Raw File
Tip revision: 118528515e6438dda079f688af1d25d9ff13e4ca authored by David A. Parry on 04 November 2016, 16:46:48 UTC
attempt auto config
Tip revision: 1185285
#!/usr/bin/env perl

use warnings;
use strict; 
use POSIX qw/strftime/;
use IO::Uncompress::Gunzip qw(gunzip $GunzipError);
use Getopt::Long;
use Pod::Usage;
use Data::Dumper;
use Term::ProgressBar;
use Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix; 
use FindBin qw($RealBin);
use lib "$RealBin/lib";
use lib "$RealBin/lib/dapPerlGenomicLib";
use VcfReader 0.3;
use VcfhacksUtils;

my @cadd_files = ();
my @cadd_dirs = ();
my %opts = (cadd_file => \@cadd_files, dir => \@cadd_dirs);
        ) or pod2usage(-message => "Syntax Error.", exitval => 2);

pod2usage(-verbose => 2, -exitval => 0) if $opts{manual};
pod2usage(-verbose => 1, -exitval => 0) if $opts{help};
pod2usage(-message => "-i/--input argument is required", exitval => 2) if not $opts{input};
pod2usage(-message => "Either -c/--cadd_file or -r/--dir argument is required", exitval => 2) if not @{$opts{cadd_file}} and not @{$opts{dir}};
pod2usage(-message => "-f/--filter argument cannot be less than 0", exitval => 2) if defined $opts{filter} && $opts{filter} < 0;

my $sortex;
if (not $opts{do_not_rank}){
    if (-s $opts{input} > (1024**2 * 50)){#use Sort::External if file size bigger than 50 MB
        eval "use Sort::External; 1" or print STDERR "Sort::External module was not found - ".
            "will attempt to sort in memory. For huge files it is recommended to install Sort::External.\n";
        if (not $@){
            my $scheme = sub {
                substr($Sort::External::b, 0, 6) <=> 
                substr($Sort::External::a, 0, 6) };#rev numeric sort CADD scores
            $sortex = Sort::External->new
                mem_threshold => 1024**2 * 24, 
                sortsub => $scheme,
my %cadd_iters = ();
foreach my $dir (@{$opts{dir}}){
    opendir (my $DIR, $dir) or die "Can't read directory $dir: $!\n";
    my @c = map {"$dir/$_"} grep { /\.(b)*gz$/ } readdir $DIR;
    die "No .gz or .bgz files found in directory $dir.\n" if not @c;
    push @{$opts{cadd_file}}, @c;
foreach my $cadd_file (@{$opts{cadd_file}}){
    $cadd_iters{$cadd_file} = Bio::DB::HTS::Tabix->new(filename =>  $cadd_file);

my ($header, $first_var, $VCF)  = VcfReader::getHeaderAndFirstVariant($opts{input});
die "Header not ok for input ($opts{input}) "
    if not VcfReader::checkHeader( header => $header );
my $total_vcf = VcfReader::countVariants( $opts{input} ) if defined $opts{progress};
print STDERR "$opts{input} has $total_vcf variants\n" if defined $opts{progress};
if ($opts{not_found}){
    open ($NOT_FOUND, ">$opts{not_found}") or die "Can't open $opts{not_found} for writing: $!\n";
my $OUT;
if ($opts{output}){
    open ($OUT, ">$opts{output}") or die "Can't open $opts{output} for writing: $!\n";
    $OUT = \*STDOUT;


my @variants = ();
my $n         = 0; #variants/lines
my $scored    = 0;
my $not_found = 0;
my $filtered  = 0;
my $progressbar;
my $next_update = 0;
my $time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime);
print STDERR "CADD annotation commencing: $time\n";
if (defined $opts{progress} and $total_vcf){
    $progressbar = Term::ProgressBar->new
            name => "Annotating", 
            count => $total_vcf, 
            ETA => "linear", 
while (my $line = <$VCF>){

