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Tip revision: 9e52fefd63f9ea2523af13e95327706864e1460b authored by Simon Urbanek on 08 August 1977, 00:00:00 UTC
version 0.1-5
Tip revision: 9e52fef
  Parallel version of lapply
  \code{mclapply} is a parallelized version of \code{\link{lapply}},
  it returns a list of the same length as \code{X}, each element of
  which is the result of applying \code{FUN} to the corresponding
  element of \code{X}.
mclapply(X, FUN, ..., mc.preschedule = TRUE, mc.set.seed = TRUE,
         mc.silent = FALSE, mc.cores = getOption("cores"), mc.cleanup = TRUE)
\item{X}{a vector (atomic or list) or an expressions vector.  Other
objects (including classed objects) will be coerced by
\item{FUN}{the function to be applied to each element of \code{X}}
\item{...}{optional arguments to \code{FUN}}
\item{mc.preschedule}{if set to \code{TRUE} then the computation is
first divided to (at most) as many jobs are there are cores and then
the jobs are started, each job possibly covering more than one
value. If set to \code{FALSE} then one job is spawned for each value
of \code{X} sequentially (if used with \code{mc.set.seed=FALSE} then
random number sequences will be identical for all values). The former
is better for short computations or large number of values in
\code{X}, the latter is better for jobs that have high variance of
completion time and not too many values of \code{X}.}
\item{mc.set.seed}{if set to \code{TRUE} then each parallel process
first sets its seed to something different from other
processes. Otherwise all processes start with the same (namely
current) seed.}
\item{mc.silent}{if set to \code{TRUE} then all output on stdout will be
suppressed for all parallel processes spawned (stderr is not affected).}
\item{mc.cores}{The number of cores to use, i.e. how many processes
  will be spawned (at most)}
\item{mc.cleanup}{if set to \code{TRUE} then all children that have been
  spawned by this function will be killed (by sending \code{SIGTERM})
  before this function returns. Under normal circumstances
  \code{mclapply} waits for the children to deliver results, so this
  option usually has only effect when \code{mclapply} is interrupted.
  If set to \code{FALSE} then child processes are collected, but not
  forcefully terminated. As a special case this argument can be set to
  the signal value that should be used to kill the children instead of
 A list.
  \code{mclapply} is a parallelized version of \code{lapply}. By
  default (\code{mc.preschedule=TRUE}) the input vector/list \code{X}
  is split into as many parts as there are cores (currently the values
  are spread across the cores sequentially, i.e. first value to core
  1, second to core 2, ... (core + 1)-th value to core 1 etc.) and
  then one process is spawned to each core and the results are

  Due to the parallel nature of the execution random numbers are not
  sequential (in the random number sequence) as they would be in
  \code{lapply}. They are sequential for each spawned process, but not
  all jobs as a whole.

  In addition, each process is running the job inside \code{try(...,
  silent=TRUE)} so if error occur they will be stored as
  \code{try-error} objects in the list.
  Note: the number of file descriptors is usually limited by the
  operating system, so you may have trouble using more than 100 cores
  or so (see \code{ulimit -n} or similar in your OS documentation)
  unless you raise the limit of permissible open file descriptors
  (fork will fail with "unable to create a pipe").
  \code{\link{parallel}}, \code{\link{collect}}
  mclapply(1:30, rnorm)
  # use the same random numbers for all values
  mclapply(1:30, rnorm, mc.preschedule=FALSE, mc.set.seed=FALSE)
  # something a bit bigger - albeit still useless :P
  unlist(mclapply(1:32, function(x) sum(rnorm(1e7))))
\author{Simon Urbanek}
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