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Tip revision: 286a4c2f77f3b218a1fad3f7ba7bb56748c1bb22 authored by Scott Chamberlain on 29 June 2016, 22:36:26 UTC
version 0.9.4
Tip revision: 286a4c2
rgbif 0.9.4


* Now using `tibble` in most of the package when the output is 
a data.frame (#204)
* New vignette _Taxonomic Names_ for discussing some common names 
problems users may run into, and some strategies for dealing with 
taxonomic names when using GBIF (#208) (#209)


* Replaced `is()` with `inherits()`, no longer importing `methods()` (#219)
* Improved docs for registry functions. Not all options were listed 
for the `data` parameter, now they are (#210)
* Fixed documentation error in `gbifmap()` man file (#212) thanks to @rossmounce


* Fixed bug in internal parser within `occ_download()`, in which 
strings to parse were not being parsed correctly if spaces weren't in 
the right place, should be more robust now, and added tests (#217). Came 
* The parameter `type` was being silently ignored in a number of 
registry functions. fixed that. (#211)

rgbif 0.9.3


* `occ_data()` and `occ_search()` gain ability to more flexibly deal with inputs to the
`geometry` parameter. Previously, long WKT strings passed to `occ_search()` or 
`occ_data()` would fail because URIs can only be so long. Another option is to use
the download API (see `?downloads`). This version adds the ability to choose what to 
do with long WKT strings via the `geom_big` parameter: `asis` (same as previous version), 
`bbox` which detects if a WKT sting is likely too long, and creates a bounding box from the
WKT string then once data is retrived, clips the result to the original WKT string; `axe`
uses the `geoaxe` package to chop up the input WKT polygon into many, with toggles in the 
new parameters `geom_size` and `geom_n`. (#197) (#199)
* As part of this change, when >1 geometry value passed, or if `geom_big="axe"`, then 
named elements of the output get names `geom1`, `geom2`, `geom3`, etc. instead of the 
input WKT strings - this is because WKT strings can be very long, and make for very 
awkward named access to elements. The original WKT strings can still be accessed via
`attr(result, "args")$geometry`


* code tidying throughout the package


* Fix parsing bug in `name_usage()` function, see commit [e88cf01cc11cb238d44222346eaeff001c0c637e](
* Fix to tests to use new `testthat` fxn names, e.g., `expect_gt()`
instead of `expect_more_than()`
* Fix to `occ_download()` to parse error correctly when empty body passed from 
GBIF (#202)

rgbif 0.9.2


* New function `occ_data()` - its primary purpose to perform faster data requests. Whereas 
`occ_search()` gives you lots of data, including taxonomic hierarchies and media records,
`occ_data()` only gives occurrence data. (#190)


* Replaced `XML` with `xml2` (#192)
* Speed ups to the following functions due to use of `data.table::rbindlist()` for 
fast list to data.frame coercion: `name_lookup()`, `name_backbone()`, `name_suggest()`,
`name_usage()`, and `parsenames()` (#191)
* Changes to `httr` usage to comply with changes in `httr >= v1.1.0`: now setting 
encoding explicitly to `UTF-8` and parsing all data manually, using the internal 
function `function(x) content(x, "text", encoding = "UTF-8")` (#195)


* Fix to internal function `move_col()` to not fail on fields that don't exist.
Was failing sometimes when no latitude or longitude columns were returned. (#196)

rgbif 0.9.0


* New set of functions (`gbif_oai_*()`) for working with
GBIF registry OAI-PMH service. Now importing `oai` package to
make working with GBIF's OAI-PMH service easier (#183)
* Added code of conduct (#180)
* Now sending user-agent header with all requests from this
package to GBIF's servers indicating what version of rgbif
and that it's an ropensci package. Looks like
`r-curl/0.9.4 httr/1.0.0 rOpenSci(rgbif/0.9.0)`, with whatever
versions of each package you're using. We also pass a user-agent
string with the header `X-USER-AGENT` in case the `useragent`
header gets stripped somewhere along the line (#185)
* New function `gbif_citation()` helps get citations for datasets
eith using the occurrence search API via `occ_search()` or the
downloads API via `occ_downlad()` (#178) (#179)


* Using `importFrom` instead of `import` in all cases now.
* Parameter `collectorName` changed to `recordedBy` (#184)


