Raw File
Tip revision: f716f780ef00c6ba63f421d67a1432ff27db24db authored by William Stein on 15 April 2023, 23:18:25 UTC
jupyter pool: add support for setting env variable
Tip revision: f716f78
# Authors

William Stein ([]( wrote most of CoCalc (formally called "SageMathCloud").  See the git history, which as of Oct 30, 2015, has 96% commits by him.

For a recent breakdown, run `git shortlog -sn --no-merges`.

Everytime the GPL licensing note refers to the _"Authors of SageMathCloud"_, the following  (maybe incomplete) list is meant.

* Keith Clawson
* Tim Clemans
* Russ Hensel
* Jonathan Lee
* Andrew Ohana
* Bill Page
* Issa Rice
* Nicholas Ruhland
* Harald Schilly
* Hal Snyder
* William Stein
* Christopher Swenson
* Vivek Venkatachalam
* Travis Scholl

## Git Authors

To extract the names of all Git contributors,
run this piece of Python code inside the codebase:

    from subprocess import check_output
    authors = check_output(['git', 'log', '--pretty=format:"%aN <%aE>"', 'HEAD'])
    sortkey = lambda n : n.split("<",1)[0].split()[-1].lower() if "<" in n else n
    for name in sorted(set(authors.splitlines()), key = sortkey):
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