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Tip revision: cc1027160395b98ea1aeeeddbb658286e59598a0 authored by Gustavo Carvalho on 05 October 2020, 13:02:59 UTC
testing HeteroskedasticGaussian likelihood from varying_noise notebook
Tip revision: cc10271
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**Related issue(s)/PRs:** <!-- GitHub issue number, e.g. #1216 -->

## Summary

**Proposed changes**
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## PR checklist
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- [ ] New features: code is well-documented
  - [ ] detailed docstrings (API documentation)
  - [ ] notebook examples (usage demonstration)
- [ ] The bug case / new feature is covered by unit tests
- [ ] Code has type annotations
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- [ ] I locally tested that the tests pass (`make check-all`)

### Release notes

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