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Tip revision: c79a04b5074656b36e591191eb8137b70a349932 authored by Hans W. Borchers on 30 June 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.7.0
Tip revision: c79a04b
  Interpolating Cubic Spline
  Computes the natural interpolation cubic spline.
cubicspline(x, y, xi = NULL, endp2nd = FALSE, der = c(0, 0))
  \item{x, y}{x- and y-coordinates of points to be interpolated.}
  \item{xi}{x-coordinates of points at which the interpolation is to be
  \item{endp2nd}{logical; if true, the derivatives at the endpoints are
                 prescribed by \code{der}.}
  \item{der}{a two-components vector prescribing derivatives at endpoints.}
  \code{cubicspline} computes the values at \code{xi} of the natural 
  interpolating cubic spline that interpolate the values \code{y} at the
  nodes \code{x}. The derivatives at the endpoints can be prescribed.
  Returns either the interpolated values at the points \code{xi} or, if
  \code{is.null(xi)}, the piecewise polynomial that represents the spline.
  From the piecewise polynomial returned one can easily generate the spline
  function, see the examples.
  Quarteroni, Q., and F. Saleri (2006). Scientific Computing with Matlab
  and Octave. Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg.
##  Example: Average temperatures at different latitudes
x <- seq(-55, 65, by = 10)
y <- c(-3.25, -3.37, -3.35, -3.20, -3.12, -3.02, -3.02,
       -3.07, -3.17, -3.32, -3.30, -3.22, -3.10)
xs <- seq(-60, 70, by = 1)

# Generate a function for this
pp <- cubicspline(x, y)
ppfun <- function(xs) ppval(pp, xs)

# Plot with and without endpoint correction
plot(x, y, col = "darkblue",
           xlim = c(-60, 70), ylim = c(-3.5, -2.8),
           xlab = "Latitude", ylab = "Temp. Difference",
           main = "Earth Temperatures per Latitude")
lines(spline(x, y), col = "darkgray")

ys <- cubicspline(x, y, xs, endp2nd = TRUE)     # der = 0 at endpoints
lines(xs, ys, col = "red")
ys <- cubicspline(x, y, xs)                     # no endpoint condition
lines(xs, ys, col = "darkred")
\keyword{ fitting }
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