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Tip revision: 347c64fac3fa1a64ade0d8d1842813d4b8f7acec authored by Hugh Cayless on 12 May 2017, 16:57:59 UTC
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	--></script></head><body id="TOP"><div id="container"><div id="banner"><img src="Images/banner.jpg" alt="Text Encoding Initiative logo and banner" /></div></div><div class="mainhead"><h1>P5: 
    Guidelines for Electronic Text Encoding and Interchange</h1><p>Version 3.1.1a. Last updated on
	10th May 2017, revision bd8dda3</p></div><div class="main-content"><div class="miniTOC miniTOC_right"><ul class="subtoc"><li class="subtoc"></li><li class="subtoc"></li><li class="subtoc"><a class="navigation" href="index.html">Home</a></li><li class="subtoc"><a class="navigation" href="REF-CLASSES-MODEL.html">A Model Classes</a></li></ul></div><div><h3 class="oddSpec" id=""></h3><table class="wovenodd"><tr><td colspan="2" class="wovenodd-col2"><span class="label"></span> groups elements which may appear at any point within a TEI text. [<a class="link_ptr" href="ST.html#STEC" title="The TEI Class System"><span class="headingNumber">1.3 </span>The TEI Class System</a>]</td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Module</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2">tei — The TEI Infrastructure</td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Used by</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><div class="parent"><a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a postal address, for example of a publisher, an organization, or an individual." href="ref-address.html">address</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a formal list or prose description of the topics addressed by a subdivision of a text." href="ref-argument.html">argument</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(back matter) contains any appendixes, etc. following the main part of a text." href="ref-back.html">back</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(bibliographic citation) contains a loosely-structured bibliographic citation of which the sub-components may or may not be explicitly tagged." href="ref-bibl.html">bibl</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(text body) contains the whole body of a single unitary text, excluding any front or back matter." href="ref-body.html">body</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the primary statement of responsibility given for a work on its title page or at the head or end of the work." href="ref-byline.html">byline</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(cast list grouping) groups one or more individual &lt;castItem&gt; elements within a cast list." href="ref-castGroup.html">castGroup</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(cast list item) contains a single entry within a cast list, describing either a single role or a list of non-speaking roles." href="ref-castItem.html">castItem</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(cast list) contains a single cast list or dramatis personae." href="ref-castList.html">castList</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(cited quotation) contains a quotation from some other document, together with a bibliographic reference to its source. In a dictionary it may contain an example text with at least one occurrence of the word form, used in the sense being described, or a translation of the headword, or an example." href="ref-cit.html">cit</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups together salutations, datelines, and similar phrases appearing as a final group at the end of a division, especially of a letter." href="ref-closer.html">closer</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a date in any format." href="ref-date.html">date</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a brief description of the place, date, time, etc. of production of a letter, newspaper story, or other work, prefixed or suffixed to it as a kind of heading or trailer." href="ref-dateline.html">dateline</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(dictionary scrap) encloses a part of a dictionary entry in which other phrase-level dictionary elements are freely combined." href="ref-dictScrap.html">dictScrap</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(text division) contains a subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div.html">div</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-1 text division) contains a first-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div1.html">div1</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-2 text division) contains a second-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div2.html">div2</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-3 text division) contains a third-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div3.html">div3</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-4 text division) contains a fourth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div4.html">div4</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-5 text division) contains a fifth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div5.html">div5</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-6 text division) contains a sixth-level subdivision of the front, body, or back of a text." href="ref-div6.html">div6</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(level-7 text division) contains the smallest possible subdivision of the front, body or back of a text, larger than a paragraph." href="ref-div7.html">div7</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(document imprint) contains the imprint statement (place and date of publication, publisher name), as given (usually) at the foot of a title page." href="ref-docImprint.html">docImprint</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(document title) contains the title of a document, including all its constituents, as given on a title page." href="ref-docTitle.html">docTitle</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a single structured entry in any kind of lexical resource, such as a dictionary or lexicon." href="ref-entry.html">entry</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(unstructured entry) contains a single unstructured entry in any kind of lexical resource, such as a dictionary or