Raw File
Tip revision: 2bb431309d7402bd2733a3d968394ffc30553945 authored by Matt Garthwaite on 19 May 2020, 23:36:29 UTC
fix Travis deployment to gh-pages
Tip revision: 2bb4313
# PyRate configuration file for GAMMA-format interferograms
# Optional ON/OFF switches - ON = 1; OFF = 0

# Coherence masking (PREPIFG)
cohmask:   1

# Orbital error correction (PROCESS)
orbfit:        1

# APS correction using spatio-temporal filter (PROCESS)
apsest:         0

# Time series calculation (PROCESS)
tscal:         1

# Multi-threading parameters used by stacking/timeseries/prepifg
# gamma prepifg runs in parallel on a single machine if parallel = 1
# parallel: 1 = parallel, 0 = serial
parallel:  0
# number of processes
processes: 8

# Input/Output file locations
# File containing the list of interferograms to use.
ifgfilelist:  tests/test_data/small_test/gamma_obs/ifms_17

# The DEM file used in the InSAR processing
demfile:      tests/test_data/small_test/gamma_obs/20060619_utm.dem

# The DEM header file from GAMMA (*.par) or ROI_PAC (*.rsc).
demHeaderFile: tests/test_data/small_test/gamma_obs/20060619_utm_dem.par

# File listing the pool of available header files (GAMMA: *slc.par, ROI_PAC: *.rsc)
hdrfilelist: tests/test_data/small_test/gamma_obs/headers

# File listing the pool of available coherence files.
cohfilelist: tests/test_data/small_test/coherence/coherence_17

# Directory to write the outputs to
outdir:       out/

# PREPIFG parameters
# Input data format: ROI_PAC = 0, GAMMA = 1
processor:    1

# Coherence threshold value for masking, between 0 and 1
cohthresh:  0.3

# Multi-look/subsampling factor in east (x) and north (y) dimension
ifglksx:      1
ifglksy:      1

# Cropping options
# ifgcropopt: 1 = minimum extent 2 = maximum extent 3 = crop 4 = no cropping
# ifgxfirst,ifgyfirst: longitude (x) and latitude (y) of north-west corner
# ifgxlast,ifgylast: longitude (x) and latitude (y) of south-east corner
ifgcropopt:   4
ifgxfirst:    150.92
ifgyfirst:    -34.18
ifgxlast:     150.94
ifgylast:     -34.22

# No-data averaging threshold (0 = 0%; 1 = 100%)
noDataAveragingThreshold: 0.5

# The No-data value used in the interferogram files
noDataValue:  0.0

# Nan conversion flag. Set to 1 if missing No-data values are to be converted to NaN
nan_conversion: 1

# PROCESS parameters
# Reference pixel search options

# refx/y: Lon/Lat coordinate of reference pixel. If left blank then search for best pixel will be performed
# refnx/y: number of search grid points in x/y image dimensions
# refchipsize: size of the data window at each search grid point
# refminfrac: minimum fraction of valid (non-NaN) pixels in the data window
refnx:         5
refny:         5
refchipsize:   5
refminfrac:    0.01

# Reference phase correction method

# refest: 1 = median of the whole interferogram
# refest: 2 = median within the window surrounding the chosen reference pixel
refest:        2

# Orbital error correction

# orbfitmethod = 1: interferograms corrected independently; 2: network method
# orbfitdegrees: Degree of polynomial surface to fit (1 = planar; 2 = quadratic; 3 = part-cubic)
# orbfitlksx/y: additional multi-look factor for orbital correction
orbfitmethod:  2
orbfitdegrees: 1
orbfitlksx:    1
orbfitlksy:    1

# APS spatial low-pass filter parameters

# slpfmethod: Spatial low-pass filter method (1: butterworth; 2: gaussian)
# slpfcutoff: cutoff d0 (greater than zero) in km for both butterworth and gaussian filters
# slpforder: order n for butterworth filter (default 1)
# slpnanfill: 1 for interpolation, 0 for zero fill
# slpnanfill_method: linear, nearest, cubic; only used when slpnanfill=1
slpfmethod:     2
slpfcutoff:     0.001
slpforder:      1
slpnanfill:     1
slpnanfill_method:  cubic

# APS temporal low-pass filter parameters

# tlpfmethod: 1 = Gaussian, 2 = Triangular, 3 = Mean filter
# tlpfcutoff: cutoff t0 for gaussian filter in year;
# tlpfpthr: valid pixel threshold;
tlpfmethod:   3
tlpfcutoff:   0.25
tlpfpthr:     1

# Time Series Calculation parameters

# tsmethod: Method for time series inversion (1 = Laplacian Smoothing; 2 = SVD)
# smorder: order of Laplacian smoothing operator (1 = first-order difference; 2 = second-order difference)
# smfactor: smoothing factor for Laplacian smoothing (value provided is converted as 10**smfactor)
# ts_pthr: valid observations threshold for time series inversion
tsmethod:      2
smorder:       2
smfactor:     -0.25
ts_pthr:       10

# Stacking calculation parameters

# pthr: minimum number of coherent ifg connections for each pixel
# nsig: n-sigma used as residuals threshold for iterative least squares stacking
# maxsig: maximum residual used as a threshold for values in the rate map
pthr:          5
nsig:          3
maxsig:        1000
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