sub processLine{
    my $line = shift;
    next if $line =~ /^#/;
    chomp $line;
    my @split = split("\t", $line, 9); #only need first 8 fields, possible 
                                       #optimization for VERY long lines
    my %min_vars = VcfReader::minimizeAlleles(\@split);
    #get score for each allele or '-' if it can't be found
    my @cadd_scores = findCaddScore(\%min_vars, \%cadd_iters);
    my @nf_alts = getAltsWithoutScore(\@cadd_scores, \%min_vars);
    $scored += @cadd_scores - @nf_alts;
    foreach my $al (@nf_alts){
        next if $min_vars{$al}->{ALT} eq '*';
        if ($opts{not_found}){
            print $NOT_FOUND join
            ) . "\n";
    my $max = 
        sort {$b <=> $a} 
        grep {! /^\.$/ } 
    #if there is no score set $max to -1 so it goes to bottom of the pile
    $max = -1 if not defined $max;
    if ($opts{filter}){
        if($max < $opts{filter}){
            unless ($opts{keep_unscored} and $max == -1){
    my $out_line = VcfReader::addVariantInfoField 
        line  => \@split,
        id    => 'CaddPhredScore', 
        value => join(",", @cadd_scores),
    if ($opts{do_not_rank}){
        print $OUT join("\t", @$out_line ) . "\n";
        push @variants, sprintf("%-6s%s", $max, join("\t", @$out_line) );
        if ($sortex){#no Sort::External , sort in memory
            if (@variants > 99999){
                @variants = ();
    if (defined $opts{progress}){
           $next_update = $progressbar->update($n) if $n >= $next_update;
if (defined $opts{progress} and $total_vcf){
    $progressbar->update($total_vcf) if $total_vcf >= $next_update;

print STDERR "\nDone annotating CADD scores.\n";
unless ($opts{do_not_rank}){
    $n = 0;
    $next_update = 0;
    if (defined $opts{progress} and $total_vcf){
        $progressbar = Term::ProgressBar->new
                name => "Writing", 
                count => $total_vcf, 
                ETA => "linear", 
    if ($sortex){
        $sortex->feed(@variants) if @variants;
        print STDERR "Writing output...\n";
        while ( defined( $_ = $sortex->fetch ) ) {
            print $OUT substr($_, 6) ."\n";
            if (defined $opts{progress}){
               $next_update = $progressbar->update($n) if $n >= $next_update;
        print STDERR "Performing sort in memory...\n";
        @variants = sort
            substr($b, 0, 6) <=> substr($a, 0, 6) 
        } @variants;#rev numeric sort CADD scores
        print STDERR "Writing output...\n";
        foreach my $var (@variants){
            print $OUT substr($var, 6) ."\n";
            if (defined $opts{progress}){
               $next_update = $progressbar->update($n) if $n >= $next_update;
    if (defined $opts{progress} and $total_vcf){
        $progressbar->update($total_vcf) if $total_vcf >= $next_update;
$time = strftime("%H:%M:%S", localtime);
print STDERR "Time finished: $time\n";
print STDERR "$n variants processed\n";
print STDERR "$scored alleles scored\n";
print STDERR "$not_found alleles not found.\n";
if ($opts{filter}){
    print STDERR "$filtered variants filtered on CADD score.\n";

sub findCaddScore{
    my ($vars, $tabix_iter) = @_;
    my @scores = ();#return score for each allele
ALLELE: foreach my $al (sort {$a<=>$b} keys %{$vars}){
        foreach my $iter (keys %{$tabix_iter}){
            my $it = $tabix_iter->{$iter}->query
                "$vars->{$al}->{CHROM}:$vars->{$al}->{POS}-" . 
                ($vars->{$al}->{POS} + 1) 
            while (my $result = $it->next){
                my @res = split("\t", $result);
                next if $res[0] ne $vars->{$al}->{CHROM};
                my ($pos, $ref, $alt) = VcfReader::reduceRefAlt
                next if ($vars->{$al}->{POS} != $pos);
                next if ($vars->{$al}->{REF} ne $ref); #should we error here?
                next if ($vars->{$al}->{ALT} ne $alt); #diff alt allele
                push @scores, $res[5];
                next ALLELE;
        }#not found in any of our tabix iterators
        push @scores, '.';
    return @scores;

sub checkCaddFile{
    my ($file) = @_;
    if ($file !~ /\.gz$/){
        die "CADD file $file does not have a '.gz' extension and is ".
            "presumably not bgzip compressed. Please ensure to use a ".
            "bgzip compressed CADD file.\n";
    my $FH = new IO::Uncompress::Gunzip $file or 
      die "IO::Uncompress::Gunzip failed while opening $file ".
      "for reading: \n$GunzipError";
    my $valid_header = 0;
    while (my $line = <$FH>){
        if ($line =~ /^##/){
        }elsif ($line =~ /^#/){
            if ($line !~ /^#Chrom\tPos\tRef\tAlt\t\w+Score\tPHRED/i){
                die "Invalid header line:\n\n$line\n\n".
                "Expected to find a header as follows:\n\n".
    close $FH;
    die "No valid header found for CADD file $file!\n" if not $valid_header;

    my $index = "$file.tbi";
    if (not -e $index ){
        warn "No index found for $file - attempting to index with tabix...\n";
        warn "Done.\n";

