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Tip revision: 10ae2bb8daa6ba60ffc49143525900a7978d54b7 authored by HwB on 08 August 2013, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.5.0
Tip revision: 10ae2bb
\title{pracma News}

\section{Changes in Version 1.5.0 (2013-08-08)}{
      \item gmres() generalized minimum residual method.
      \item nearest_spd() find nearest symmetric positive-definite matrix.
      \item eps() floating point relative accuracy.

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.9 (2013-07-16)}{
      \item lapacian() now works in n dimensions, not only for n=2.
      \item mldivide(), mrdivide() corrected a severe typo.
      \item numderiv(), numdiff() start with h = 1/2 instead of h = 1.
      \item figure() platform-independent by using

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.8 (2013-06-17)}{
      \item findzeros() now finds `quadratic' roots, too.
      \item fsolve() will use newtonsys() if m = n.
      \item pdist2() added as an alias for distmat(),
        while pdist(X) now is distmat(X, X) (Matlab style).

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.7 (2013-05-20)}{
      \item histcc() histogram with optimized number of bins.
      \item Example of correction term for the trapz() integration.

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.6 (2013-03-31)}{
      \item psi() Psi polygamma function (Matlab style).
      \item rosenbrock() and rastrigin() functions removed.

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.5 (2013-03-21)}{
      \item quadcc() iterative/adaptive Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature.
      \item squareform() formats distance matrix (Matlab style).

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.4 (2013-02-12)}{
      \item integral2() implements the two-dimensional numerical integration
        approach `TwoD',\cr
        i.e. Gauss-Kronrod (3, 7)-points on rectangles.
      \item integral3() three-dimensional integration based on integral2().
      \item triplequad() 3-dim. integration based on dblquad() (Matlab style).

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.3 (2013-03-10)}{
      \item integral() combines adaptive numerical integration procedures.
      \item cintegral() complex line integrals (rectangles and curves).

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.2 (2013-03-03)}{
      \item linprog() linear programming solver for linear equality and
        inequality constraints.

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.1 (2013-02-20}{
      \item romberg() Romberg integration completely rewritten.
      \item idivide() integer division with different roundings.

\section{Changes in Version 1.4.0 (2013-02-10)}{
      \item fderiv(), taylor() expanded to higher orders.
      \item itersolve() iteration methods for solving linear systems.
      \item lu() LU decomposition with different schemes (w/o pivoting).

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.9 (2013-01-26)}{
      \item pdist() as an alias for distmat() (Matlab style).
      \item fftshift(), ifftshift() shifting Fourier frequencies.
      \item Improved grad(), jacobian(), hessian(), and laplacian().

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.8 (2013-01-10)}{
      \item Smaller corrections; no startup messages anymore.
      \item geomean(), harmmean(), trimmean() geometric, harmonic, and
        trimmed arithmetic mean (Matlab style).
      \item agmean() algebraic-geometric mean.

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.7 (2013-01-07)}{
      \item mexpfit() multi-exponentiell fitting.

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.6 (2013-01-06)}{
      \item lsqsep() separable least-squares fitting.
      \item lsqcurvefit() nonlinear least-squares curve fitting.

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.5 (2013-01-05)}{
      \item cd(), pwd() directory functions (Matlab style).
      \item rand(), randn() changed to accept size() as input.
      \item whos(), what() corrected for empty lists resp. directories.

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.4 (2012-12-19)}{
      \item what(), who(), whos(), ver() (Matlab style).
      \item semilogx(), semilogy(), loglog() logarithmic plots (Matlab style)

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.3 (2012-12-12)}{
      \item quadv() vectorized integration.
      \item ezpolar() easy access to the polar() function.
      \item sortrows() sorting rows of matrices (Matlab style).
      \item null() alias for nullspace function (Matlab style).
      \item eigjacobi() Jacobi's method for eigenvalues and eigenvectors.

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.2 (2012-12-08)}{
      \item ellipke(), ellipj() elliptic and Jacobi elliptic integrals.
      \item expint() implements E1 and Ei, the exponential integrals, with
        aliases expint_E1() and expint_Ei().
      \item li() the logarithmic integral (w/o offset).

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.1 (2012-12-06)}{
      \item Explicitely listing about 200 Matlab-emulating function names.
      \item Dismissed matlab(), using it now for infos only, not assigning
        Matlab function names to the environment (because of CRAN policies).

