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Tip revision: 26f97680caa069f129830fcd7b5e44c8dc22b74b authored by Jason Gross on 09 April 2022, 12:33:46 UTC
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Some scripts to help manipulate Coq developments


Some scripts to help construct small reproducing examples of bugs.

The script `` is the main program; run ` -h` to
see the options.  The script will ask you two questions: whether or
not it successfully determined the error you're seeking to reproduce,
and whether or not it created a regular expression which captures that
error.  After that, it will run without user input until it finishes.

### Usage

Standard usage is to invoke with the buggy file name and the output
(minimized) file name:


You can add `-v` for a more verbose output.

If you are using a non-system version of Coq, you can pass `--coqtop
/path/to/coqtop` and `--coqc /path/to/coqc`.  If you pass `-R . Foo`
to, say, `coq_makefile`, you can inform `` of this fact
using `-R . Foo`.

### Examples

There is an example in the examples directory.  You can run
`` to see how the program works.  You can pass this
script the arguments `-v`, `-vv`, or `-vvv` for different levels of
verbosity.  Look at the contents of `` to see how to
invoke the program.

### Known Bugs

Note that this program can fail in mysterious ways when run using
Windows Python 2.7 under cygwin; it seems that buffering and stdin and
stderr and Popen are screwed up.  To work around this, there is a
coqtop.bat file which is chosen as the default coqtop program.
Somehow running via a .bat file makes things work.  You will probably
have to use a similar wrapper if you use a custom coqtop executable.

Additionally, quirks in module name resolution can result in inlining
failures (see, and
global side effects of `Require` can also result in failures (see


The script `` can be used to remove unneeded `Require`
statements.  Run ` -h` to see the options.

### Usage

Standard usage is to run
``` some-file1.v some-file2.v ... --in-place .bak
or, if you want to minimize an entire project,
``` --all -f _CoqProject
(you can add `--in-place .bak` if you want to save backup files)


The script `` is the main program; run
` -h` to see the options.

### Usage

Standard usage is to invoke with the any `-R` arguments passed to Coq,
and either pipe the output of `make quick` with `Global Set Suggest Proof Using`
on, to this script, or to give it a file containing said output.

make quick -j -k | tee -a proof_using.log
python /path/to/ proof_using.log

You can add `-v` for a more verbose output.
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