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Tip revision: b422e92c24a1485aa93e8a70474973787bd0eee5 authored by Pierre Guillou on 05 March 2021, 13:57:05 UTC
Tip revision: b422e92
HowTo: Run TTK on the MeSU HPC platform

[MeSU]( is an HPC platform hosted by Sorbonne
Université. [Three
are available.

* MeSU alpha is a shared-memory machine:
  - 1024 Intel Sandy Bridge cores
  - 16 TB RAM
  - 64 blades of 2 motherboards of 8 cores, 128 GB RAM
* MeSU beta is a distributed cluster:
  - 3456 Intel Haswell cores
  - 144 nodes of 24 cores, 128 GB RAM
* MeSU gamma is a GPU machine

Since TTK only implements shared memory parallelism, we are restricted
to either MeSU alpha or one node of MeSU beta.

MeSU uses a module system to provide a set of overlapping [software
libraries and
applications]( However,
what is provided is not sufficient to get the whole TTK experience.

MeSU lets users connect to 'login nodes' on which software is built
and heavier computations can be submitted to a global queue to access
the full computational resources. Since several users share the login
nodes, it is recommanded not to use more than 4 cores during build.

To connect to MeSU, please fill the application form [available from
here](, get a
signature from Julien and submit a scan to the MeSU administrators
using the aforementioned link.

Before anything, I recommand to read the the MeSU [QuickStart

To run TTK onto MeSU, the first step is to build an up-to-date CMake
since the one provided by MeSU (3.5) is too old (but can still build
newer CMakes). The second is to build an up-to-date Python interpreter
(because the provided Python 3.4 might be too old too). Then, ParaView
and TTK.

0. Environment variables

We will install everything in the `$HOME/install` prefix. Put the
following environment variables in your `.bashrc` or `.zshrc` (alter
the `TTK_BUILD` or the `PY39` variables after installation if needed):

export PYTHONPATH=$INSTALL/lib64/$PY39:$INSTALL/lib/$PY39:$TTK_BUILD/lib64/$PY39:/usr/lib/python3.4/site-packages
export PV_PLUGIN_PATH=$TTK_BUILD/lib64/TopologyToolKit

(We need to keep the system Python 3.4 in our `PYTHONPATH` otherwise
the provided PBS tools may not work correctly).

1. Build & install CMake

Download any up-to-date CMake source package for Linux (e.g. [CMake
3.19.5]( Untar,
create a build directory and call the system CMake with

cd cmake
mkdir build
cd build
make -j4 install

2. Build & install Python

Same as CMake, download any Python source (e.g. [Python
3.9.2]( Use
the configure script to specify the install directory. Since it will
be used at run-time, we can also use the latest GCC available and
enable optimizations.

module load gcc
cd Python-3.9.2
CC=gcc CXX=g++ ./configure --enable-optimizations --prefix=$HOME/install
make -j4 install

3. Build & install ParaView

We will use the pre-patched `ttk-paraview` repository and we will
disable its graphical interface.

module load gcc
git clone --depth 1
cd ttk-paraview
mkdir build
cd build
make -j4 install

4. Build TTK

This time, we will skip the install step. Since MeSU alpha uses old
Intel Sandy Bridge CPUs, we need to disable the CPU optimizations. To
compensate, we can enable the Kamikaze mode.

module load gcc
git clone
cd ttk
mkdir build
cd build
make -j4

5. Launch some TTK pipeline/standalone on MeSU

With everything above done, we can check if our setup works
correctly. Open a Python console with `python` and check that it
displays the version we previously built. In this console, we can try

import vtk
import topologytoolkit

to check if the environment variables are correct.

To submit a computation to the queue system, we use PBS and shell
scripts. The following is an example PBS script that will compute a
persistence diagram using the relevant TTK standalone on 64 cores of
MeSU alpha:

#PBS -S /bin/bash
#PBS -q alpha
#PBS -l select=1:ncpus=64
#PBS -l walltime=00:05:00
#PBS -N job_name
#PBS -j oe

# load appropriate modules
module purge
module load mpt gcc

# move to PBS_O_WORKDIR

# Define scratch space
mkdir -p $SCRATCH

# env variables
export PYTHONPATH=$INSTALL/lib64/$PY39:$INSTALL/lib/$PY39:$TTK_BUILD/lib64/$PY39
export PV_PLUGIN_PATH=$TTK_BUILD/lib64/TopologyToolKit

# execute your program
cd $SCRATCH || exit 1

# copy input dataset

omplace -nt $NCPUS \
        ttkPersistenceDiagramCmd -i $SCRATCH/data.vti -t $NCPUS \
        1>> ${PBS_JOBID}.out 2>> ${PBS_JOBID}.err

# copy back diagram + log
cp ${PBS_JOBID}.out ${PBS_JOBID}.err output_port_0.vtu $PBS_O_WORKDIR || exit 1

# clean the temporary directory
rm -rf "$SCRATCH"/*

With this script, the computation can be launched with PBS:


Other PBS commands include:

* `qdel` to cancel a running job
* `qinfo` to check the status of the cluster
* `qstat` and `qmon` to see the global queue
* `tracejob *jobid*` and `qstat -fx *jobid*` to see the
  state of a particular job.
* `qreport` to get the yearly user ressource usage

More info about the syntax of the launch script on the MeSU [QuickStart

Some things worth mentionning:

* `#PBS -S /bin/bash` is needed in addition to `#!/bin/bash` if you
  don't use bash as the default shell
* `$NCPUS` stores the number of requested CPUs
* I used SGI's mpt module and the `omplace` command to pin OpenMP
  threads to the CPU cores. It seemed to give a performance boost.
* the scratch filesystem is not limited by the 30 GB quota of user's
  home directories.
* this scratch filesystem is user-modifiable: you can `cd` into it to
  clean it manually.
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