\section{Changes in Version 1.3.0 (2012-12-05)}{
      \item cot(), csc(), sec() cotangens, cosecans, and secans functions.
      \item acot(), acsc(), asec() inverse cotangens, cosecans, secans.
      \item coth(), csch(), sech() hyperbolic cotangens, cosecans, secans.
      \item acoth(), acsch(), asech() inverse hyperbolic cotangens, cosecans,
        and secans functions.

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.9 (2012-12-02)}{
      \item bvp() changed to solve second order boundary value problems.
      \item trisolve() solves tridiagonal linear equation systems.
      \item curvefit() fits points in the plane with a polynomial curve.

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.8 (2012-11-30)}{
      \item lsqlin() least-squares solver with linear equality constraints.
      \item pinv() now works like MASS::ginv() for singular matrices.
      \item Added the end-';' feature to str2num().
      \item toc() added invisible return value.

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.7 (2012-11-22)}{
      \item procrustes() solving the Procrustes problem,
        and kabsch() implements the Kabsch algorithm.
      \item kriging() ordinary and simple Kriging interpolation.
      \item Corrected some stupid errors in str2num().

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.6 (2012-11-11)}{
      \item akimaInterp() univariate Akima interpolation.
      \item Moved transfinite() to package `adagio'.

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.5 (2012-09-28)}{
      \item histc() Histogram-like counting (Matlab style).
      \item Added warning to complexstep() if imaginary part is zero.

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.4 (2012-10-25)}{
      \item Added option `pinv' to mldivide() to return the same results
        as Matlab.
      \item str2num(), num2str() conversion functions (Matlab style).
      \item Removed some `author' entries on help pages.

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.3 (2012-10-17)}{
      \item Renamed mrank() to Rank().
      \item Corrected nullspace() [thanks to Stephane Laurent], which now 
        agrees with Octave's null() function (MASS:Null appears buggy, too).
      \item Corrected gaussNewton() and fsolve() [thanks to Etienne Chamayou].

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.2 (2012-10-10)}{
      \item bsxfun() apply binary function elementwise (Matlab style).
      \item added the analytic solution for the example in bvp().

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.1 (2012-09-28)}{
      \item rosenbrock() added, moved testfunctions to `adagio' package.
      \item euler_heun() improved Euler method for solving ODEs.
      \item logit() function added to sigmoid().
      \item Keyword `ode' introduced.

\section{Changes in Version 1.2.0 (2012-09-27)}{
      \item matlab() can reinstall Matlab function names.

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.9 (2012-09-25)}{
      \item gcd(), lcm() greatest common divisor, least common multiple
        now working on a vector of integers.
      \item Removed number-theoretic functions: eulersPhi(),
        moebiusFun(), mertensFun(), sigma(), tau(), omega(), Omega(),
        primes2(), twinPrimes(), nextPrime(), previousPrime(),
        modpower(), modorder(), modinv(), modlin(),
        primroot(), contfrac(), coprime(), GCD(), LCM(), extGCD(),
        (these functions are now available in the `numbers' package).

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.8 (2012-09-19)}{
      \item ezcontour(), ezmesh() wrappers for contour(), image(), persp().
      \item erfi() imaginary error function.

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.7 (2012-08-06)}{
      \item moler() Moler matrix

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.6 (2012-07-20)}{
      \item Removed `.Rapphistory' from the tests directory (again)
        [and use ``--as-cran'' for the checks].
      \item disp() display text or array (Matlab Style), cat() with newline.

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.5 (2012-07-18)}{
      \item Renamed functions with capital first letter to avoid name clashes:
        And/Or, mtrace -> Trace, mdiag -> Diag, strtrim -> strTrim,
        reshape -> Reshape, find -> Find, fix -> Fix,
        mode -> Mode, real -> Real, imag -> Imag,
        hadamard -> Hadamard, toeplitz -> Toeplitz,
        poly -> Poly.

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.4 (2012-06-26)}{
      \item gammainc() (lower and upper) incomplete gamma function, also the
        regularized gamma function, all allowing negative x values.
      \item polylog() the polylogarithm functions for |z| < 1 and n >= -4 .

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.3 (2012-06-17)}{
      \item fminsearch() implements Nelder-Mead (similar to optim), and
        Fletcher-Powell when ``dfree=FALSE'' is chosen.
      \item Test functions rosenbrock(), rastrigin(), and many more.

