Raw File
Tip revision: a010582c8df9b28958e7447ae37bfca886c457de authored by Mikhail Kolmogorov on 18 March 2015, 01:59:36 UTC
non-negative tree lengths, dosumentationimproved
Tip revision: a010582
#(c) 2013-2014 by Authors
#This file is a part of Ragout program.
#Released under the BSD license (see LICENSE file)

This module provides PermutationContainer class
which parses files, stores permutations and
provides some other usefull functions

from collections import defaultdict
import logging
import os
import math
from copy import deepcopy

from ragout.shared.debug import DebugConfig
from ragout.shared import config
from ragout.shared.datatypes import Block, Permutation
import ragout.breakpoint_graph.repeat_resolver as rr

logger = logging.getLogger()
debugger = DebugConfig.get_instance()

class PermException(Exception):

class PermutationContainer:
    def __init__(self, block_coords_file, recipe,
                 resolve_repeats, conservative, phylogeny):
        Parses permutation files referenced from recipe and filters duplications
        self.ref_perms = []
        self.target_perms = []
        self.recipe = recipe
        self.conservative = conservative

        logging.debug("Reading permutation file")
        permutations = _parse_blocks_coords(block_coords_file)
        if not permutations:
            raise PermException("Error reading permutations")

        has_sequences = set()
        for p in permutations:
            if p.genome_name not in recipe["genomes"]:

            if p.genome_name == recipe["target"]:

        for genome in recipe["genomes"]:
            if genome not in has_sequences:
                raise PermException("No sequences read for genome {0}. Check "
                                    "recipe for correctness.".format(genome))
        _check_coverage(self.ref_perms + self.target_perms)

        logger.debug("Read {0} reference sequences"
        if not len(self.ref_perms):
            raise PermException("No synteny blocks found in "
                                "reference sequences")
        logger.debug("Read {0} target sequences"
        if not len(self.target_perms):
            raise PermException("No synteny blocks found in "
                                "target sequences")

        repeats = _find_repeats(self.ref_perms + self.target_perms)
        if resolve_repeats:
            if phylogeny is None:
                raise PermException("Resolving repeats with "
                                    "yet unknown phylogeny")
            rr.resolve_repeats(self.ref_perms, self.target_perms,
                               repeats, phylogeny)
        logger.debug("{0} target sequences left after repeat filtering"


        if debugger.debugging:
            file = os.path.join(debugger.debug_dir, "used_contigs.txt")
            _write_permutations(self.target_perms, open(file, "w"))

    def filter_indels(self):
        Keep only blocks that appear in target and one of the references
        target_blocks = set()
        for perm in self.target_perms:
            target_blocks |= set(map(lambda b: b.block_id, perm.blocks))

        reference_blocks = set()
        for perm in self.ref_perms:
            reference_blocks |= set(map(lambda b: b.block_id, perm.blocks))

        to_keep = target_blocks.intersection(reference_blocks)
        self.ref_perms = _filter_permutations(self.ref_perms, to_keep)
        self.target_perms = _filter_permutations(self.target_perms, to_keep)

    def filter_repeats(self, repeats):
        Filters repetitive blocks
        self.target_perms = _filter_permutations(self.target_perms, repeats,
        self.ref_perms = _filter_permutations(self.ref_perms, repeats,

    def filter_chimeras(self):
        Tries to find contigs that are suspective to chromosome fusions
        and fillter them out
        suspicious = set()
        counter = 0
        for perm in self.target_perms:
            for block_1, block_2 in perm.iter_pairs():
                if not self.good_adj(block_1.block_id,
                    suspicious |= set(map(lambda b: b.block_id, perm.blocks))
                    counter += 1

        logger.debug("{0} contigs were marked as chimeric".format(counter))
        self.target_perms = _filter_permutations(self.target_perms, suspicious,
        self.ref_perms = _filter_permutations(self.ref_perms, suspicious,

    def build_chr_index(self):
        Mapping synteny blocks on chromosomes
        Assumes that repeats are filtered
        by_genome = defaultdict(list)
        for ref_perm in self.ref_perms:

        self.chr_index = defaultdict(lambda: defaultdict(lambda : None))

        for genome_name, perms in by_genome.items():
            for perm in perms:
                for block in perm.blocks:
                    self.chr_index[genome_name][block.block_id] = perm.chr_name