* Fix to `occ_download_meta()` print method to handle 1 or more predicate results (#186)
* Fix to `occ_issues()` to work with `return=data` and `return=all` `occ_search()` output (#188)

rgbif 0.8.9


* Updated `terraformer.js` javascript code included in the package
along with an update in that codebase (#156)
* The `email` parameter now `NULL` by default in the function
`occ_download()`, so that if not provided or not set in options,
then function fails. (#173)
* Additional explanation added to the `?downloads` help file.
* Added internal checks to `elevation()` to check for coordinates that
are impossible (e.g., latitude > 90), not complete (e.g., lat given,
long not given), or points at `0,0` (just warns, doesn't stop). (#176)
thanks @luisDVA
* General code tidying across package


* A route changed for getting images for a taxon within the `/species`
route, fix to function `name_usage()` (#174)
* Fix to `occ_search()` to remove a block of code to do synonym checking.
This block of code was used if the parameter `scientificName` was passed,
and checked if the name given was a synonym; if yes, we used the accepted
name according to the GBIF backbone taxonomy; if no, we proceeded with the
name given by the user. We removed the block of code because the GBIF
API now essentially does this behind the scenes server side. See for examples. (#175)

rgbif 0.8.8


* Additional tests added for `gbif_photos()` and `gbif_names()` (#170)


* Fixed a few tests that were not passing on CRAN.

rgbif 0.8.6


* New set of functions with names `occ_download*()` for working with the GBIF download API. This is the same service as using the GBIF website, but via an API. See `?downloads`. (#154) (#167)


* Explicitly import non-base R pkg functions, so importing from `utils`, `methods`, and `stats` (#166)


* Fixed problem with `httr` `v1` where empty list not allowed to pass to
the `query` parameter in `GET` (#163)

rgbif 0.8.4


* New functions for the `/enumerations` GBIF API route: `enumeration()`
and `enumeration_country()`. Many parts of the GBIF API make use of
enumerations, i.e. controlled vocabularies for specific topics - and are
available via these functions. (#152)


* `elevation()` now requires an API key (#148)
* The `V8` package an Import now, used to do WKT read/create with use of
the Javascript library Terraformer ( Replaces
packages `sp` and `rgeos`, which are no longer imported (#155)
* Changed `occ_search()` parameter `spatialIssues` to
`hasGeospatialIssues` (#151)
* Added note to docs about difference between `/search` and `/count`
services, and how they work. (#150)
* Added tests for habitat parameter in `name_lookup()` (#149)
* Dropped `plyr` from Imports (#159)
* Dropped `stringr` from Imports (#160)
* Dropped `maps` and `grid` packages from Imports (#161)


* Looping over records with `limit` and `start` parameters was in some
cases resulting in duplicate records returned. Problem fixed. (#157)

rgbif 0.8.0


* All example moved to `\dontrun` (#139)
* README fixes for html (#141)
* Fixed documentation in `occ_search()` to give correct values for default and max limit
and start parameters (#145)
* Changed internal `GET` helper function to properly pass on error message (#144)
* Replaced `assertthat::assert_that()` with `stopifnot()` to have one less dependency (#134)
* Fixed `occ_search()` to allow ability to query by only publishingCountry, that is, with no
other parameters if desired (#137)


* Fixed bug in internal `GET()` helper function to just pass `NULL` to the `query` parameter when
the list of length 0 passed, since it caused requests to fail in some cases.
* Fix to `name_lookup()` to force a logical entry for certain parameters - before this fix
if the correct logical param was not passed, the GBIF API went with its default parameter (#135)
* Fixed bug in `name_backbone()` due to change in `namelkupparser()` helper function - fixes
parsing for verbose output (#136)
* Fixed some broken URLs in `occ_search()` documentation (#140)

rgbif 0.7.7


* New function `occ_issues()` to subset data from `occ_search()` based on GBIF issues. (#) (#122)
* Related to the last bullet, GBIF issues now are returned by default in `occ_search()` results, and are intentionally moved to the beginning of the column order of the data to be more obvious. (#102)
* `occ_search()` now returns all data fields by default. The default setting for the `fields` parameter is `all` - but can be changed. See `?occ_search`
* New function `gbif_names()` to view highlighted terms in name results from a call to `name_lookup()`. (#114)
* New functions: `occ_issues_lookup()` to lookup GBIF issues based on code name or full issue name, and `gbif_issues()` to print the entire issues table.


