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Tip revision: de421a59b3c0e7a30856fc48d2c1732771cc6d5a authored by Fabio Sigrist on 28 December 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.3
Tip revision: de421a5
%- Also NEED an '\alias' for EACH other topic documented here.
Spectrum of the innovation term epsilon.
  Spectrum of the innovation term epsilon.
%- maybe also 'usage' for other objects documented here.
    Spatial wavenumbers.
 Number of grid points on each axis. n x n is the total number of spatial points.
\item{ns}{Number of real Fourier functions that have only a cosine and no sine
term. 'ns' is maximal 4.
  Range of the Matern covariance funtion for the innovation term epsilon
Marginal variance of the Matern covariance funtion for the innovation term epsilon
Damping parameter
Range parameter of the diffusion term
Parameter that determines the direction of anisotropy in the diffusion term
  Parameter that determines the amount of anisotropy in the
  diffusion term
Smoothness parameter of the Matern covariance function for the innovations. By
default, this equals 1 corresponding to the Whittle covariance function.
Temporal lag between two time points. By default, this equals 1.
\item{norm}{logical; if 'TRUE' the spectrum is multiplied by n*n so that after
  applying the real Fourier transform 'real.FFT' one has the correct normalization.

  Vector with the spectrum of the integrated innovation term epsilon hat.

Fabio Sigrist

n <- 100
spec <- innov.spec(wave=spate.init(n=n,T=1)$wave,n=n,rho0=0.05,sigma2=0.5,zeta=0.5,
sim <- real.fft(sqrt(spec)*rnorm(n*n),n=n,inv=FALSE)
image(1:n,1:n,matrix(sim,nrow=n),main="Sample from the integrated
stochastic innovation",xlab="",ylab="",col=cols())
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