    def good_adj(self, block_id_1, block_id_2):
        Checks if adjacency blocks lie on a same chromosome for
        at least one reference
        if not self.conservative:
            return True

        for ref in self.chr_index:
            chr_1 = self.chr_index[ref][block_id_1]
            chr_2 = self.chr_index[ref][block_id_2]
            if None not in [chr_1, chr_2] and chr_1 == chr_2:
                return True

        return False

def _find_repeats(permutations):
    Returns a set of repetitive blocks
    index = defaultdict(set)
    repeats = set()
    for perm in permutations:
        for block in perm.blocks:
            if perm.genome_name in index[block.block_id]:
    return repeats

def _filter_permutations(permutations, blocks, inverse=False):
    Filters given blocks from permutations
    new_perms = []
    filter_func = lambda b: (b.block_id in blocks) != inverse

    for perm in permutations:
        new_blocks = list(filter(filter_func, perm.blocks))
        if new_blocks:
            new_perms.append(Permutation(perm.genome_name, perm.chr_name,
                                         perm.chr_id, perm.chr_len, new_blocks))
    return new_perms

def _parse_permutations(filename):
    Parses a file with signed permutations
    permutations = []
    chr_count = 0
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line:

            if line.startswith(">"):
                tokens = line[1:].split(".", 1)
                if len(tokens) != 2:
                    raise PermException("permutation ids in " + filename +
                                        " do not follow naming convention: " +

                genome_name, chr_name = tokens
                permutations.append(Permutation(genome_name, chr_name,
                                    chr_count, None, []))
                blocks_ids = map(int, line.split(" ")[:-1])
                for b in blocks_ids:
                                                         math.copysign(1, b)))
                chr_count += 1
    return permutations

def _parse_blocks_coords(filename):
    Parses a file with blocks coords
    perm_by_id = {}
    with open(filename, "r") as f:
        header = True
        for line in f:
            line = line.strip()
            if not line:

            if header:
                if line.startswith("Seq_id"):

                if line.startswith("-"):
                    header = False

                chr_id, chr_size, seq_name = line.split("\t")
                tokens = seq_name.split(".", 1)
                if len(tokens) != 2:
                    raise PermException("permutation ids in " + filename +
                                        " do not follow naming convention: " +

                genome_name, chr_name = tokens
                perm_by_id[chr_id] = Permutation(genome_name, chr_name,
                                                 chr_id, int(chr_size), [])

                if line.startswith("Seq_id") or line.startswith("-"):

                if line.startswith("Block"):
                    block_id = int(line.split(" ")[1][1:])

                seq_id, sign, start, end, length = line.split("\t")
                if sign == "-":
                    start, end = end, start
                if int(end) < int(start):
                    raise PermException("Error in permutations file format")

                sign_num = 1 if sign == "+" else -1
                perm_by_id[seq_id].blocks.append(Block(block_id, sign_num,
                                                      int(start), int(end)))

    for perm in perm_by_id.values():
        perm.blocks.sort(key=lambda b: b.start)

    out_perms = list(filter(lambda b: len(b.blocks), perm_by_id.values()))
    return out_perms

def _check_coverage(permutations):
    Checks if synteny blocks coverage is acceptable
    by_genome = defaultdict(list)
    for perm in permutations:

    for genome_name, genome_perms in by_genome.items():
        total_length = 0
        total_covered = 0
        for perm in genome_perms:
            total_length += perm.chr_len
            for block in perm.blocks:
                total_covered += block.length()

        coverage = float(total_covered) / total_length
        logger.debug("\"{0}\" synteny blocks coverage: {1:2.4}%"
                     .format(genome_name, 100 * coverage))
        if coverage < config.vals["min_synteny_coverage"]:
            logger.warning("\"{0}\" synteny blocks coverage ({1:2.4}%) "
                           "is too low -- results can be inaccurate. "
                           "Possible reasons are: \n\n"
                           "1. Genome is too distant from others\n"
                           "2. Synteny block parameters are chosen incorrectly"
                           "\n\nTry to change synteny blocks paramsters or "
                           "remove this genome from the comparison"
                           .format(genome_name, 100 * coverage))

def _write_permutations(permutations, out_stream):
    Outputs permutations
    for perm in permutations:
        out_stream.write(">" + perm.chr_name + "\n")
        for block in perm.blocks:
            out_stream.write("{0:+} ".format(block.signed_id()))
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