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.2 (2012-06-13)}{
      \item nelder_mead() implements Nelder-Mead for nonlinear optimization.
      \item hooke-jeeves() Hooke-Jeeves algorithm for direct search.
      \item fletcher_powell() Davidon-Fletcher-Powell method for function 
        minimization (alternative to BFGS approach).
      \item steepest_descent() minimization of functions using steepest 

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.1 (2012-06-10)}{
      \item fminbnd() implements Brent's function minimization algorithm with
        golden section search and parabolic interpolation (same as optimize).
      \item transfinite() transformation function between bounded and 
        unbounded (box constraint) regions.
      \item renamed brentDekker() to brent_dekker

\section{Changes in Version 1.1.0 (2012-06-06)}{
      \item hurst(), hurstexp() calculate the Hurst exponent of a time series.
      \item Updated the NEWS.Rd file.

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.9 (2012-06-03)}{
      \item lsqnonneg() solves nonnegative least-squares problems by using 
        the trick ``x --> exp(x)" and applying lsqnonlin();
        example function lsqcurvefit() for nonlinear curve fitting.
      \item Renamed ridder() to ridders(), thanks to Robert Monfera for 
        pointing it out (he also suggested a multi-dimensional variant).

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.8 (2012-05-22)}{
      \item movavg() moving average of types ``simple", ``weighted", 
        ``modified", ``exponential" (EMA), or ``triangular".
      \item modlin() solves modular linear equations.

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.7 (2012-05-11)}{
      \item lsqnonlin() solves nonlinear least-squares problems using the
        Levenberg-Marquardt approach.
      \item renamed froots() to findzeros(), and fmins() to findmins().

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.6 (2012-04-21)}{
      \item fornberg() finite difference (i.e., polynomial) approximation 
        of derivatives for unevenly spaced grid points -- Fornberg's method.

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.5 (2012-04-15)}{
      \item randsample() randomly sampling, alias for sample (Matlab style).
      \item rands() generates uniform random points on an N-sphere.
      \item Added tic(), toc() measuring elapsed time (Matlab style).
      \item previousPrime() finds the next prime below a number.

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.4 (2012-04-01)}{
      \item invlap() computes the inverse Lapacian numerically.
      \item ppfit() piecewise polynomial fitting procedure.

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.3 (2012-03-21)}{
      \item cubicspline() interpolating cubic spline (w/ endpoint conditions).
      \item mkpp() and ppval() for piecewise polynomial structures.

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.2 (2012-03-17)}{
      \item accumarray() resembles the related Matlab function more closely.
      \item invperm() returns the inverse of a permutation.
      \item randperm() changed to make it more Matlab-like.

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.1 (2012-03-09)}{
      \item plotyy() corrected right ordinate, prettying the labels.
      \item peaks() peaks function (Matlab style).

\section{Changes in Version 1.0.0 (2012-03-01)}{
      \item Updated the NEWS.Rd file.

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.9 (2012-01-29)}{
      \item qrSolve solves overdetermined system of linear equations.
      \item DSCsearch() removed, now in package `pracopt'.
      \item randp() found a better, non-selective approach.

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.8 (2012-02-23)}{
      \item gramSchmidt() modified Gram-Schmidt process.
      \item householder() Householder reflections and QR decomposition.
      \item givens() Givens rotation and QR decomposition.
      \item corrected a small error in ridder() (thanks to Roger Harbord).

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.7 (2012-02-17)}{
      \item erf() corrected, erfc() and erfcx() as new functions,
        including their inverses erfinv() and erfcinv().
      \item hypot() now numerically more stable (thanks to Jerry Lewis).

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.6 (2012-01-25)}{
      \item Changed third example for dblquad() [new Windows toolchain problem].
      \item Deactivated the test for gammaz() because of problems on Solaris.

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.5 (2012-01-16)}{
      \item kmeanspp() kmeans++ clustering algorithm.
      \item savgol() and hampel() with new options, fuelled by a blog entry
        of Ron Pearson in his ExploringDataBlog.

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.4 (2012-01-08)}{
      \item DSCsearch() Davies-Swann-Campey search in one dimension.
      \item Improved modpower() through modular exponentiation.
        Added lehmann_test() Lehmann's primality test as example.
      \item Corrected polar() and andrewsplot().

