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Tip revision: 26f97680caa069f129830fcd7b5e44c8dc22b74b authored by Jason Gross on 09 April 2022, 12:33:46 UTC
Add MacOS CI
Tip revision: 26f9768
import re, time
from subprocess import Popen, PIPE, STDOUT
import split_definitions_old
from split_file import postprocess_split_proof_term
from coq_version import get_coq_accepts_time
from coq_running_support import get_proof_term_works_with_time
from custom_arguments import DEFAULT_LOG, LOG_ALWAYS
import util

__all__ = ["join_definitions", "split_statements_to_definitions"]

def get_definitions_diff(previous_definition_string, new_definition_string):
    """Returns a triple of lists (definitions_removed,
    definitions_shared, definitions_added)"""
    old_definitions = [i for i in previous_definition_string.split('|') if i]
    new_definitions = [i for i in new_definition_string.split('|') if i]
    if all(i == 'branch' for i in old_definitions + new_definitions): # work
        # around bug #5577 when all theorem names are "branch", we
        # don't assume that names are unique, and instead go by
        # ordering
        removed = []
        shared = []
        added = []
        for i in range(max((len(old_definitions), len(new_definitions)))):
            if i < len(old_definitions) and i < len(new_definitions):
                if old_definitions[i] == new_definitions[i]:
            elif i < len(old_definitions):
            elif i < len(new_definitions):
        return (tuple(removed), tuple(shared), tuple(added))
        return (tuple(i for i in old_definitions if i not in new_definitions),
                tuple(i for i in old_definitions if i in new_definitions),
                tuple(i for i in new_definitions if i not in old_definitions))

def strip_newlines(string):
    if not string: return string
    if string[0] == '\n': return string[1:]
    if string[-1] == '\n': return string[:-1]
    return string

def split_statements_to_definitions(statements, log=DEFAULT_LOG, coqtop='coqtop', coqtop_args=tuple(), **kwargs):
    """Splits a list of statements into chunks which make up
    independent definitions/hints/etc."""
    def fallback():
        log("Your version of coqtop doesn't support -time.  Falling back to more error-prone method.")
        return split_definitions_old.split_statements_to_definitions(statements, log=log, coqtop=coqtop, coqtop_args=coqtop_args)
    # check for -time
    if not get_coq_accepts_time(coqtop, log=log):
        return fallback()
    if not get_proof_term_works_with_time(coqtop, is_coqtop=True, log=log, **kwargs):
        statements = postprocess_split_proof_term(statements, log=log, **kwargs)
    p = Popen([coqtop, '-q', '-emacs', '-time'] + list(coqtop_args), stdout=PIPE, stderr=STDOUT, stdin=PIPE)
    chars_time_reg = re.compile(r'Chars ([0-9]+) - ([0-9]+) [^\s]+'.replace(' ', r'\s*'))
    prompt_reg = re.compile(r'^(.*)<prompt>([^<]*?) < ([0-9]+) ([^<]*?) ([0-9]+) < ([^<]*)$'.replace(' ', r'\s*'),
    defined_reg = re.compile(r'^(?:<infomsg>)?([^\s]+) is (?:defined|assumed|declared)(?:</infomsg>)?$', re.MULTILINE)
    # goals and definitions are on stdout, prompts are on stderr
    statements_string = '\n'.join(statements) + '\n\n'
    statements_bytes = statements_string.encode('utf-8')
    log('Sending statements to coqtop...')
    log(statements_string, level=3)
    (stdout, stderr) = p.communicate(input=statements_bytes)
    stdout = util.s(stdout)
    if 'know what to do with -time' in stdout.strip().split('\n')[0]:
        # we're using a version of coqtop that doesn't support -time
        return fallback()
    log('Done.  Splitting to definitions...')

    rtn = []
    cur_definition = {}
    last_definitions = '||'
    cur_definition_names = '||'
    last_char_end = 0

