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Tip revision: ddaf2d44a201bfa72b7a4bab270669ff2e57c83b authored by Richard Barnes on 15 September 2016, 00:30:53 UTC
Updated documentation
Tip revision: ddaf2d4

**Title of Manuscript**:
Priority-Flood: An Optimal Depression-Filling and Watershed-Labeling Algorithm
for Digital Elevation Models

**Authors**: Richard Barnes, Clarence Lehman, David Mulla

**Corresponding Author**: Richard Barnes (

**DOI Number of Manuscript**

**Code Repositories**
 * [Author's GitHub Repository](
 * [Journal's GitHub Repository](

This repository contains a reference implementation of the algorithms presented
in the manuscript above. These implementations were used in performing the tests
described in the manuscript. The manuscript contains pseudocode for (most of)
the implementations included here.

Using This As A Tool

Don't. If you want to use these algorithms as an out-of-the-box terrain analysis
system, please download [RichDEM](

The Source Code
This repo references the RichDEM terrain analysis softare, of which these
algorithms are all a part. `main.cpp` will run all of the algorithms mentioned
above. The `#include` directives in `main.cpp` identify the necessary RichDEM
libraries for using these implementations for your own work.


After cloning this repo you must acquire RichDEM by running:

    git submodule init
    git submodule update

To compile the programs run:


The result is a program called `priority_flood.exe`.

The program is run by typing:

    ./priority_flood.exe <ALGORITHM NUMBER> <INPUT DEM> <OUTPUT FILE>
    ./priority_flood.exe 3 input-elevations.tif output.tif

The algorithms available are described briefly below and in greater detail in
the manuscript.


This program reads in a digital elevation model (DEM) file specified on the
command line. The file may be of any type recognised by
[GDAL]( The program will run one of the algorithms
described in the manuscript (and below), store the result in an output file, and
report how long this took.


The program outputs a digital elevaiton model without any internally-draining
depressions/pits or digital dams. The output is in GeoTIFF format.

The Algorithms

 * **Algorithm 1: Priority-Flood** This algorithm alters the input DEM to
produce an output with no depressions or digital dams. Every cell which would
have been in a depression is increased to the level of that depression's
outlet, leaving a flat region in its place. It runs slower than Algorithm 2,
but is otherwise the same.

 * **Algorithm 2: Improved Priority-Flood** This algorithm alters the input DEM
to produce an output with no depressions or digital dams. Every cell which
would have been in a depression is increased to the level of that depression's
outlet, leaving a flat region in its place. It runs slower than Algorithm 2,
but is otherwise the same.

 * **Algorithm 3: Priority-Flood+Epsilon** This algorithm alters the input DEM
to produce an output with no depressions or digital dams. Every cell which
would have been in a depression is increased to the level of that depression's
output, plus an additional increment which is sufficient to direct flow to the
periphery of the DEM.

 * **Algorithm 4: Priority-Flood+FlowDirs** This algorithm determines a D8 flow
direction for every cell in the DEM by implicitly filling depressions and
eliminating digital dams. Though all depressions are guaranteed to drain, local
elevation information is still used to determine flow directions within a
depression. It is, in essence, a depression-carving algorithm.

 * **Algorithm 5: Priority-Flood+Watershed Labels** For each cell _c_ in a DEM,
this algorithm determines which cell on the DEM's periphery _c_ will drain to.
_c_ is then given a label which corresponds to the peripheral cell. All cells
bearing a common label belong to the same watershed.

 * **Algorithm 6: Zhou et al. (2016) Priority-Flood** Zhou et al. have developed
an even more efficient variant of the Priority-Flood. It provides an output
identical to Algorithms 1 and 2, but runs in approximately half the time.

**Algorithm 4: Priority-Flood+FlowDirs** and its output use the D8 neighbour
system to indicate flow directions. In this system all the flow from a central
cell is directed to a single neighbour which is represented by a number
according to the following system where 0 indicates the central cell.


All of the algorithms assume that cells marked as having NoData will have
extremely negative numerical values: less than the value of any of the actual
data. NaN is considered to be less than all values, including negative infinity.

Notes on the Manuscript
Work by Cris Luengo on the speed of various priority queue algorithms is
discussed in the manuscript. His website providing code for his
implementatations is [here](

Commit **31c4e31a6e765f9a** (02016-09-14) updated this repo to rely explicitly
on the RichDEM codebase.

Commit **51f9a7838d3e88628ef6c74846edd0cb18e7ffe6** (02015-09-25) introduced a
number of changes to the code versus what was originally published with the
manuscript. The old codebase uses ASCII-formatted data for input and output; the
new codebase uses GDAL to handle many kinds of data.

The old codebase had the advantage of not relying on external libraries and
being readily accessible to all parties. It had the disadvantage of being a
slow, clumsy, and limited way to work with the data. As of 02015-09-25, the code
requires the use of the GDAL library, greatly expanding the data formats and data
types which can be worked with, as well as greatly speeding up I/O.

Note that using the aforementioned **51f9a7838d** directly will result in silent
casting of your data to the `float` type; commit
**8b11f535af23368d3bd26609cc88df3dbb7111f1** (02015-09-28) fixes this issue.
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