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Tip revision: 63fc5c5d4d3352a79f4c1a1a725e767ae6dc8734 authored by Aaron Meyer on 03 April 2024, 14:09:47 UTC
Merge pull request #538 from braun-steven/main
Tip revision: 63fc5c5
Non-negative CP decomposition in Tensorly >=0.6
Example and comparison of Non-negative Parafac decompositions.

# Introduction
# -----------------------
# Since version 0.6 in Tensorly, several options are available to compute
# non-negative CP (NCP), in particular several
# algorithms:
# 1. Multiplicative updates (MU) (already in Tensorly < 0.6)
# 2. Non-negative Alternating Least Squares (ALS) using Hierarchical ALS (HALS)
# Non-negativity is an important constraint to handle for tensor decompositions.
# One could expect that factors must have only non-negative values after it is
# obtained from a non-negative tensor.

import numpy as np
import tensorly as tl
from tensorly.decomposition import non_negative_parafac, non_negative_parafac_hals
from tensorly.decomposition._cp import initialize_cp
from tensorly.cp_tensor import CPTensor
import time
from copy import deepcopy

# Create synthetic tensor
# -----------------------
# There are several ways to create a tensor with non-negative entries in Tensorly.
# Here we chose to generate a random from the sequence of integers from 1 to 24000.

# Tensor generation
tensor = tl.tensor(np.arange(24000).reshape((30, 40, 20)), dtype=tl.float32)

# Our goal here is to produce an approximation of the tensor generated above
# which follows a low-rank CP model, with non-negative coefficients. Before
# using these algorithms, we can use Tensorly to produce a good initial guess
# for our NCP. In fact, in order to compare both algorithmic options in a
# fair way, it is a good idea to use same initialized factors in decomposition
# algorithms. We make use of the ``initialize_cp`` function to initialize the
# factors of the NCP (setting the ``non_negative`` option to `True`) 
# and transform these factors (and factors weights) into
# an instance of the CPTensor class:

weights_init, factors_init = initialize_cp(tensor, non_negative=True, init='random', rank=10)

cp_init = CPTensor((weights_init, factors_init))

# Non-negative Parafac
# -----------------------
# From now on, we can use the same ``cp_init`` tensor as the initial tensor when
# we use decomposition functions. Now let us first use the algorithm based on
# Multiplicative Update, which can be called as follows:

tic = time.time()
tensor_mu, errors_mu = non_negative_parafac(tensor, rank=10, init=deepcopy(cp_init), return_errors=True)
cp_reconstruction_mu = tl.cp_to_tensor(tensor_mu)
time_mu = time.time()-tic

# Here, we also compute the output tensor from the decomposed factors by using
# the cp_to_tensor function. The tensor cp_reconstruction_mu is therefore a
# low-rank non-negative approximation of the input tensor; looking at the
# first few values of both tensors shows that this is indeed
# the case but the approximation is quite coarse.

print('reconstructed tensor\n', cp_reconstruction_mu[10:12, 10:12, 10:12], '\n')
print('input data tensor\n', tensor[10:12, 10:12, 10:12])

# Non-negative Parafac with HALS
# ------------------------------
# Our second (new) option to compute NCP is the HALS algorithm, which can be
# used as follows:

tic = time.time()
tensor_hals, errors_hals = non_negative_parafac_hals(tensor, rank=10, init=deepcopy(cp_init), return_errors=True)
cp_reconstruction_hals = tl.cp_to_tensor(tensor_hals)
time_hals = time.time()-tic

# Again, we can look at the reconstructed tensor entries.

print('reconstructed tensor\n',cp_reconstruction_hals[10:12, 10:12, 10:12], '\n')
print('input data tensor\n', tensor[10:12, 10:12, 10:12])

# Non-negative Parafac with Exact HALS
# ------------------------------------
# From only looking at a few entries of the reconstructed tensors, we can
# already see a huge gap between HALS and MU outputs.
# Additionally, HALS algorithm has an option for exact solution to the non-negative
# least squares subproblem rather than the faster, approximate solution.
# Note that the overall HALS algorithm will still provide an approximation of
# the input data, but will need longer to reach convergence.
# Exact subroutine solution option can be used simply choosing exact as True
# in the function:

tic = time.time()
tensorhals_exact, errors_exact = non_negative_parafac_hals(tensor, rank=10, init=deepcopy(cp_init), return_errors=True, exact=True)
cp_reconstruction_exact_hals = tl.cp_to_tensor(tensorhals_exact)
time_exact_hals = time.time()-tic

# Comparison
# -----------------------
# First comparison option is processing time for each algorithm:

print(str("{:.2f}".format(time_mu)) + ' ' + 'seconds')
print(str("{:.2f}".format(time_hals)) + ' ' + 'seconds')
print(str("{:.2f}".format(time_exact_hals)) + ' ' + 'seconds')

# As it is expected, the exact solution takes much longer than the approximate
# solution, while the gain in performance is often void. Therefore we recommend
# to avoid this option unless it is specifically required by the application.
# Also note that on appearance, both MU and HALS have similar runtimes.
# However, a closer look suggest they are indeed behaving quite differently.
# Computing the error between the output and the input tensor tells that story better.
# In Tensorly, we provide a function to calculate Root Mean Square Error (RMSE):

from tensorly.metrics.regression import RMSE
print(RMSE(tensor, cp_reconstruction_mu))
print(RMSE(tensor, cp_reconstruction_hals))
print(RMSE(tensor, cp_reconstruction_exact_hals))

# According to the RMSE results, HALS is better than the multiplicative update
# with both exact and approximate solution. In particular, HALS converged to a
# much lower reconstruction error than MU. We can better appreciate the difference
# in convergence speed on the following error per iteration plot:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
def each_iteration(a,b,c,title):
    fig.set_size_inches(10, fig.get_figheight(), forward=True)
    plt.legend(['MU', 'HALS', 'Exact HALS'], loc='upper left')

each_iteration(errors_mu, errors_hals, errors_exact, 'Error for each iteration')

# In conclusion, on this quick test, it appears that the HALS algorithm gives
# much better results than the MU original Tensorly methods. Our recommendation
# is to use HALS as a default, and only resort to MU in specific cases (only
# encountered by expert users most likely).

# References
# ----------
# Gillis, N., & Glineur, F. (2012). Accelerated multiplicative updates and
# hierarchical ALS algorithms for nonnegative matrix factorization.
# Neural computation, 24(4), 1085-1105. (Link)
# <>
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