Raw File
Tip revision: 0d2d6b485b84821cf0908eb43c6636c0d335ec18 authored by Joshua Zahner on 01 July 2018, 22:38:43 UTC
Hooked up DEM Options to Plot
Tip revision: 0d2d6b4
## Welcome to PySAR!   
PySAR is a open-source Python package for InSAR (Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar) time series analysis. It reads stack of interferograms (coregistered and unwrapped) in ROI_PAC, Gamma and ISCE format, and produces three dimensional (2D in space and 1D in time) ground displacement. It includes a routine time series analysis ( and some independent toolboxs. PySAR is built on the initial work done by [Scott Baker]( [Alfredo Terrero]( linked PySAR product with [time series web viewer](      

### 1. Download    
Download the stable version at [Release Page](, or use the command below. Note that PySAR release version 0.x is using Python 2.7.     
    cd ~/python
    tar -zxvf v0.4.0.tar.gz
or download the development version using git:   
    cd ~/python
    git clone

### 2. Installation   
For Mac users, Xcode with command line tools are needed, follow instructions [here]( 

#### 2.1 Prepare source file    

To use the package, you need to setup the environment. Depending on your shell, you may use commands below to setup pysar, by adding the following to your source file. They are for:   
1. To make pysar importable in python, by adding the path to PySAR directory to your $PYTHONPATH    
2. To make utility scripts available in command line, by adding ${PYSAR_HOME}/pysar and ${PYSAR_HOME}/sh to your $path.   
For csh/tcsh user, add to your **_~/.cshrc_** file for example:   

    ############################  Python  ###############################
    if ( ! $?PYTHONPATH ) then
        setenv PYTHONPATH ""
    ##--------- Anaconda ---------------## 
    setenv PYTHON3DIR    ~/python/anaconda3
    setenv PATH          ${PATH}:${PYTHON3DIR}/bin
    ##--------- PySAR ------------------## 
    setenv PYSAR_HOME    ~/python/PySAR       #for released version, "~/python/PySAR-0.4.0"
    setenv PATH          ${PATH}:${PYSAR_HOME}/pysar:${PYSAR_HOME}/sh
For bash user, add to your **_~/.bashrc_** file for example:   

    ############################  Python  ###############################
    if [ -z ${PYTHONPATH+x} ]; then export PYTHONPATH=""; fi
    ##--------- Anaconda ---------------## 
    export PYTHON3DIR=~/python/anaconda3
    export PATH=${PATH}:${PYTHON3DIR}/bin
    ##--------- PySAR ------------------## 
    export PYSAR_HOME=~/python/PySAR        #for released version, "~/python/PySAR-0.4.0"
    export PATH=${PATH}:${PYSAR_HOME}/pysar:${PYSAR_HOME}/sh   

Source the file for the first time. It will be sourced automatically next time when you login.
#### 2.2 Install Pre-requisites
PySAR relies on the following Python modules. We recommend using [Anaconda]( for Linux users and [Macports]( for Mac users to install the python environment and the prerequisite packages.
- [Python3.6](
- Numpy
- Scipy
- h5py
- Matplotlib
- multiprocessing
- [scikit-image](
- Basemap (optional, for plotting in geo coordinate)
- [pyresample]( (optional, for geocoding)
- pykml (optional, for Google Earth KMZ file output)
- joblib (optional, for parallel processing)
- lxml (optional, for ISCE XML file parsing)
- [PyAPS]( (optional, for tropospheric correction using weather re-analysis models, i.e. ERA-Interim, NARR, MERRA)

Run the following in your terminal (using conda):   

    cd ~/python
    chmod +x
    ./ -b -p $PYTHON3DIR
    $PYTHON3DIR/bin/conda config --add channels conda-forge
    $PYTHON3DIR/bin/conda install basemap joblib pykml lxml pyresample --yes   
For PyAPS installation, please refer to [PyAPS's Wiki at Caltech](

### 3. Running PySAR

The current version is compatible with ROI_PAC and Gamma products. PySAR reads unwrapped interefrograms (at the same coordinate system: radar or geo) and the baseline files for each interefrogram. You need to give the path to where the interferograms are and PySAR takes care of the rest!   

Run -h see the processing options.   
Run -g to generate a default template file and see the detailed settings.   

#### Example: [Kuju Volcano example with ALOS data](   

Download the test data: [Download Link]( and unzip it.   

Create a custom template file:   

    cd ~/KujuAlosAT422F650/PYSAR
    vi KujuAlosAT422F650_template.txt
Include the following pysar options in your template:   

    # vim: set filetype=cfg:
    ########## 1. Load Data (--load to exit after this step)
    ## auto - automatic path pattern for Univ of Miami file structure
    ## -H to check more details and example inputs.
    pysar.load.processor      = roipac  #[isce,roipac,gamma,], auto for isce
    ##---------interferogram datasets:
    pysar.load.unwFile        = ./../ROIPAC/interferograms/*/filt_*.unw
    pysar.load.corFile        = ./../ROIPAC/interferograms/*/filt_*.cor
    pysar.load.connCompFile   = None
    pysar.load.intFile        = None
    ##---------geometry datasets:
    pysar.load.demFile        = ./../ROIPAC/geom_master/radar*.hgt
    pysar.load.lookupYFile    = ./../ROIPAC/geom_master/geomap*.trans
    pysar.load.lookupXFile    = ./../ROIPAC/geom_master/geomap*.trans
    pysar.load.incAngleFile   = None
    pysar.load.headAngleFile  = None
    pysar.load.shadowMaskFile = None
    pysar.load.bperpFile      = None
    ##————————————————————————————— Processing Options ———————————————————————————##
    pysar.reference.lalo               = 33.0655, 131.2076
    pysar.networkInversion.weightFunc  = sbas
    pysar.troposphericDelay.weatherDir = ~/insarlab/WEATHER
    pysar.deramp                       = plane    

Save your template file and run PySAR as: KujuAlosAT422F650_template.txt

Inside, it reads the unwrapped interferograms, refernces all of them to the same coherent pixel (a seed point point), calculates the phase closure and estimates the unwrapping errors (if it has been asked for), inverts the interferograms, calculates a parameter called "temporal coherence" which can be used to evaluate the quality of inversion, removes ramps or surface from time-series epochs, corrects dem errors, corrects local oscilator drift (for Envisat only), corrects stratified tropospheric delay (using pyaps and using phase-elevation approach), ... and finally estimates the velocity.   

Use to view any pysar output.   

Use to plot the time-series for each point (relative to the refernce point and epoch!).    

#### Build your own processing recipe   

PySAR is a toolbox with a lot of individual utility scripts, highly modulized in python. Check its documentaion or simple run it with -h to see its usage, you could build your own customized processing recipe!

### 4. Documentation
- Manual: [PDF](, [HTML](
- Wiki: Check our [Github Wiki]( to see the example data, paper references, file naming convention and more.
### 5. Google Group

Join our google group [!forum/py-sar](!forum/py-sar) to ask questions, get notice of latest features pushed to you!
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