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.3 (2011-12-27)}{
      \item direct1d() one-dimensional version of the DIRECT algorithm for
        global function minimization.

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.2 (2011-12-26)}{
      \item ApEn() approximate entropy of a time series.
      \item circshift() circularly shifting arrays (Matlab Style).

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.1 (2011-12-12)}{
      \item plotyy() plots curves with y-axes on both left and right side.
      \item fplot() plots components of a multivariate function.

\section{Changes in Version 0.9.0 (2011-12-11)}{
      \item errorbar() routine for plotting error bars in both directions.
      \item Whittaker-Henderson smoothing  ** Not yet running** .
      \item rref() reduced row echelon form.

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.9 (2011-12-08)}{
      \item cutpoints() automatically finds cutting points based on gaps.
      \item hausdorff_dist calculates the Hausdorff distance / Hausdorff 
      \item nnz() number of non-zeros elements (Matlab style).

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.8 (2011-12-06)}{
      \item polar() for polar plots (Matlab style), see the example plots.
      \item andrewsplot() plots Andrews curves in polar coordinates.
      \item Vectorized: cart2sph(), sph2cart(), cart2pol(), pol2cart().

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.7 (2011-11-30)}{
      \item deg2rad(), rad2deg()
      \item figure() Matlab style, and pltcross() plotting crosses.

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.6 (2011-11-21)}{
      \item ridder() Ridder's method for zero finding of univariate functions.

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.5 (2011-11-19)}{
      \item sqrtm() matrix square root, based on Denman-Beavers iteration,
        rootm() matrix p-th root, computing a complex contour integral,
        signm() matrix sign function.
      \item fzero() now uses the new zeroin() function,
	    i.e., a Brent-Dekker approach instead of refering to uniroot().
      \item twinPrimes() twin primes in a given interval, and \code{nextPrime}
        will find the next higher prime.

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.4 (2011-11-14)}{
      \item Transformations between cartesian, spherical, polar and cylindrical
        coordinate systems: cart2sph(), sph2cart(), cart2pol(), pol2cart().
      \item polar() uniformly random points in the unit circle (till Matlab 5).

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.3 (2011-11-11)}{
      \item accumarray() grouping elements and applying a function to each group.
      \item uniq() Matlab-style `unique' function, allsums() in the examples.
      \item small correction to fsolve(), mentioned on the `check summary' page.

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.2 (2011-11-04)}{
      \item newmark() Newmark's method for solving second order differential
        equations of the form  y''(t) = f(t, y(t), y'(t)) on [t1, t2].
      \item cranknic() Crank-Nicolson `ivp' solver, combining the forward and
      backward Euler methods for ordinary differential equations.

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.1 (2011-10-30)}{
      \item Corrected pinv() for (nearly) singular matrices.
      \item Renamed ifactor() to factors().

\section{Changes in Version 0.8.0 (2011-10-27)}{
      \item Minor corrections and improvements to the `pracma.pdf' manual,
        incl. numdiff(), refindall(), trigApprox(), and subspace().

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.9 (2011-10-22)}{
      \item spinterp() monotonic (and later on shape-preserving) interpolation
        following the approach of Delbourgo and Gregory.

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.8 (2011-10-17)}{
      \item bvp() solves boundary value problems of the following kind:\cr
            -u''(x) + c1 u'(x) + c2 u(x) = f(x) for x in [a, b]. 

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.7 (2011-10-14)}{
      \item primes2(n1, n2) will return all prime numbers betweeen n1 and n2
        (without storing the numbers from sqrt(n2) up to n1).

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.6 (2011-08-05)}{
      \item gaussNewton() for function minimization and solving systems
        of nonlinear equations. fsolve() as a wrapper for it.
      \item fzsolve() for root finding of complex functions.
      \item softline() Fletcher's inexact linesearch algorithm.

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.5 (2011-07-26)}{
      \item Put NEWS.Rd in the /inst subdirectory (and NEWS.pdf in /doc),
            thanks to Kurt Hornik; slightly changed the version numbering.

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.4 (2011-07-22)}{
      \item rortho() generate random orthogonal matrix of size n.
      \item Titanium data set for testing fitting procedures.

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.3 (2011-07-15)}{
      \item erf() and erfc() error and complementary error functions
            (Matlab style) as (almost) aliases for pnorm().
      \item erfz() complex error function.