lexicon." href="ref-entryFree.html">entryFree</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a quotation, anonymous or attributed, appearing at the start or end of a section or on a title page." href="ref-epigraph.html">epigraph</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the epilogue to a drama, typically spoken by an actor out of character, possibly in association with a particular performance or venue." href="ref-epilogue.html">epilogue</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(etymology) encloses the etymological information in a dictionary entry." href="ref-etym.html">etym</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure." href="ref-figure.html">figure</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, which interrupts the text containing it at any point and after which the surrounding text resumes." href="ref-floatingText.html">floatingText</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(form information group) groups all the information on the written and spoken forms of one headword." href="ref-form.html">form</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(front matter) contains any prefatory matter (headers, abstracts, title page, prefaces, dedications, etc.) found at the start of a document, before the main body." href="ref-front.html">front</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(grammatical information group) groups morpho-syntactic information about a lexical item, e.g. &lt;pos&gt;, &lt;gen&gt;, &lt;number&gt;, &lt;case&gt;, or &lt;iType&gt; (inflectional class)." href="ref-gramGrp.html">gramGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="encodes a graph, which is a collection of nodes, and arcs which connect the nodes." href="ref-graph.html">graph</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the body of a composite text, grouping together a sequence of distinct texts (or groups of such texts) which are regarded as a unit for some purpose, for example the collected works of an author, a sequence of prose essays, etc." href="ref-group.html">group</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(heading) contains any type of heading, for example the title of a section, or the heading of a list, glossary, manuscript description, etc." href="ref-head.html">head</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(homograph) groups information relating to one homograph within an entry." href="ref-hom.html">hom</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="() groups information relating to the publication or distribution of a bibliographic item." href="ref-imprint.html">imprint</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(verse line) contains a single, possibly incomplete, line of verse." href="ref-l.html">l</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(lemma) contains the lemma, or base text, of a textual variation." href="ref-lem.html">lem</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(line group) contains one or more verse lines functioning as a formal unit, e.g. a stanza, refrain, verse paragraph, etc." href="ref-lg.html">lg</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the transcription of a topographic line in the source document" href="ref-line.html">line</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains any sequence of items organized as a list." href="ref-list.html">list</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(morpheme) represents a grammatical morpheme." href="ref-m.html">m</a> <a class="link_odd_macroSpec" title="" href="ref-macro.paraContent.html">macro.paraContent</a> <a class="link_odd_macroSpec" title="" href="ref-macro.phraseSeq.html">macro.phraseSeq</a> <a class="link_odd_macroSpec" title="" href=""></a> <a class="link_odd_macroSpec" title="" href="ref-macro.specialPara.html">macro.specialPara</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(manuscript item) describes an individual work or item within the intellectual content of a manuscript or manuscript part." href="ref-msItem.html">msItem</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups together dateline, byline, salutation, and similar phrases appearing as a preliminary group at the start of a division, especially of a letter." href="ref-opener.html">opener</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(origin date) contains any form of date, used to identify the date of origin for a manuscript or manuscript part." href="ref-origDate.html">origDate</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a section of front or back matter describing how a dramatic piece is to be performed in general or how it was performed on some specific occasion." href="ref-performance.html">performance</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="provides information about an identifiable individual, for example a participant in a language interaction, or a person referred to in a historical source." href="ref-person.html">person</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(personal group) describes a group of individuals treated as a single person for analytic purposes." href="ref-personGrp.html">personGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a postscript, e.g. to a letter." href="ref-postscript.html">postscript</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains the prologue to a drama, typically spoken by an actor out of character, possibly in association with a particular performance or venue." href="ref-prologue.html">prologue</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(reading) contains a single reading within a textual variation." href="ref-rdg.html">rdg</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(related entry) contains a dictionary entry for a lexical item related to the headword, such as a compound phrase or derived form, embedded inside a larger entry." href="ref-re.html">re</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups together all information relating to one word sense in a dictionary entry, for example definitions, examples, and translation equivalents." href="ref-sense.html">sense</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(series information) contains information about the series in which a book or other bibliographic item has appeared." href="ref-series.html">series</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(setting) contains a description of the setting, time, locale, appearance, etc., of the