    #log('re.findall(' + repr(r'Chars ([0-9]+) - ([0-9]+) [^\s]+ (.*?)<prompt>([^<]*?) < ([0-9]+) ([^<]*?) ([0-9]+) < ([^<]*?)</prompt>'.replace(' ', r'\s*')) + ', ' + repr(stdout) + ', ' + 'flags=re.DOTALL)', level=3)
    for i, prompt in enumerate(stdout.split('</prompt>')):
        log('Processing:\n%s' % prompt, level=4)
        if prompt.strip() == '': continue
        times = chars_time_reg.findall(prompt)
        if len(times) == 0:
            if i == 0:
                log('Warning: ignoring %s' % repr(prompt), level=3)
                log('Warning: Could not find timing info in %s' % repr(prompt), level=1)
        elif len(times) > 1:
            log('Warning: found multiple timing info in %s: %s' % (repr(prompt), repr(times)), level=1)
        full_response_text = chars_time_reg.sub(' ', prompt)
        for char_start, char_end in times:
            char_start, char_end = int(char_start), int(char_end)
            # if we've travelled backwards in time, as in
            # COQBUG(; we just
            # ignore this statement
            if char_end <= last_char_end: continue
            match = prompt_reg.match(full_response_text)
            if not match:
                log('Warning: Could not find statements in %d:%d: %s' % (char_start, char_end, full_response_text), level=LOG_ALWAYS)
            response_text, cur_name, line_num1, cur_definition_names, line_num2, unknown = match.groups()
            statement = strip_newlines(statements_bytes[last_char_end:char_end].decode('utf-8'))
            last_char_end = char_end

            terms_defined = defined_reg.findall(response_text.strip())

            definitions_removed, definitions_shared, definitions_added = get_definitions_diff(last_definitions, cur_definition_names)

            # first, to be on the safe side, we add the new
            # definitions key to the dict, if it wasn't already there.
            if cur_definition_names.strip('|') and cur_definition_names not in cur_definition:
                cur_definition[cur_definition_names] = {'statements':[], 'terms_defined':[]}

            log((statement, (char_start, char_end), definitions_removed, terms_defined, 'last_definitions:', last_definitions, 'cur_definition_names:', cur_definition_names, cur_definition.get(last_definitions, []), cur_definition.get(cur_definition_names, []), response_text), level=2)

            # first, we handle the case where we have just finished
            # defining something.  This should correspond to
            # len(definitions_removed) > 0 and len(terms_defined) > 0.
            # If only len(definitions_removed) > 0, then we have
            # aborted something (or we're in Coq >= 8.11; see
            #  If only
            # len(terms_defined) > 0, then we have defined something
            # with a one-liner.
            if definitions_removed:
                cur_definition[last_definitions]['terms_defined'] += terms_defined
                if cur_definition_names.strip('|'):
                    # we are still inside a definition.  For now, we
                    # flatten all definitions.
                    # TODO(jgross): Come up with a better story for
                    # nested definitions.
                    cur_definition[cur_definition_names]['statements'] += cur_definition[last_definitions]['statements']
                    cur_definition[cur_definition_names]['terms_defined'] += cur_definition[last_definitions]['terms_defined']
                    del cur_definition[last_definitions]
                    # we're at top-level, so add this as a new
                    # definition
                    del cur_definition[last_definitions]
                    # print('Adding:')
                    # print(rtn[-1])
            elif terms_defined:
                if cur_definition_names.strip('|'):
                    # we are still inside a definition.  For now, we
                    # flatten all definitions.
                    # TODO(jgross): Come up with a better story for
                    # nested definitions.
                    cur_definition[cur_definition_names]['terms_defined'] += terms_defined
                    # we're at top level, so add this as a new
                    # definition

            # now we handle the case where we have just opened a fresh
            # definition.  We've already added the key to the
            # dictionary.
            elif definitions_added:
                # print(definitions_added)
                # if we're in a definition, append the statement to
                # the queue, otherwise, just add it as it's own
                # statement
                if cur_definition_names.strip('|'):

            last_definitions = cur_definition_names

    log((last_definitions, cur_definition_names), level=2)
    if last_definitions.strip('||'):
        del cur_definition[last_definitions]

    if last_char_end + 1 < len(statements_bytes):
        last_statement = statements_bytes[last_char_end:].decode('utf-8')
        log('Appending end of code from %d to %d: %s' % (last_char_end, len(statements_bytes), last_statement), level=2)
        last_statement = strip_newlines(last_statement)

    return rtn

def join_definitions(definitions):
    return '\n'.join(i['statement'] for i in definitions)
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