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.2 (2011-07-11)}{
      \item broyden() quasi-Newton root finding method for systems of
            nonlinear equations.

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.1 (2011-07-09)}{
      \item cross() has been vectorized (remark on R-help).

\section{Changes in Version 0.7.0 (2011-07-07)}{
      \item Sigmoid and Einstein functions.

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.9 (2011-07-06)}{
      \item Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg method of order (5,4).

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.8 (2011-07-05)}{
      \item triquad() Gaussian quadrature over triangles.
      \item cotes() Newton-Cotes integration formulae for 2 to 8 nodes.

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.7 (2011-07-04)}{
      \item lagrangeInterp(), newtonInterp() Lagrange and Newton polynomial
        interpolation, neville() Neville's methods.
      \item tril(), triu() extracting triangular matrices (Matlab style).

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.6 (2011-07-02)}{
      \item charpoly() computes the characteristic polynomial, the determinant,
        and the inverse for matrices that are relativly small, applying the
        Faddejew-Leverrier method.
      \item froots() to find *all* roots (also of second or higher order) of
          a univariate function in a given interval. The same with fmins()
          to find all minima.

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.5 (2011-07-01)}{
      \item Adams-Bashford and Adams-Moulton (i.e., multi-step) methods
        for ordinary differential equations in function abm3pc().

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.4 (2011-06-30)}{
      \item Changed the description to be more precise about the package.

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.3 (2011-06-28)}{
      \item rationalfit() rational function approximation
      \item ratinterp() rational interpolation a la Burlisch-Stoer.

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.2 (2011-06-26)}{
      \item pade() Pade approximation.

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.1 (2011-06-25)}{
      \item quadgk() adaptive Gauss-Kronrod quadrature.

\section{Changes in Version 0.6.0 (2011-06-24)}{
      \item muller() Muller's root finding method.
      \item Added differential equation example to expm()'s help page.
      \item Changed NEWS file to become simpler (no subsections).

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.9 (2011-06-23)}{
      \item quadl() recursive adaptive Gauss-Lobatto quadrature.
      \item simpadpt() another recursively adaptive Simpson's rule.
      \item Added testing procedures for all integration routines;
        corrected, refined some of these procedures.

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.8 (2011-06-20)}{
      \item quadgr() Gaussian Quadrature with Richardson extrapolation, can
        handle singularities at endpoints and (half-)infinite intervals.

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.7 (2011-06-18)}{
      \item expm() for matrix exponentials.
      \item clenshaw_curtis() the Clenshaw-Curtis quadrature formula.

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.6 (2011-06-17)}{
      \item simpson2d() as non-adaptive 2-dimensional Simpson integration.
      \item dblquad() twofold application of internal function integrate().

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.5 (2011-06-15)}{
      \item gaussHermite() and gaussLaguerre() for infinite intervals.
      \item Fresnel integrals fresnelS() and frenelC().

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.4 (2011-06-12)}{
      \item gaussLegendre() computes coefficients for Gauss Quadrature,
        and quad2d() uses these weights for 2-dimensional integration.
      \item quadinf() wrapper for integrate() on infinite intervals.

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.3 (2011-06-06)}{
      \item ode23() solving first order (systems of) differential equations.
      \item barylag2d() 2-dimensional barycentric Lagrange interpolation.

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.2 (2011-06-04)}{
      \item interp2() for two-dimensional interpolation.
      \item gradient() now works in two dimensions too.

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.1 (2011-06-01)}{
      \item fzero(), fminbnd(), fminsearch(), fsolve() as aliases for
        uniroot(), optimize(), optim() with Nelder-Mead, newtonsys().

\section{Changes in Version 0.5.0 (2011-05-31)}{
      \item Corrections to help pages.

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.9 (2011-05-30)}{
      \item romberg() and gauss_kronrod() for numerical integration.
      \item Richardson's extrapolation in numderiv(), numdiff().
      \item Discrete numerical derivatives (one dimension): gradient().

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.8 (2011-05-28)}{
      \item Numerical function derivatives: fderiv(), grad().
      \item Specialized operators: hessian(), laplacian().
      \item Application: taylor().

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.7 (2011-05-27)}{
      \item plot vector fields: quiver() and vectorfield().
      \item findintervals().
      \item Corrections in deval(), deeve(), using findintervals().

