Raw File
Tip revision: 611d245c44c3d950f497a6ec9266485b21a31b5a authored by oesteban on 21 July 2017, 05:28:24 UTC
check iqms with a tolerance
Tip revision: 611d245

  * [ENH] Clip outliers in FD and SPIKES group plots (#593)
  * [ENH] Second revision of the classifier (#555):
    * Set matplotlib plugin to `agg` in docker image
    * Migrate scalings to sklearn pipelining system
    * Add Satra's feature selection for RFC (with thanks to S. Ghosh for his suggestion)
    * Make model selection compatible with sklearn `Pipeline`
    * Multiclass classification
    * Add feature selection filter based on Sites prediction (requires pinning to development sklearn-0.19)
    * Add `RobustLeavePGroupsOut`, replace `RobustGridSearchCV` with the standard `GridSearchCV` of sklearn.
    * Choice between `RepeatedStratifiedKFold` and `RobustLeavePGroupsOut` in `mriqc_clf`
    * Write cross-validation results to an `.npz` file.
  * [ENH] First revision of the classifier (#553):
    * Add the possibility of changing the scorer function.
    * Unifize labels for raters in data tables (to `rater_1`)
    * Add the possibility of setting a custom decision threshold
    * Write the probabilities in the prediction file
    * Revised `mriqc_clf` processing flow
    * Revised labels file for ds030.
    * Add IQMs for ABIDE and DS030 calculated with MRIQC 0.9.6.
  * ANNOUNCEMENT: Dropped support for Python<=3.4


  * [ENH] Finished setting up `MRIQC Web API <>`_
  * [ENH] Better error message when --participant_label is set (#542)
  * [FIX] Allow --load-classifier option to be empty in mriqc_clf (#544)
  * [FIX] Borked bias estimation derived from Conform (#541)
  * [ENH] Test against web API 0.3.2 (#540)
  * [ENH] Change the default Web API address (#539)
  * [ENH] MRIQCWebAPI: hash fields that may have PI (#538)
  * [ENH] Added token authorization to MRIQCWebAPI client (#535)
  * [FIX] Do not mask and antsAffineInitializer twice (#534)
  * [FIX] Datasets where air (hat) mask is empty (#533)
  * [ENH] Integration testing for MRIQCWebAPI (#520)
  * [ENH] Use AFNI to calculate gcor (#531)
  * [ENH] Refactor derivatives (#530)
  * [ENH] New bold-IQM: dummy_trs (non-stady state volumes) (#524)
  * [FIX] Order of BIDS components in IQMs CSV table (#525)
  * [ENH] Improved logging of mriqc_run (#526)


  * [ENH] Refactored structural metrics calculation (#513)
  * [ENH] Calculate rotation mask (#515)
  * [ENH] Intensity harmonization in the anatomical workflow (#510)
  * [ENH] Set N4BiasFieldCorrection number of threads (#506)
  * [ENH] Convert FWHM in pixel units (#503)
  * [ENH] Add MRIQC client for feature crowdsourcing (#464)
  * [DOC] Fix functional feature labels in documentation (docs_only) (#507)
  * [FIX] New implementation for the rPVE feature (normalization, left-tail values) (#505)
  * [ENH] Parse BIDS selectors (run, task, etc.), improve CLI (#504)


  * ANNOUNCEMENT: Dropped Python 2 support
  * [ENH] Use versioneer to handle versions (#500)
  * [ENH] Speed up spatial normalization (#495)
  * [ENH] Resampling of hat mask and TPMs with linear interp (#498)
  * [TST] Build documentation in CircleCI (#484)
  * [ENH] Use full-resolution T1w images from ABIDE (#486)
  * [TST] Parallelize tests (#493)
  * [TST] Binding /etc/localtime stopped working in docker 1.9.1 (#492)
  * [TST] Downgrade docker to 1.9.1 in circle (build_only) (#491)
  * [TST] Check for changes in intermediate nifti files (#485)
  * [FIX] Erroneous flag --n_proc in CircleCI (#490)
  * [ENH] Add build_only tag to circle builds (#488)
  * [ENH] Update Dockerfile (#482)
  * [FIX] Ignore --profile flag with Linear plugin (#483)
  * [DOC] Deep revision of the documentation (#479)
  * [ENH] Minor improvements: SpatialNormalization and segmentation (#472)
  * [ENH] Fixed typo for neurodebian install via apt-get (#478)
  * [ENH] Updating fs2gif script (#465)
  * [ENH] RF: Use niworkflows.interface.SimpleInterface (#468)
  * [ENH] Add reproducibility of metrics tracking (#466)