* Completely replaced `RCurl` with `httr`
* Completely replaced `RJSONIO` with `jsonlite`. Should see slight performance in JSON parsing with `jsonlite`.
* Default number of records in `occ_search()` now 500; was 25. (#113)
* Vignette for old version of GBIF API removed.
* New vignette for cleaning data via GBIF issues added. (#132)
* Functions for working with old GBIF API removed, now defunct. (#116)
* Now better parsing for some functions (`organizations()`, `datasets()`, `networks()`, `nodes()`, `installations()`) to data.frames when possible. (#117)
* Added further help to warn users when searching on ranges in latitude or longitude in `occ_search()` (#123)
* `callopts` parameter changed to `...` throughout all functions. Now pass on options to `httr` as named lists or functions. (#130)
* Beware that GBIF data is becoming Darwin Core compliant - so many parameters throughout this package have changed from sentence_case to camelCase.
* `dataset_search()` and `dataset_suggest()` gain new parameter `publishingOrg`
* Default for `limit` parameter changed to 100 for dataset functions: `dataset_search()`, `dataset_suggest()`, and `datasets()`.
* Default for `limit` parameter changed to 100 for registry functions: `installations()`, `networks()`, `organizations`, and `nodes()`.
* Parameter changes in `networks()`: `name`, `code`, `modifiedsince`, `startindex`, and `maxresults` gone; new parameters `query`, `identifier`, `identifierType`, `limit`, and `start`
* Parameter changes in `nodes()`: new parameters `identifier`, `identifierType`, `limit`, and `start`


* `occ_search()` failed sometimes on species that were not found. Fixed. (#112)
* Added better handling of some server errors to pass on to user. (#115) (#118)
* Fixed incorrect parsing for some cases in `occ_search()` (#119)
* Fixed bad parsing on output from `name_lookup()` (#120)
* Fixed single map option in `gbif_photos()` that caused map with no data. (#121)
* Fixed some parameter names in `name_()` functions according to changes in the GBIF API spec, and fixed documentation to align with GBIF API changes, and added note about maximum limit. (#124) (#127) (#129) Thanks to @willgearty !
* Fixed internals of `occ_search()` so that user can pass in multiple values to the `issue` parameter. (#107)
* Fixed URL to tutorial on ropensci website (#105) Thanks @fxi !

rgbif 0.7.0


* `occ_search()` now has a `dplyr` like summary output when `return='all'`. See `?occ_search` for examples. You can still easily access all data, by indexing to `meta`, `hierarchy`, `data`, or `media` via e.g., `$data`, `['data']`, or `[['data']]`. (#95)
* Media now returned from the GBIF API. Thus, in `occ_search()`, we now return a media slot in the output list by default.
* New function `gbif_photos()` to view media files (photos in the wild or of museum specimens). Two options are available, `which='map'` creates a single map which presents the image when the user clicks on the point, and `which='table'` in which a table has one row for each image, presenting the image and an interactive map with the single point. (#88)
* Two new packages are imported: `sp` and `whisker`


* GBIF updated their API, now at v1. URL endpoints in `rgbif` changed accordingly. (#92)
* GBIF switched to using 2-letter country codes. Take note. (#90)
* GBIF switched all parameters to `camelCase` from `under_score` style - changed accordingly in `rgbif`.
* Using package custom version of `plyr::compact()` instead of importing from `plyr`.
* In `name_lookup()` removed `facet_only` parameter as it doesn't do anything - use `limit=0` instead. Further, added two new slots of output: `hierarchy` and `names` (for common/vernacular names) (#96). The output can be determined by user via the `return` parameter.
* In `name_suggest()`, if the field `higherClassificationMap` is selected to be returned via the `fields` parameter, a list is returned with a data frame, and a list of the hierarchies separately. If `higherClassificationMap` is not selected, only a data frame is returned.
* `occ_search()` gains new parameters  `mediatype` and `issue` (#93), with detailed list of possible options for the `issue` parameter. Gains new examples for searching for images, examples of calls that will throw errors.
* Updated the vignette.


