (generic identifier) of an element." href="ref-gi.html">gi</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(identifier) contains an identifier or name for an object of some kind in a formal language. &lt;ident&gt; is used for tokens such as variable names, class names, type names, function names etc. in formal programming languages." href="ref-ident.html">ident</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(specification description) indicates that a description of the specified element or class should be included at this point within a document." href="ref-specDesc.html">specDesc</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(specification list) marks where a list of descriptions is to be inserted into the prose documentation." href="ref-specList.html">specList</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains text of a complete start- or end-tag, possibly including attribute specifications, but excluding the opening and closing markup delimiter characters." href="ref-tag.html">tag</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(value) contains a single attribute value." href="ref-val.html">val</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">textcrit: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(apparatus entry) contains one entry in a critical apparatus, with an optional lemma and usually one or more readings or notes on the relevant passage." href="ref-app.html">app</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(witness detail) gives further information about a particular witness, or witnesses, to a particular reading." href="ref-witDetail.html">witDetail</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">transcr: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(added span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text added by an author, scribe, annotator or corrector (see also &lt;add&gt;)." href="ref-addSpan.html">addSpan</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(abbreviation marker) contains a sequence of letters or signs present in an abbreviation which are omitted or replaced in the expanded form of the abbreviation." href="ref-am.html">am</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains an area of damage to the text witness." href="ref-damage.html">damage</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(damaged span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text which is damaged in some way but still legible." href="ref-damageSpan.html">damageSpan</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(deleted span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise signaled as superfluous or spurious by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector." href="ref-delSpan.html">delSpan</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(editorial expansion) contains a sequence of letters added by an editor or transcriber when expanding an abbreviation." href="ref-ex.html">ex</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page." href="ref-fw.html">fw</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks the beginning of a sequence of text written in a new hand, or the beginning of a scribal stint." href="ref-handShift.html">handShift</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="supplies a list of transpositions, each of which is indicated at some point in a document typically by means of metamarks." href="ref-listTranspose.html">listTranspose</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document." href="ref-metamark.html">metamark</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="represents any kind of modification identified within a single document." href="ref-mod.html">mod</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates one or more cancelled interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked as reaffirmed or repeated." href="ref-redo.html">redo</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates restoration of text to an earlier state by cancellation of an editorial or authorial marking or instruction." href="ref-restore.html">restore</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a sequence of writing which has been retraced, for example by over-inking, to clarify or fix it." href="ref-retrace.html">retrace</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(secluded text) Secluded. Marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be genuine but out of its original place (which is unknown)." href="ref-secl.html">secl</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the location of a significant space in the text." href="ref-space.html">space</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(substitution) groups one or more deletions with one or more additions when the combination is to be regarded as a single intervention in the text." href="ref-subst.html">subst</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(substitution join) identifies a series of possibly fragmented additions, deletions or other revisions on a manuscript that combine to make up a single intervention in the text" href="ref-substJoin.html">substJoin</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="signifies text supplied by the transcriber or editor for any reason; for example because the original cannot be read due to physical damage, or because of an obvious omission by the author or scribe." href="ref-supplied.html">supplied</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks text present in the source which the editor believes to be superfluous or redundant." href="ref-surplus.html">surplus</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates one or more marked-up interventions in a document which have subsequently been marked for cancellation." href="ref-undo.html">undo</a></span></div><div class="specChild"><span class="specChildModule">verse: </span><span class="specChildElements"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks the point at which a metrical line may be divided." href="ref-caesura.html">caesura</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks the rhyming part of a metrical line." href="ref-rhyme.html">rhyme</a></span></div><div class="specChild">character data</div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Note</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><!-- --><p>Cf. the general <a class="gi" title="contains a date in any format." href="ref-date.html">date</a> element in the core tag set. This specialized element is provided for convenience in marking and processing the date of the documents, since it is likely to require specialized handling for many applications. It should be used only for the date of the entire document, not for any subset or part of it.</p></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Example</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><div id="index-egXML-d52e56202" class="pre egXML_valid"><span class="element">&lt;docImprint&gt;</span>Oxford, Clarendon Press, <span class="element">&lt;docDate&gt;</span>1987<span class="element">&lt;/docDate&gt;</span><span class="element">&lt;/docImprint&gt;</span><div style="float: right;"><a href="examples-docDate.html">Show all</a> </div></div></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Content model</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><pre class="eg"><span class="element">&lt;content&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;macroRef <span class="attribute">key</span>="<a class="link_odd" href="ref-macro.phraseSeq.html">macro.phraseSeq</a>"/&gt;</span><br /><span class="element">&lt;/content&gt;</span></pre></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Schema Declaration</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><div class="displayRelax"><button class="displayRelaxButton"><span class="RNG_Compact">XML syntax</span><span class="RNG_XML">Compact syntax</span></button><pre class="RNG_XML"><span class="element">&lt;rng:element <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue">docDate</span>"&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue"></span>"/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue"></span>"/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue"></span>"/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue"></span>"/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue"></span>"/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue"></span>"/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue"></span>"/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue"></span>"/&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:optional&gt;</span><br />  <span class="element">&lt;rng:attribute <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue">when</span>"&gt;</span><br />   <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue">teidata.temporal.w3c</span>"/&gt;</span><br />  <span class="element">&lt;/rng:attribute&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;/rng:optional&gt;</span><br /> <span class="element">&lt;rng:ref <span class="attribute">name</span>="<span class="attributevalue">macro.phraseSeq</span>"/&gt;</span><br /><span class="element">&lt;/rng:element&gt;</span></pre><pre class="RNG_Compact">
<span class="rnc_keyword">element</span> <span class="rnc_nc">docDate</span>
   <a class="link_odd" title="provides attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme." href=""></a>,
   <a class="link_odd" title="provides rendering attributes common to all elements in the TEI encoding scheme." href=""></a>,
   <a class="link_odd" title="provides a set of attributes for hypertextual linking." href=""></a>,
   <a class="link_odd" title="provides additional global attributes for associating specific analyses or interpretations with appropriate portions of a text." href=""></a>,
   <a class="link_odd" title="provides an attribute used to express correspondence between an element containing transcribed text and all or part of an image representing that text." href=""></a>,
   <a class="link_odd" title="supplies the @change attribute, allowing its member elements to specify one or more states or revision campaigns with which they are associated." href=""></a>,
   <a class="link_odd" title="provides attributes indicating the agent responsible for some aspect of the text, the markup or something asserted by the markup, and the degree of certainty associated with it." href=""></a>,
   <a class="link_odd" title="provides an attribute used by elements to point to an external source." href=""></a>,
   attribute when { <a class="link_odd" title="" href="ref-teidata.temporal.w3c.html">teidata.temporal.w3c</a> }?,
   <a class="link_odd" title="" href="ref-macro.phraseSeq.html">macro.phraseSeq</a>
}</pre></div></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="stdfooter autogenerated"><p>
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    </p><hr /><div class="footer"><a class="plain" href="">TEI Consortium</a> | <a class="plain" href="">Feedback</a></div><hr /><address><br />TEI Guidelines <a class="link_ref" href="AB.html#ABTEI4">Version</a> <a class="link_ref" href="../../readme-3.1.1.html">3.1.1a</a>. Last updated on <span class="date">10th May 2017</span>, revision <a class="link_ref" href="">bd8dda3</a>. This page generated on 2017-05-12T12:30:09Z.</address></div></body></html>
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