Release 0.9.3

* [ENH] Reafactor of the Dockerfile to improve transparency, reduce size, and enable injecting code in Singularity (#457)
* [ENH] Make more the memory consumption estimates of each processing step more conservative to improve robustness (#456)
* [FIX] Minor documentation cleanups (#461)

Release 0.9.2

* [ENH] Optional ICA reports for identifying spatiotemporal artifacts (#412)
* [ENH] Add --profile flag (#435)
* [ENH] Crashfiles are saved in plain text to improve portability (#434)
* [FIX] Fixes EPI mask erosion (#442)
* [ENH] Make FSL and AFNI motion correction more comparable by using the same scheme for defining the reference image (#444)
* [FIX] Temporarily disabling T1w quality classifier until it can be retrained on new measures (#447)

Release 0.9.1

* [ENH] Add mriqc version and input image hash to IQMs json file (#432)
* [FIX] Affine and warp transforms are now applied in the correct order (#431)

Release 0.9.0-2

* [ENH] Revise Docker paths (#429)
* [FIX] Greedy participant selection (#426)
* [FIX] Pin pybids to new version 0.1.0 (#427)
* [FIX] Amends sloppy PR #425 (#428)

Release 0.9.0-1

* [FIX] BOLD reports clipped IQMs after spikes_num (#425)
* [FIX] Unicode error writing group reports (#424)
* [FIX] Respect Nifi header in fMRI conform node (#415)
* [DOC] Deep revision of documentation (#411, #416)
* [ENH] Added sphinx extension to plot workflow graphs (#411)
* [FIX] Removed repeated bias correction on anatomical workflows (#410)
* [FIX] Race condition in bold workflow when using shared workdir (#409)
* [FIX] Tests (#408, #407, #405)
* [FIX] Remove CDN for group level reports (#406)
* [FIX] Unused connection, matplotlib segfault (#403, #402)
* [ENH] Skip SpikeFFT detector by default (#400)
* [ENH] Use float32 (#399)
* [ENH] Spike finder performance improvoments (#398)
* [ENH] Basic T2w workflow (#394)
* [ENH] Re-enable 3dvolreg (#390)
* [ENH] Add T1w classifier (#389)

Release 0.9.0-0

* [FIX] Remove non-repeatable step from pipeline (#369)
* [ENH] Improve group level command line, with more informative output when no IQMs are found for a modality (#372)
* [ENH] Make group reports self-contained (#333)
* [FIX] New mosaics, based on old ones (#361, #360, #334)
* [FIX] Require numpy>=1.12 to avoid casting problems (#356)
* [FIX] Add support for acq and rec tags of BIDS (#346)
* [DOC] Documentation updates (#350)
* [FIX] pybids compatibility "No scans were found" (#340, #347, #342)
* [ENH] Rewrite PYTHONPATH in docker/singularity images (#345)
* [ENH] Move metadata onto the bottom of the individual reports (#332)
* [ENH] Don't include MNI registration report unlesS --verbose-reports is used (#362)

Release 0.8.9

* [ENH] Added registration svg panel to reports (#297)