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.6 (2011-05-26)}{
      \item Laguerre's method laguerre().
      \item rk4() and rk4sys() classical fourth order Runge-Kutta.
      \item deval(), deeve() evaluate ODE solutions.

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.5 (2011-05-24)}{
      \item Lebesgue coefficient: lebesgue().
      \item poly2str() for string representation of a polynomial.

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.4 (2001-05-23)}{
      \item Dirichlet's eta() and Riemann's zeta() function.
      \item rmserr() different accuracy measures; std_err() standard error.

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.3 (2001-05-22)}{
      \item polypow() and polytrans() for polynomials.
      \item polyApprox() polynomial approximation using Chebyshev.
      \item trigPoly(), trigApprox() for trigonometric regression.

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.2 (2001-05-17)}{
      \item segm_intersect() and segm_distance() segment distances.
      \item inpolygon().

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.1 (2011-05-13)}{
      \item polyadd() polynomial addition.
      \item conv() and deconv() time series (de)convolution.
      \item detrend() removes (piecewise) linear trends.
      \item ifft() for normalized inverse Fast Fourier Transform.

\section{Changes in Version 0.4.0 (2011-05-10)}{
      \item Added tests for functions since version 0.3-7.

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.9 (2011-05-09)}{
      \item and() and or().

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.8 (2011-05-06)}{
      \item pchip() and option `cubic' for interp1() interpolation.
      \item The complex gamma functions gammaz().
      \item hadamard() and toeplitz() matrices.

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.7 (2011-05-04)}{
      \item Rank of a matrix, mrank(), and nullspace() for the kernel.
      \item orth(), orthogonal basis of the image space, and subspace()
        determines the angle between two subspaces.
      \item normest() for estimating the (Frobenius) norm of a matrix, and
        cond() determines the condition number of a matrix.

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.6 (2011-04-30)}{
      \item fact(), more accurate than the R internal function `factorial'.
      \item ezplot() as an alias for curve(), but with option ``fill = TRUE''.
      \item aitken() for accelerating iterations.
      \item Renamed polycnv() to polymul().
      \item Renamed outlierMAD() to hampel().

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.5 (2011-04-23)}{
      \item Lambert W function lambertWp() for the real principal branch.
      \item ``Complex Step'' derivation with complexstep() and complexstepJ().

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.4 (2011-04-21)}{
      \item Barycentric Lagrange interpolation through barylag().
      \item polyfit2() fits a polynomial that exactly meets one additional
      \item Added more references to the help entry `pracma-package.Rd'.

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.3  (2011-04-19)}{
      \item hornerdefl() for also returning the deflated polynomial.
      \item newtonHorner() combining Newton's method and the Horner scheme
        for root finding for polynomials.
      \item jacobian() computes the Jacobian of a function R^n --> R^m
        as simple numerical derivative.
      \item newtonsys() applies Newton's method to functions R^n --> R^n
        with special application to root finding of complex functions.
      \item newton() renamed to newtonRaphson().

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.2 (2011-04-17)}{
      \item Sorting functions: bubbleSort(), insertionSort(), selectionSort(),
        shellSort(), heapSort(), mergeSort(), mergeOrdered(), quickSort(),
        quickSortx(), is.sorted(), and testSort().
      \item Functions from number theory: eulersPhi(), moebiusFun() and the 
        mertensFun(), sigma(), tau(), omega(), and Omega().

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.1 (2011-04-16)}{
      \item Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind: chebPoly(),
        chebCoeff(),and chebApprox().

\section{Changes in Version 0.3.0 (2011-04-09)}{
      \item New version of news.Rd, news.pdf.
      \item More test functions for root finding and quadrature.

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.9}{
      \item fnorm() and the Runge function runge().
      \item contfrac(), rat(), and rats() for continuous fractions.
      \item meshgrid() and magic().

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.8}{
      \item quad() adaptive Simpson quadrature.
      \item Minimum finding with fibsearch() and golden_ratio().
      \item Root finding with newton(), secant(), and brentDekker().

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.7}{
      \item Regular expression functions regexp(), regexpi(), regexprep()
      and refindall().

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.6}{
      \item String functions blanks(), strtrim(), deblank(), strjust(),
      and strrep().
      \item interp1() one-dimensional interpolation (incl. spline)

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.5}{
      \item Matlab functions mode(), clear() and beep().