sub getAltsWithoutScore{
    my ($cadd_scores) = @_;
    my @alts = ();
    for (my $i = 0; $i < @$cadd_scores; $i++ ){
        if ($cadd_scores->[$i] eq '.'){
            #allele 1 will be first (i.e. pos 0) in array etc. 
            #so increment by 1
            push @alts, $i + 1;
    return @alts;

sub printHeader{
    my %inf_h  = 
        ID          =>  "CaddPhredScore",
        Number      =>  "A",
        Type        =>  "Float",
        Description =>  "Variant site CADD phred score. Score provided " . 
                        "for each allele and given as '.' if not found.",
    my @headstring = grep {/^##/} @$header;
    push @headstring, VcfhacksUtils::getInfoHeader(%inf_h);
    push @headstring, VcfhacksUtils::getOptsVcfHeader(%opts);  
    push @headstring, "$header->[-1]";

    print $OUT join("\n", @headstring) . "\n"; 

=head1 NAME - annotate, rank and/or filter variants using CADD PHRED scores.

=head1 SYNOPSIS -i [vcf file] -c [tabix indexed cadd file(s)] [options] -h (display help message) -m (display manual page)



=over 8

=item B<-i    --input>

Input VCF file.

=item B<-c    --cadd_file>

No, not a murder-solving monk, but one or more bgzip compressed and tabix indexed file of CADD scores. CADD score files are available from and can also be generated by uploading your own data to

=item B<-r    --dir>

One or more directories containing bgzip compressed and tabix indexed file of CADD scores as above. Only files with '.gz' or '.bgz' file extensions will be included.

=item B<-o    --output>

Output CADD score annotated/filtered file. Optional - default is STDOUT.

=item B<-n    --not_found>

Output file for variants that can't be found in CADD files.  This output can be uploaded to the CADD server ( for scoring. The output from CADD server can then be added to your CADD files used in analysing future data if desired.
=item B<-d    --do_not_rank>

Use this flag to annotate variants but not reorder your VCF.

=item B<-f    --filter>

CADD Phred score cut-off. Filter any variant that has a CADD score below this score. 

=item B<-k    --keep_unscored>

Use this flag when filtering on CADD score to retain any variants for which a CADD score can not be found in your output.

=item B<-p    --progress>

Use this flag to print % progress to STDERR.

=item B<-h    --help>

Display help message.

=item B<-m    --manual>

Show manual page.



=head1 EXAMPLES -i input.vcf -o cadd_ranked.vcf -c cadd_file1.tsv.gz cadd_file2.tsv.gz
  (rank input.vcf on CADD score and output to cadd_ranked.vcf) -i input.vcf -o cadd_ranked.vcf -c cadd_file1.tsv.gz cadd_file2.tsv.gz -f 15
  (rank input.vcf on CADD score and filter anything with a CADD PHRED score below 15) -i input.vcf -o cadd_annotated.vcf -c cadd_file1.tsv.gz cadd_file2.tsv.gz -d
  (annotate but don't rank) -i input.vcf -o cadd_annotated.vcf -c cadd_file1.tsv.gz cadd_file2.tsv.gz -d -f 15
  (annotate but don't rank and filter anything  with a CADD PHRED score below 15) -i input.vcf -o cadd_annotated.vcf -c cadd_file1.tsv.gz cadd_file2.tsv.gz -d -f 15 -n not_found.tsv
  (as above but outputting variants that don't have CADD scores to not_found.tsv) -i input.vcf -o cadd_annotated.vcf -r /path/to/cadd/dir -d -f 15 -n not_found.tsv
  (as above but specifying a directory containing CADD score files rather than individual files)


This program reads a VCF file and searches the provided CADD score files for matching variants. Upon finding a corresponding variant in a CADD file it annotates the variant INFO field with "CaddPhredScore=" and a score for each allele (or . when a score is not found for an allele). By default variants are ordered by CADD PHRED score (or the highest CADD PHRED score for a multiallelic site) but this can be avoided using the --do_not_sort option. You may also filter on CADD score, but be aware that this is likely to be somewhat arbitrary. Advice from the authors suggests a PHRED score of 15 may be a good value to filter from because it is the median value for all possible canonical splice site changes and non-synonymous variants.

CADD files for all possible SNVs in the human genome can be downloaded from as well as indels present in 1000 genomes samples and ESP samples. When variants are not found you can use the --not_found option to output these to a file which can then be uploaded to to score these variants.  These can then be added to your database for future analyses after tabix indexing the output (tabix -s 1 -b 2 -e 2 cadd_output.tsv.gz). I would suggest collecting all your various CADD score files in one folder so that you can pass '/data/cadd_score/*.gz' to the --cadd_file option to analyze all the files in that folder.


=head1 AUTHOR

David A. Parry


Copyright 2014,2015  David A. Parry

This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <>.


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