Release 0.8.8

* [FIX] Bug translating int16 to uint8 in conform image.
* [FIX] Error in ConformImage interface (#297)
* [ENH] Replace BBR by ANTs (#295, #296)
* [FIX] Singularity: user-environment leaking into container (#293)
* [ENH] Report failed cases in group report (#291)
* [FIX] Brighter anatomical --verbose-reports (#290)
* [FIX] X-flip in the mosaics (#289)
* [ENH] Show metadata in the individual report (#288)
* [ENH] Label in the cutoff threshold - fmriplot (#287)
* [ENH] PyBIDS (#286)
* [ENH] Simplify tests (#284)
* [FIX] MRIQC crashed generating csv files (#283)
* [FIX] Bug in (#281)
* [ENH] Makefile (#280)
* [FIX] Revision of IQMs (#266, #272, #279)
* [ENH] Deprecation of --nthreads, new flags (#260)
* [ENH] Improvements on plots rendering (#254, #257, #258, #267, #268, #269, #270)
* [ENH] FFT detection of spikes (#253, #272)
* [FIX] Labels and links of samples in group plots (#249)
* [ENH] Units in group plots (#242)
* [FIX] More reliable group level (#238)
* [ENH] Add --verbose-reports for fMRI (#236)
* [ENH] Migrate functional reports to html (#232)
* [ENH] Add 0.2 FD cutoff line (#231)
* [ENH] Add AFNI's outlier count to carpet plot confound charts (#230)

Release 0.8.7

* [ENH] Anatomical Group reports in html (#227)
* [ENH] Add kurtosis to summary statistics (#224)
* [ENH] New report layout for fMRI, added carpetplot (#198)
* [ENH] Anatomical workflow refactor (#219).

Release 0.8.6

* [FIX, CRITICAL] Do not chmod in Docker internal scripts
* [FIX] Error creating derivatives folder
* [ENH] Moved MNI spatial normalization to NIworkflows, and made robust.
* [ENH] De-coupled participant and group (reports) levels
* [ENH] Use new FD and DVARs calculations from nipype (#172)
* [ENH] Started with python3 compatibility
* [ENH] Added new M2WM measure #158
* [FIX] QI2 is skipped if background intensity is not appropriate (#147)

Release 0.8.5

* [FIX] Error inverting the T1w-to-MNI warping (#146)
* [FIX] TypeError computing DVARS (#145)
* [ENH] Plot figure of fitted background chi for QI2 (#143)
* [ENH] Move skull-stripping and reorient to NIworkflows (#142)
* [FIX] mriqc crashes if no anatomical scans are found (#141)
* [DOC] Added acknowledgments to CPAC team members (#134)
* [ENH] Use absolute imports (#133)
* [FIX] VisibleDeprecationWarning (#132)
* [ENH] Provide full FD/DVARS files (#128)
* [ENH] Use MCFLIRT to compute motion parameters. AFNI's 3dvolreg now is optional (#121)
* [FIX] BIDS trees with anatomical images with different acquisition tokens (#116)
* [FIX] BIDS trees with anatomical images with several runs (#112)
* [ENH] Options for ANTs normalization: reduced test times (#124),
  and updated options (#115)

Release 0.8.4

* [ENH] PDF reports now use RST templates and jinja2 (#109)
* [FIX] Single-session-multiple-run anatomical files were not correctly located (#112)

Release 0.8.3

* [DOC] Added examples of the PDF reports (#107)
* [FIX] Fixed problems with Python 3 when generating reports.

Release 0.8.2

* [ENH] Python 3 compatibility (#99)
* [ENH] Add JSON settings file for ANTS (#95)
* [ENH] Generate reports automatically if mriqc is run without the -S flag (#93)
* [FIX] Revised implementation of QI2 measure (#90)
* [AGAVE] Fixed docker image for agave (#89)
* [FIX] Problem when generating the air mask with dipy installed (#88)
* [ENH] One-session-one-run execution mode (#85)
* [AGAVE] Added an agave app description generator (#84)

Release 0.3.0

* [ENH] Updated CircleCI and Docker to use the version 2.1.0 of ANTs
  compiled by their developers.
* [ENH] New anatomical workflows to compute the air mask (#56)

Release 0.2.0

Release 0.1.0

* [FIX] #55
* [ENH] Added rotation of output csv files if they exist

Release 0.0.2

* [ENH] Completed migration from QAP
* [ENH] Integration with ReadTheDocs
* [ENH] Submission to PyPi

Release 0.0.1

* Basic mriqc functionality
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