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Tip revision: b1eeed0fcdbc72d256cc22812ac4ed32a704f2b9 authored by Scott Chamberlain on 20 November 2013, 10:03:27 UTC
version 0.4.0
Tip revision: b1eeed0
rgbif 0.4.0


* Data object isocodes gains new column gbif_names, the GBIF specific names for countries.
* Added in deprecation messages throughtout package for functions and arguments that are deprecated.
* tests moved to tests/testthat from inst/tests.
* Vignettes now in vignettes/ directory.


* New function dataset_suggest(), a quick autocomplete service that returns up to 20 datasets.
* New function name_backbone() looks up names against the GBIF backbone taxonomy.
* New function name_suggest(), a quick autocomplete service that returns up to 20 name usages.
* New function occ_metadata() to search dataset metadata.
* New function parsenames() that parses taxonomic names and returns their components.

rgbif 0.3.9


* Added back in functions, and .Rd files, from old version or rgbif that interacts with the old GBIF API.
* Updated vignette to work with new GBIF API and fxns.


* Added functions to interact with the new GBIF API, notably: country_codes(), dataset_metrics(), dataset_search(), datasets(), name_lookup(), gbifmap(), gist(), name_lookup(), name_usage(), networks(), nodes(), occ_count(), occ_get(), occ_search(), organizations(), stylegeojson(), togeojson(). See the README for a crosswalk from old functions to new ones. 


* test files moved from inst/tests/ to tests/testthat/

rgbif 0.3.2


* Removed georeferencedonly parameter - is deprecated in the GBIF API

rgbif 0.3.0


* Added S3 objects: Output from calls to occurrencelist() and occurrence list_many() now of class gbiflist, and output from calls to densitylist() now of class gbifdens. 
* Slight changes to gbifmaps() function.
* url parameter in all functions moved into the function itself as the base GBIF API url doesn't need to be specified by user. 
* Vignette added.


* Added function country_codes() to look up 2 character ISO country codes for use in searches.
* Added function occurrencelist_many() to handle searches of many species. 
* Added functions togeojson() and stylegeosjon() to convert a data.frame with lat/long columns to geojson file format, and to add styling to data.frames before using togeojson() . 
* occurrencelist() and occurrencelist_many() gain argument fixnames, which lets user change species names in output data.frame according to a variety of scenarios.
* taxonsearch() gains argument accepted_status to accept only those names that have a status of accepted. In addition, this function has significant changes, and examples, to improve performance.

rgbif 0.2.0


* Improved code style, and simplified code in some functions.


* occurrencelist() now handles scientific notation when maxresults are given in that form.
* occurencelist() now can retrieve any number of records; was previously a max of 1000 records. 


* Demo "List" was returning incorrect taxon names - corrected now. 
* Removed unused parameter 'latlongdf' in occurencelist().

rgbif 0.1.5


* Changed all functions to use RCurl instead of httr as httr was presenting some problems.
* Two function, capwords and gbifxmlToDataFrame, added with documentation as internal functions. 


* Added function density_spplist to get a species list or data.frame of species and their counts for any degree cell.
* Added function densitylist to access to records showing the density of occurrence records from the GBIF Network by one-degree cell.
* Added function gbifmap to make a simple map to visualize GBIF data.
* Added function occurrencecount to count taxon concept records matching a range of filters.


* gbifdatause removed, was just a function to return the data sharing agreement from GBIF.

rgbif 0.1.0


* released to CRAN
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