* Added better error message to `check_wkt()`.
* `facet_only` parameter removed from `dataset_search()` function as it doesn't do anything - use `limit=0` instead.
* Fixed some examples that didn't work correctly.

rgbif 0.6.3


* Added functions `gbif_bbox2wkt()` and `gbif_wkt2bbox()` to convert a bounding box to wkt and a wkt object to a bounding box, respectively. Copied from the `spocc` package. Prefixes to fxn names will avoid conflicts.
* Now spitting out more informative error messages when WKT strings passed in are not properly formed, either from `rgeos::readWKT` or from the returned response from GBIF.

rgbif 0.6.2


* `gbifmap()` was throwing an error because it was looking for two variables `latitude` and `longitude`, which had been changed to `decimalLatitude` and `decimalLongitude`, respectively, in other functions in this package. Fixed. (#81)
* `occ_get()` was updated to include changes in the GBIF API for this endpoint. The fix included fixing the parser for verbatim results, see `rgbif::gbifparser_verbatim`. (#83)
* Fixed bugs in `elevation()` - it was expecting column names to be latitude and longitude, whereas inputs from other `rgbif` functions have changed to decimalLatitude and decimalLongitude.
* Fixed bug in `count_facet()` introduced b/c GBIF no longer accepts hostCountry or nubKey parameters.


* `gist()`, `stylegeojson()`, and `togeojson()` functions now listed as deprecated. Their functionality moved to the `spocc` package ( These functions will be removed from this package in a future version. (#82)
* Added a quick sanity test for `gbifmap()`.
* Added tests for `occ_get()` for when `verbatim=TRUE`, which gives back different data than when `verbatim=FALSE`.

rgbif 0.6.0


* A number of variables changed names to better follow the Darwin Core standard. `latitude` is now `decimalLatitude`. `longitude` is now `decimalLongitude`. `clazz` is now `class`. Code in this package changed to accomodate these changes. `date` is now `eventDate`. `georeferenced` is now `hasCoordinate`. Beware of these changes in your own code using `rgbif` - find and replace for these should be easy.
* Changed `altitude` parameter in `occ_search()` to `elevation` - should have been `elevation` the whole time.
* `occ_count()` function with parameter changes: `nubKey` parameter in changed to `taxonKey`. New parameter `protocol`. Parameter `catalogNumber` gone. Parameter `hostCountry` gone. These parameters are still in the function definition, but if called they throw a useful warning telling you the correct parameter names. (#76)
* Fixed bug in `name_lookup()` function that was labeling facet outputs incorrectly. (#77)


* Better checking and parsing of response data from GBIF: Across all functions, we now check that the response content type is `application/json`, then parse JSON ourselves using `RJSONIO::fromJSON` (instead of httr doing it).
* Across all functions, we now return all potenital character class columns as character class (instead of factor), by passing `stringsAsFactors = FALSE` to all `data.frame()` calls.
* Now using assertthat package in various places to give better error messages when the wrong input is passed to a function.
* Four parameters have name changes in the `occ_search()` function. These parameters are still in the function definition, but if called they throw a useful warning telling you the correct parameter names. (#75)
* Updated docs in `name_usage`, `name_backbone`, `name_lookup`, and `name_suggest` functions.
* `sourceId` parameter in `name_usage()` function doesn't work so error message is thrown when used.


* New function `check_wkt()` to check that well known text string is the right format. (#68)
* New dataset typestatus to look up possible specimen typeStatus values. See #74 for more information.
* GBIF added some new parameters for use in the `occ_search()` function. `scientificName`: search for a species by name (instead of `taxonKey`). `continent`: search by continent. `lastInterpreted`: search by last time GBIF modified the record. `recordNumber`: search by the data collector's specimen record number - this is different from the GBIF record number. `typeStatus`: search by specimen type status. (#74)
* Note that given the new parameters many more options are available for implicit faceted search in which you can pass many values in a vector to do multiple searches like `parameterName = c(x, y, z)`. These parameters are: `taxonKey`, `scientificName`, `datasetKey`, `catalogNumber`, `collectorName`, `geometry`, `country`, `recordNumber`, `search`, `institutionCode`, `collectionCode`, `decimalLatitude`, `decimalLongitude`, `depth`, `year`, `typeStatus`, `lastInterpreted`, and `continent`. This isn't faceted search server side - this is just looping your different values of the parameter against the GBIF API.
* Range queries are a new feature in the GBIF API. Some parameters in `occ_search()` now support range queries: `decimalLatitude`,`decimalLongitude`,`depth`,`elevation`,`eventDate`,`lastInterpreted`,`month`, and `year`. Do a range query for example by `depth=50,100` to ask for occurrences where depth was recorded between 50 and 100 meters. Note that this syntax `depth=c(50,100)` will perform two separate searches, one for `depth=50` and one for `depth=100`. (#71)

rgbif 0.5.0


* Changed name of country_codes() function to gbif_country_codes() to avoid conflicts with other packages.
* Replaced sapply() with vapply() throughout the package as it is more robust and can be faster.
* Added a startup message to the package.
* gbifmap() now plots a map with ggplot2::coord_fixed(ratio=1) so that you don't get wonky maps.
* occ_count() now accepts a call to query publishingCountry with a single parameter (country), to list occurrence counts by publishing country.
* occ_get() and occ_search() lose parameter minimal, and in its place gains parameter fields, in which you can request fields='minimal' to get just name, taxon key, lat and long. Or set to 'all' to get all fields, or selection the fields you want by passing in a vector of field names.


