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Tip revision: 63fc5c5d4d3352a79f4c1a1a725e767ae6dc8734 authored by Aaron Meyer on 03 April 2024, 14:09:47 UTC
Merge pull request #538 from braun-steven/main
Tip revision: 63fc5c5
Permuting CP factors
On this page, you will find examples showing how to use tensorly.cp_tensor.cp_permute_factors function.

# Introduction
# -----------------------
# This function compares factors of a reference cp tensor with factors of another tensor
# (or list of tensor) in order to match component order. Permutation occurs on the columns of factors,
# minimizing the cosine distance to reference cp tensor with scipy Linear Sum Assignment method.
# The permuted tensor (or list of tensors) and list of permutation for each permuted tensors are returned.
# Tensorly CPTensor should be used as an input to permute their factors and weights simultaneously.

import tensorly as tl
from tensorly.random import random_cp
from tensorly.cp_tensor import cp_permute_factors
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Create synthetic tensor
# -----------------------
# Here, we create a random tensor, then we permute its factors manually.

shape = (30, 40, 50)
rank = 4

# one reference cp tensor
cp_tensor_1 = random_cp(shape, rank)

# two target cp tensors
cp_tensor_2 = cp_tensor_1.cp_copy()
cp_tensor_3 = cp_tensor_1.cp_copy()

col_order_1 = [1, 0, 3, 2]
for f in range(3):
    cp_tensor_2.factors[f] = cp_tensor_2.factors[f][:, col_order_1]

col_order_2 = [3, 1, 2, 0]
for f in range(3):
    cp_tensor_3.factors[f] = cp_tensor_3.factors[f][:, col_order_2]

# Permute target CPTensors
# ------------------------
# Now, we can use these two manipulated CPTensors as inputs to the permutation function. Here,
# cp_tensor_1 will be used as a reference to permute other CPTensors, which are called target CPTensors.
# There is no limitation for the number of target CPTensors but there should be only one reference CPTensor.
# Results will include permuted CPTensors and permutation for each permuted cp tensor.
# It should be noted that, reference CPTensor won't be included among the output CPTensors.

cp_tensors, permutation = cp_permute_factors(cp_tensor_1, [cp_tensor_2, cp_tensor_3])

# As it is expected, permutation variable stores two lists which are equal to predefined col_order_1
# col_order_2 above.


# We can also observe the evolution of the factor columns order by plotting one column
# before and after permuting.

fig, axs = plt.subplots(1, 3)
fig.set_size_inches(15, fig.get_figheight(), forward=True)
axs[0].plot(cp_tensor_1.factors[0][:, 0].T)
axs[0].set_title("Reference cp tensor")
axs[1].plot(cp_tensor_2.factors[0][:, 0].T)
axs[1].set_title("Target cp tensor")
axs[2].plot(cp_tensors[0].factors[0][:, 0].T)
axs[2].set_title("Permuted cp tensor")
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