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Tip revision: 3cda6783fd2832331567e4603af53d4df2d909ba authored by Dirk Eddelbuettel and Romain Francois on 29 June 2010, 12:29:30 UTC
version 0.8.3
Tip revision: 3cda678


    o   Bring "Rcpp ? NumericVector" into life. The hook is in place, we just need
        to come up with some way to generate useful documentation for it: general
        description of the class, related unit test cases, etc ...
    o   Rework ?Rcpp which is mainly old api centric

    o   Add a vignette about Rcpp sugar [in progress]
    o   Add a vignette about the api


    o   Rcpp::Date and Rcpp::DateVector [done 2010-06-23]
    o   Rcpp::DateTime and Rcpp::DateTimeVector

    o   Rcpp::Factor and Rcpp::Ordered


    o   Exposing constructors. For now we can only construct internal objects 
        with the default constructor of the target class. Maybe we can provide
        some R level dispatch. Maybe look at ?selectMethod
    o   Class inheritance. If we have Foo and Bar : public Foo, and we expose
        both Foo and Bar to R, R level class Bar should enjoy methods of Foo
        and the S4 inheritance should reflect the C++ level inheritance
    o   Method overloading: methods are currently stored in a map<string,.>
        so there can only be one method for a given name, which defeats C++
        overloading. Maybe we can do better than that. This might also need 
        R level dispatch (?selectMethod)

R 2.12.0

    o   Remove the C++ObjectS3 class as it is no longer needed:

    o   Order of classes in POSIXt, ...
Syntactic sugar

    o   duplicated, unique, count, sum, rep, head, tail, sqrt, log, log10, ln
    o	operator% 
    o	operator/ needs to handle the case of division by 0
    o   for complex vectors: Re, Im, Mod, Arg, Conj
    o   min, max with specialization of the binary operators, so that we can do 
        things like this lazily: 
        min( x ) < 4
    o   for matrices: we first need CRTP with matrix interface, so we need to
        make Matrix inherit from MatrixBase and make MatrixBase a template tha  t
        implements CRTP and a matrix interface: 
                - operator[]                (treating the matrix as a vector)
                - operator()( int, int )    (matrix indexing)
                - nrow                      (number of rows)
                - ncol                      (number of columns)     
                - size                      (nrow*ncol)
    o   matrix functions : row, col, lower_tri, upper_tri, outer, diag, apply
    o   for character vectors: nchar, grepl, sub, gsub
    o   Compound operators: ++,--,+=, -=, ...

    o   we need to update the doRUnit.R file and replace : 
          ##  stop() if there are any failures i.e. FALSE to unit test.
          ## This will cause R CMD check to return error and stop
          err <- getErrors(tests)
          if( (err$nFail + err$nErr) > 0) {
              stop( sprintf( "unit test problems: %d failures, %d errors", 
                             err$nFail, err$nErr) )
          } else{
              success <- err$nTestFunc - err$nFail - err$nErr - err$nDeactivated
              cat( sprintf( "%d / %d\n", success, err$nTestFunc ) )
        by something that extract information from "err". This is needed
        because on win builder or cran checks, we only ever get the last 13
        lines of output. So we need to make the best use of these 13 lines
   o    Testing has become slow. That would be good to find ways to make it
        faster such as combine multiple functions in a single cxxfunction
        call or alternatively make another package (perhaps internal to this
        one that would contain test cases)
   o    Maybe make test function 'tier one' and 'tier two' and only the
        second tier if an (environment ?) variable has been set?

   o    We now have more tests than we can run in the time budget permitted by
        the Windows build infrastructure. Hence, we need a better ordering of
        which tests to run.
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