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.4}{
      \item primroot() finds the smallest primitive root modulo a given n;
      needed functions are modpower() and modorder().
      \item humps() and sinc(): Matlab test functions.
      \item Root finding through bisection: bisect(), regulaFalsi().
      \item outlierMAD(), findpeaks(), and piecewise().
      \item polycnv() for polynomial multiplication.
      \item Functions extgcd(), gcd(), and lcm() have been renamed to
      extGCD(), GCD(), and LCM() respectively.

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.3}{
      \item strfind(), strfindi(), and findstr().
      \item circlefit() fitting a circle to plane points.
      \item mldivide() and mrdivide(), emulating the Matlab backslash operator.

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.2}{
      \item vnorm() vector norm
      \item Warning about a nasty ``non-ASCII input'' in the savgol.RD file
      has been resolved.

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.1}{
      \item horner() implementing the horner scheme for evaluating
      a polynomial and its derivative.
      \item savgol() Savitzki-Golay smoothing and needed pseudoinverse pinv().

\section{Changes in Version 0.2.0}{
      \item Package renamed to `pracma' to avoid name clashes with packages
      such as `matlab' that are sticking closer to the original.
      \item Added `pracma-package' section to the manual.

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.9}{
      \item reshape(), repmat(), and blkdiag() matrix functions.
      \item combs() chooses all combinations of k elements out of n, and
      randcomb() generates a random selection.
      \item perms() generates all permutations, randperm() a random
      \item Pascal triangle as pascal(); nchoosek() returns binomial
      \item Some string functions: strcmp(), strcmpi(), strcat().

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.8}{
      \item std() as refinement of the standard deviation function.
      \item ceil() and fix() as aliases for ceiling() and trunc().
      [floor() and round() already exist in R.]
      \item Modulo functions mod(), rem() and integer division idiv().
      \item Integer functions related to the Euclidean algorithm:
      extgcd(), gcd(), lcm(), coprime(), and modinv().
      \item distmat() and crossn(), the vector product in n-dimensional space.

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.7}{
      \item size(), numel(), ndims(), isempty(), and find().
      \item eye(), ones(), zeros().
      \item Functions returning random numbers: rand(), randn(), randi().
      \item linspace(), logspace(), and logseq() for linearly, logarithmically,
        and exponentially spaced sequences.\cr
        Note that the functions in the `matlab' package are not exactly
        mimicking the corresponding Matlab/Octave functions.

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.6}{
      \item Matrix functions mdiag() and mtrace() added. inv() is introduced
      as an alias for solve() in R.
      \item Generate special matrices hankel(), rosser(), and wilkinson().
      kron() is an alias for the R function kronecker().
      \item Renamed factors() to ifactor() to distiguish it more clearly from
      factors as used in R.

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.5}{
      \item Added functions for flipping or rotating numeric and complex
        matrices: flipdim(), flipud(), fliplr(), and rot90().

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.4}{
      \item Added basic complex functions real(), imag(), conj(), and angle()
      which are essentially only aliases of the R functions Re(), Im(), 
      and Conj().\cr
      angle() returns the angle of a complex number in radians.
      The \R function Mod() is here only available as abs().

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.3}{
      \item Added compan() function for the `companion' matrix; the eig() 
      function is an alias for the R eigen()values function.
      \item Added the polynomial functions poly(), polyder(), polyfit(),
      polyint(), and polyval().
      \item roots() returns real and complex roots of polynomials.
      \item Simplified the trapz() function.

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.2}{
      \item Added functions from number theory: primes(), isprime() and 
      \item The corresponding function for factors() in Matlab/Octave is
      called factor(), but that name should not be shadowed in R!
      \item Added the polyarea() and trapz() functions.

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.1}{
      \item Added some simple functions such as nthroot(), pow2(), and 
      \item dot() and cross() functions for scalar and vector product.
      \item Generate matrices through vander() and hilb().

\section{Changes in Version 0.1.0}{
      \item Installation

      `pracma' will be a pure R package without using source code in C or
      Fortran. Therefore, installation will be immediate on all platforms.

      \item Intention

      This package provides R implementations of more advanced math
      functions from Matlab and Octave (and the Euler Math Toolbox)
      with a special view on optimization and time series routines.

      \item Remark: Typeset this document as:

      \code{R CMD Rd2pdf NEWS.Rd --title="NEWS for pracma version 1.5.0"}.
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