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Tip revision: d470fb9615b6760d70cd3dea3fd550812d02b1bc authored by Leopoldo Catania on 23 July 2017, 19:03:04 UTC
version 0.2.4
Tip revision: d470fb9
%\VignetteIndexEntry{Add a new distribution to the GAS package}

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\section*{Add a new distribution to the GAS package}

This short note illustrates how to add a new distribution in the \pkg{GAS} package. Changes have to be made in the \code{.R} files inside the R folder and in the \code{.cpp} and \code{.h} files inside the src folder of the package tarball, respectively.\\
The following guidelines apply when:
  \item[1] You want to add an univariate distribution.
  \item[2] Your distribution has maximum 5 parameters.
If you want to add a multivariate distribution, most of the following points apply as well. However, additional changes have to be included in order to have a proper implementation. You can email the package maintainer for possible inclusion of your multivariate distribution in the package. \\
Changes with regards to \proglang{R} files are:
  \item[1] \code{Distribution.R} : \code{DistLabels()}, \code{DistName()}, \code{DistNote()}, \code{DistReference()}, \code{DistParameters()}, \code{DistType()}, \code{DistScalingType()}.
  \item[2] \code{ParameterConstraints.R}: include the possible constraints to the parameters dynamic. Look at the function \code{GetFixedPar\_Uni()} and \code{GetFixedPar\_Multi()} for univariate and multivariate distributions, respectively.
  \item[3] \code{ParNames.R} : \code{FullNamesUni()}. Choose the labels for the parameters of the distribution between : \code{"location"}, \code{"scale"}, \code{"skewness"}, \code{"shape"} and \code{"shape2"}. These are only names, \emph{i.e.}, the label \code{"location"} does not necessarily represent a location parameter.
  \item[4] \code{StartingValue.R} : \code{StaticStarting\_Uni()}. Use Method of Moments when possible. If you want to add a multivariate distribution, you need to create a new function \code{StartingValues_dist()} and link to the \code{MultiGAS_Starting()} function. Note that, in the multivariate case, the output of the new  \code{StartingValues_dist()}, needs to be consistent with that of, for example, of \code{StartingValues_mvt()}.
Assuming that the label of the new distribution is \code{"poi"}. Changes with regards to the \proglang{C++} files are:
  \item[1] Create \code{poi.cpp} with the functions:
    \item \code{double dPOI()} , probability density function : it accepts the additional \code{boolean} argument: \code{bLog}, by default \code{bLog = false}. 
    \item \code{double pPOI()}, cumulative density function.
    \item \code{double qPOI()}, quantile function.
    \item \code{double rPOI()}, random generator.
    \item \code{arma::vec mPOI()}, it returns an \code{arma::vec} with 4 entries containing: the mean, the variance, the skewness coefficient, the kurtosis coefficient (not excess of kurtosis).
    \item \code{arma::vec poi\_Score()}, score function.
    \item \code{arma::mat poi\_IM()}, information matrix. If the information matrix is not available, then the output of \code{arma::mat poi\_IM()} is the identity matrix of dimension equal to the number of parameters.
  All the function of poi.cpp accept \code{double} arguments, expect \code{poi\_Score()} and \code{poi\_IM()} that accept an \code{arma::vec} argument. See, for example, the file \code{std.cpp} .
  \item[2] Create the header \code{poi.h} with all the functions in \code{poi.cpp} .
  \item[3] Modify \code{DistWrap.cpp} to include \code{poi.h}, add \code{if (Dist == "poi")} to all the functions.
  \item[4] Modify \code{IMWrap.cpp} to include \code{poi.h}, add \code{if (Dist == "poi")} to \code{arma::mat IM\_univ()}.
  \item[5] Modify \code{Mapping.cpp}, the functions : \code{MapParameters\_univ()}/\code{MapParameters\_multi()}, \code{UnmapParameters\_univ()}/\code{UnmapParameters\_multi()},\code{MapParametersJacobian\_univ()}/ \code{MapParametersJacobian\_multi()}. Use the same structure of the other distributions. If necessary, create global variables as \code{const double dLowerShape} and \code{const double dUpperShape} to determine the numerical upper and lower bounds for your parameters. You can use the modified logistic mapping function transformation (\code{double Map()}), its inverse (\code{double Unmap()}) and its derivative (\code{double MapDeriv()}).
  \item[6] Modify \code{ScoreWrap.cpp} to include \code{poi.h} : add \code{if (Dist == "poi")} to \\\code{arma::vec Score\_univ()}/\code{arma::vec Score\_multi()}. 
  \item[7] Modify \code{Utils.cpp}, functions : \code{int NumberParameters()} which returns an integer indicating the number of parameters of your distribution.   

If everything have been done correctly you can now compile the package through \code{R CMD BUILD} and use all the package functionalities.
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