* Updated base url for the GIBF parser function parsenames()
* isocodes dataset now with documentation.


* New function count_facet() to do facetted count search, as GBIF doesn't allow faceted searches against the count API.
* New function elevation() to get elevation data for a data.frame of lat/long points, or a list of lat/long points. This function uses the Google Elevation API (
* New function installations() to get metadata on installations.

rgbif 0.4.1


* Improved handling of limit parameter in occ_search() so that the correct number of occurrences are returned.
* Fixed various tests that were broken.


* Added missing limit argument in datasets() function man file, also function gains start and callopts parameters.

rgbif 0.4.0


* Data object isocodes gains new column gbif_names, the GBIF specific names for countries.
* Added in deprecation messages throughtout package for functions and arguments that are deprecated.
* tests moved to tests/testthat from inst/tests.
* Vignettes now in vignettes/ directory.


* New function dataset_suggest(), a quick autocomplete service that returns up to 20 datasets.
* New function name_backbone() looks up names against the GBIF backbone taxonomy.
* New function name_suggest(), a quick autocomplete service that returns up to 20 name usages.
* New function occ_metadata() to search dataset metadata.
* New function parsenames() that parses taxonomic names and returns their components.

rgbif 0.3.9


* Added back in functions, and .Rd files, from old version or rgbif that interacts with the old GBIF API.
* Updated vignette to work with new GBIF API and fxns.


* Added functions to interact with the new GBIF API, notably: country_codes(), dataset_metrics(), dataset_search(), datasets(), name_lookup(), gbifmap(), gist(), name_lookup(), name_usage(), networks(), nodes(), occ_count(), occ_get(), occ_search(), organizations(), stylegeojson(), togeojson(). See the README for a crosswalk from old functions to new ones.


* test files moved from inst/tests/ to tests/testthat/

rgbif 0.3.2


* Removed georeferencedonly parameter - is deprecated in the GBIF API

rgbif 0.3.0


* Added S3 objects: Output from calls to occurrencelist() and occurrence list_many() now of class gbiflist, and output from calls to densitylist() now of class gbifdens.
* Slight changes to gbifmaps() function.
* url parameter in all functions moved into the function itself as the base GBIF API url doesn't need to be specified by user.
* Vignette added.


* Added function country_codes() to look up 2 character ISO country codes for use in searches.
* Added function occurrencelist_many() to handle searches of many species.
* Added functions togeojson() and stylegeosjon() to convert a data.frame with lat/long columns to geojson file format, and to add styling to data.frames before using togeojson() .
* occurrencelist() and occurrencelist_many() gain argument fixnames, which lets user change species names in output data.frame according to a variety of scenarios.
* taxonsearch() gains argument accepted_status to accept only those names that have a status of accepted. In addition, this function has significant changes, and examples, to improve performance.

rgbif 0.2.0


* Improved code style, and simplified code in some functions.


* occurrencelist() now handles scientific notation when maxresults are given in that form.
* occurencelist() now can retrieve any number of records; was previously a max of 1000 records.


* Demo "List" was returning incorrect taxon names - corrected now.
* Removed unused parameter 'latlongdf' in occurencelist().

rgbif 0.1.5


* Changed all functions to use RCurl instead of httr as httr was presenting some problems.
* Two function, capwords and gbifxmlToDataFrame, added with documentation as internal functions.


* Added function density_spplist to get a species list or data.frame of species and their counts for any degree cell.
* Added function densitylist to access to records showing the density of occurrence records from the GBIF Network by one-degree cell.
* Added function gbifmap to make a simple map to visualize GBIF data.
* Added function occurrencecount to count taxon concept records matching a range of filters.


* gbifdatause removed, was just a function to return the data sharing agreement from GBIF.

rgbif 0.1.0


* released to CRAN
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