Raw File
Tip revision: 3df373d238bab1b3039fa3cad8c3d3cbf6af61ce authored by Tomislav Hengl on 16 May 2013, 10:44:25 UTC
version 0.3-5
Tip revision: 3df373d
\title{Writes SpatialPixels or SpatialGrid objects to KML}
\description{Writes sp classes \code{"SpatialGrid"} or \code{"SpatialPixels"} to PNG images and makes a KML document (ground overlays). Target attributes can be specified using aesthetics arguments (e.g. \code{"colour"}).}
kml_layer.SpatialPixels(obj, raster_name, plot.legend = TRUE, metadata = NULL, 
     png.width = gridparameters(obj)[1,"cells.dim"], 
     png.height = gridparameters(obj)[2,"cells.dim"], \dots)
  \item{obj}{object of class \code{"RasterLayer"}, \code{"SpatialPixelsDataFrame"} or \code{"SpatialGridDataFrame"}}
  \item{plot.legend}{logical; specify whether a map legend should be generated automatically}
  \item{metadata}{(optional) specify the metadata object}
  \item{raster_name}{(optional) specify the output file name (PNG)}
  \item{png.width}{(optional) width of the PNG file}
  \item{png.height}{(optional) height of the PNG file}
  \item{\dots}{additional \code{\link{aesthetics}} arguments}
\details{Google Earth does not properly handle a 24-bit PNG file which has a single transparent color (read more at \href{}{Google Earth Help}). To force transparency, plotKML will try to set it using the \code{-matte -transparent "\#FFFFFF"} option in the \href{}{ImageMagick convert program} (ImageMagick needs to be installed separately and located using \code{plotKML.env()}). The PNG export uses the 'cairographics', which will never use a palette and normally creates a larger 32-bit ARGB file, but then always allows transparancy.
\author{Tomislav Hengl, Pierre Roudier and Dylan Beaudette}
\seealso{ \code{\link{kml-methods}}, \code{\link{kml_open}}, \code{\link{kml_layer.Raster}}, \code{\link{plotKML-method}} }
coordinates(eberg_grid) <- ~x+y
gridded(eberg_grid) <- TRUE
proj4string(eberg_grid) <- CRS("+init=epsg:31467")
\dontrun{## KML plot with a single raster:
kml(eberg_grid, colour_scale = SAGA_pal[[1]], colour = TWISRT6)
## make a larger image:
kml(eberg_grid, colour_scale = SAGA_pal[[1]], colour = TWISRT6, 
  png.width = 600, png.height = 600)
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