action of a play, typically found in the front matter of a printed performance text (not a stage direction)." href="ref-set.html">set</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a transcription or other representation of a single source document potentially forming part of a dossier génétique or collection of sources." href="ref-sourceDoc.html">sourceDoc</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(speech) contains an individual speech in a performance text, or a passage presented as such in a prose or verse text." href="ref-sp.html">sp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(speech group) contains a group of speeches or songs in a performance text presented in a source as constituting a single unit or ‘number’." href="ref-spGrp.html">spGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines a written surface as a two-dimensional coordinate space, optionally grouping one or more graphic representations of that space, zones of interest within that space, and transcriptions of the writing within them." href="ref-surface.html">surface</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines any kind of useful grouping of written surfaces, for example the recto and verso of a single leaf, which the encoder wishes to treat as a single unit." href="ref-surfaceGrp.html">surfaceGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains text displayed in tabular form, in rows and columns." href="ref-table.html">table</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a single text of any kind, whether unitary or composite, for example a poem or drama, a collection of essays, a novel, a dictionary, or a corpus sample." href="ref-text.html">text</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a phrase defining a time of day in any format." href="ref-time.html">time</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(title page) contains the title page of a text, appearing within the front or back matter." href="ref-titlePage.html">titlePage</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a closing title or footer appearing at the end of a division of a text." href="ref-trailer.html">trailer</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(word) represents a grammatical (not necessarily orthographic) word." href="ref-w.html">w</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(cross-reference phrase) contains a phrase, sentence, or icon referring the reader to some other location in this or another text." href="ref-xr.html">xr</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines any two-dimensional area within a &lt;surface&gt; element." href="ref-zone.html">zone</a></div></td></tr><tr><td class="wovenodd-col1"><span class="label" lang="en">Members</span></td><td class="wovenodd-col2"><span class="showmembers1"><a class="link_odd_classSpec" title="groups globally available elements which perform a specifically editorial function." href=""></a><span class="showmembers2"> [<a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(added span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text added by an author, scribe, annotator or corrector (see also &lt;add&gt;)." href="ref-addSpan.html">addSpan</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(apparatus entry) contains one entry in a critical apparatus, with an optional lemma and usually one or more readings or notes on the relevant passage." href="ref-app.html">app</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(damaged span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text which is damaged in some way but still legible." href="ref-damageSpan.html">damageSpan</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(deleted span of text) marks the beginning of a longer sequence of text deleted, marked as deleted, or otherwise signaled as superfluous or spurious by an author, scribe, annotator, or corrector." href="ref-delSpan.html">delSpan</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates a point where material has been omitted in a transcription, whether for editorial reasons described in the TEI header, as part of sampling practice, or because the material is illegible, invisible, or inaudible." href="ref-gap.html">gap</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the location of a significant space in the text." href="ref-space.html">space</a>] </span> <a class="link_odd_classSpec" title="groups globally available elements which describe the status of other elements." href=""></a><span class="showmembers2"> [<a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(alternation) identifies an alternation or a set of choices among elements or passages." href="ref-alt.html">alt</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(alternation group) groups a collection of &lt;alt&gt; elements and possibly pointers." href="ref-altGrp.html">altGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the degree of certainty associated with some aspect of the text markup." href="ref-certainty.html">certainty</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(feature library) assembles a library of feature elements." href="ref-fLib.html">fLib</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(feature structure) represents a feature structure, that is, a collection of feature-value pairs organized as a structural unit." href="ref-fs.html">fs</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(feature-value library) assembles a library of reusable feature value elements (including complete feature structures)." href="ref-fvLib.html">fvLib</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(index entry) marks a location to be indexed for whatever purpose." href="ref-index.html">index</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(interpretation) summarizes a specific interpretative annotation which can be linked to a span of text." href="ref-interp.html">interp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(interpretation group) collects together a set of related interpretations which share responsibility or type." href="ref-interpGrp.html">interpGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="identifies a possibly fragmented segment of text, by pointing at the possibly discontiguous elements which compose it." href="ref-join.html">join</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(join group) groups a collection of &lt;join&gt; elements and