Raw File
Tip revision: 9ab0e793c594a66a7049207d634be68ee7c26201 authored by Vadim Mazalov on 15 August 2018, 23:12:34 UTC
Remove template definition
Tip revision: 9ab0e79
// Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved.
// Licensed under the MIT license. See file in the project root for full license information.
// Redirector from C to C++ for public methods.
// This file does not contain any business logic, so if something is returned from C++ land,
// it should pass the result to the calling side to avoid any resource leaks.


#include "stdafx.h"
#include <string>
#include <algorithm>
#include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
#include "ExceptionWithCallStack.h"
#include "EvaluatorWrapper.h"

using namespace Microsoft::MSR::CNTK;
using namespace CNTK;
using namespace std;

    static CNTK_StatusCode StatusCode(int32_t code, const string& message)
        CNTK_StatusCode result{ code, {0} };
        wstring value(message.begin(), message.end());
        auto size = min((uint32_t)(value.size() + 1), CNTK_STATUSCODE_DescriptionSize - 1);
        copy(value.c_str(), value.c_str() + size, result.description);
        return result;

    class ExceptionCatcher
        static CNTK_StatusCode Call(function<void()> action)
                return CNTK_StatusCode{ CNTK_SUCCESS };
            catch (const IExceptionWithCallStackBase& er)
                string message = "Exception occurred: '";
                message += dynamic_cast<const exception&>(er).what();
                message += "'\n, CallStack: ";
                message += er.CallStack();
                return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, message);
            catch (const exception& e)
                return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, e.what());
            catch (...)
                return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_INTERNAL_ERROR, "Unknown exception.");

CNTK_StatusCode CNTK_DefaultDevice(CNTK_DeviceDescriptor* device)
    if (!device)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'device' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    return ExceptionCatcher::Call([&]() {
        auto d = DeviceDescriptor::UseDefaultDevice();
        device->id = d.Id();
        device->kind = (d.Type() == DeviceKind::GPU ? CNTK_DeviceKind::CNTK_DeviceKind_GPU : CNTK_DeviceKind::CNTK_DeviceKind_CPU);

CNTK_StatusCode CNTK_AllDevices(CNTK_DeviceDescriptor** devices, uint32_t* size)
    if (!devices)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'devices' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    if (!size)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'size' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    return ExceptionCatcher::Call([&]() {
        auto all = DeviceDescriptor::AllDevices();
        *devices = new CNTK_DeviceDescriptor[all.size()];
        for (size_t i = 0; i < all.size(); ++i)
            (*devices)[i].id = all[i].Id();
            (*devices)[i].kind = all[i].Type() == DeviceKind::GPU ? CNTK_DeviceKind::CNTK_DeviceKind_GPU : CNTK_DeviceKind::CNTK_DeviceKind_CPU;
        *size = static_cast<uint32_t>(all.size());

CNTK_StatusCode CNTK_LoadModel(const wchar_t* modelFilePath, const CNTK_DeviceDescriptor* device, CNTK_ModelHandle* handle)
    if (!handle)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'handle' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    if (!modelFilePath)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'modelFilePath' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    *handle = nullptr;
    return ExceptionCatcher::Call([&]() { *handle = new CNTKEvaluatorWrapper(modelFilePath, device); });

CNTK_StatusCode CNTK_CloneModel(CNTK_ModelHandle model, CNTK_ParameterCloningMethod method, bool flatten, CNTK_ModelHandle* cloned)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_INVALID_MODEL_HANDLE, "Invalid model handle");

    if (!cloned)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'handle' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    return ExceptionCatcher::Call([&]() { *cloned = ((EvaluatorWrapper*)model)->Clone(method, flatten).release(); });

void CNTK_ReleaseModel(CNTK_ModelHandle model)
    delete (EvaluatorWrapper*)model;

CNTK_StatusCode CNTK_GetModelArgumentsInfo(CNTK_ModelHandle model, CNTK_Variable** inputs, uint32_t* numInputs)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_INVALID_MODEL_HANDLE, "Invalid model handle");

    if (!inputs)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'inputs' parameter is not allowed to be null");

        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'numInputs' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    return ExceptionCatcher::Call(
        [&]() { ((EvaluatorWrapper*)model)->GetModelArgumentsInfo(inputs, numInputs); });

CNTK_StatusCode CNTK_GetModelOutputsInfo(CNTK_ModelHandle model, CNTK_Variable** outputs, uint32_t* numOutputs)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_INVALID_MODEL_HANDLE, "Invalid model handle");

    if (!outputs)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'outputs' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    if (!numOutputs)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_ERROR_NULL_POINTER, "'numOutputs' parameter is not allowed to be null");

    return ExceptionCatcher::Call(
        [&]() { ((EvaluatorWrapper*)model)->GetModelOutputsInfo(outputs, numOutputs); });

CNTK_StatusCode CNTK_EvaluateSequence(CNTK_ModelHandle model,
    const CNTK_Variable* inputs,
    const CNTK_Value* inputValues,
    const bool* inputResetFlags,
    uint32_t numInputs,
    const CNTK_Variable* outputs,
    uint32_t numOutputs,
    CNTK_Value** outputValues)
        return StatusCode(CNTK_INVALID_MODEL_HANDLE, "Invalid model handle");

    return ExceptionCatcher::Call(
            inputs, inputValues, inputResetFlags,
            numInputs, outputs, numOutputs, outputValues);

void CNTK_ReleaseArray(void* array)
    // No destructor will be called!
    delete[] (char*)array;

void CNTK_CleanVariable(CNTK_Variable* variable)
    if (!variable)

    delete[] variable->name;

void CNTK_CleanValue(CNTK_Value* value)
    if (!value)

    delete[] value->data;

void CNTK_CleanShape(CNTK_Shape* shape)
    if (!shape)

    delete[] shape->value;
    shape->size = 0;
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