Raw File
Tip revision: bc699976cea4c8548061b37b62d527812a46e461 authored by jonbmartin on 31 May 2022, 23:45:20 UTC
fix additional deprecated aliases
Tip revision: bc69997
Contribution Guide

Thank you for considering contributing to SigPy. 
To contribute to the source code, you can submit a `pull request <>`_.

To ensure your pull request can be merged quickly, you should check the following three items:

- `Coding Style`_
- `Unit Testing`_
- `Documentation`_

A simple way to check is to run ````. You will need to install::

$ pip install codecov flake8 sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme matplotlib

Any new features (new functions, Linops, Apps...), bug fixing, and improved documentation are welcome. 
We only ask you to avoid replicating existing features in NumPy, CuPy, and SigPy.
A general rule is that if a feature can already be implemented in one line, 
then it is probably not worth defining as a new function.

Coding Style

SigPy adopts the `Google code style <>`_.
In particular, docstrings should use ``Args`` and ``Returns`` as described in the `Comments and Docstrings section <>`_.

You can use ``autopep8`` and ``flake8`` to check your code.

Unit Testing

You should write test cases for each function you commit. The unit tests are under the directory ``tests/``. 
The file hierarchy should follow the ``sigpy/`` directory, but each file should be prepended by ``test_``.

SigPy use the ``unittest`` package for testing. You can run tests by doing::

$ python -m unittest


Each new feature should be documented in the documentation. The documention is stored under the directory``docs/``.

You can build the docmentation in HTML format locally using Sphinx::

$ cd docs
$ make html
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