possibly pointers." href="ref-joinGrp.html">joinGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="defines an association or hypertextual link among elements or passages, of some type not more precisely specifiable by other elements." href="ref-link.html">link</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(link group) defines a collection of associations or hypertextual links." href="ref-linkGrp.html">linkGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="supplies a list of transpositions, each of which is indicated at some point in a document typically by means of metamarks." href="ref-listTranspose.html">listTranspose</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="indicates the numerical accuracy or precision associated with some aspect of the text markup." href="ref-precision.html">precision</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(responsibility) identifies the individual(s) responsible for some aspect of the content or markup of particular element(s)." href="ref-respons.html">respons</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="associates an interpretative annotation directly with a span of text." href="ref-span.html">span</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(span group) collects together span tags." href="ref-spanGrp.html">spanGrp</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(substitution join) identifies a series of possibly fragmented additions, deletions or other revisions on a manuscript that combine to make up a single intervention in the text" href="ref-substJoin.html">substJoin</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="provides a set of ordered points in time which can be linked to elements of a spoken text to create a temporal alignment of that text." href="ref-timeline.html">timeline</a>] </span> <a class="link_odd_classSpec" title="groups elements which may appear globally within spoken texts." href=""></a><span class="showmembers2"> [<a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks any phenomenon or occurrence, not necessarily vocalized or communicative, for example incidental noises or other events affecting communication." href="ref-incident.html">incident</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks any communicative phenomenon, not necessarily vocalized, for example a gesture, frown, etc." href="ref-kinesic.html">kinesic</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks a pause either between or within utterances." href="ref-pause.html">pause</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks the point at which some paralinguistic feature of a series of utterances by any one speaker changes." href="ref-shift.html">shift</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks any vocalized but not necessarily lexical phenomenon, for example voiced pauses, non-lexical backchannels, etc." href="ref-vocal.html">vocal</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a passage of written text revealed to participants in the course of a spoken text." href="ref-writing.html">writing</a>] </span> <a class="link_odd_classSpec" title="groups milestone-style elements used to represent reference systems." href="ref-model.milestoneLike.html">model.milestoneLike</a><span class="showmembers2"> [<a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(anchor point) attaches an identifier to a point within a text, whether or not it corresponds with a textual element." href="ref-anchor.html">anchor</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(column break) marks the beginning of a new column of a text on a multi-column page." href="ref-cb.html">cb</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(forme work) contains a running head (e.g. a header, footer), catchword, or similar material appearing on the current page." href="ref-fw.html">fw</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(gathering begins) marks the point in a transcribed codex at which a new gathering or quire begins." href="ref-gb.html">gb</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(line break) marks the start of a new (typographic) line in some edition or version of a text." href="ref-lb.html">lb</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="marks a boundary point separating any kind of section of a text, typically but not necessarily indicating a point at which some part of a standard reference system changes, where the change is not represented by a structural element." href="ref-milestone.html">milestone</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(page break) marks the start of a new page in a paginated document." href="ref-pb.html">pb</a>] </span> <a class="link_odd_classSpec" title="groups globally-available note-like elements." href="ref-model.noteLike.html">model.noteLike</a><span class="showmembers2"> [<a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains a note or annotation." href="ref-note.html">note</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="(witness detail) gives further information about a particular witness, or witnesses, to a particular reading." href="ref-witDetail.html">witDetail</a>] </span> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="groups elements representing or containing graphic information such as an illustration, formula, or figure." href="ref-figure.html">figure</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="contains or describes any kind of graphic or written signal within a document the function of which is to determine how it should be read rather than forming part of the actual content of the document." href="ref-metamark.html">metamark</a> <a class="link_odd_elementSpec" title="encodes the presence of music notation in a text" href="ref-notatedMusic.html">notatedMusic</a></span></td></tr></table></div></div><div class="stdfooter autogenerated"><p>
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    </p><hr /><div class="footer"><a class="plain" href="">TEI Consortium</a> | <a class="plain" href="">Feedback</a></div><hr /><address><br />TEI Guidelines <a class="link_ref" href="AB.html#ABTEI4">Version</a> <a class="link_ref" href="../../readme-3.1.1.html">3.1.1a</a>. Last updated on <span class="date">10th May 2017</span>, revision <a class="link_ref" href="">bd8dda3</a>. This page generated on 2017-05-12T12:30:09Z.</address></div></body></html>
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