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Tip revision: b5e4bf28fcba9f5eaffbeecfb0bc307452d074ee authored by Hans W. Borchers on 01 November 2014, 00:00:00 UTC
version 1.7.7
Tip revision: b5e4bf2
  Generalized Minimal Residual Method
  \code{gmres(A,b)} attempts to solve the system of linear equations
  \code{A*x=b} for \code{x}.
    gmres(A, b, x0 = rep(0, length(b)), 
          errtol = 1e-6, kmax = length(b)+1, reorth = 1)
  \item{A}{square matrix.}
  \item{b}{numerical vector or column vector.}
  \item{x0}{initial iterate.}
  \item{errtol}{relative residual reduction factor.}
  \item{kmax}{maximum number of iterations}
  \item{reorth}{reorthogonalization method, see Details.}
  Iterative method for the numerical solution of a system of linear equations. 
  The method approximates the solution by the vector in a Krylov subspace with 
  minimal residual. The Arnoldi iteration is used to find this vector.

  Reorthogonalization method:\cr
  1 -- Brown/Hindmarsh condition (default)\cr
  2 -- Never reorthogonalize (not recommended)\cr
  3 -- Always reorthogonalize (not cheap!)
  Returns a list with components \code{x} the solution, \code{error} the 
  vector of residual norms, and \code{niter} the number of iterations.
  C. T. Kelley (1995). Iterative Methods for Linear and Nonlinear Equations.
  SIAM, Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics, Philadelphia, USA.
  Based on Matlab code from C. T. Kelley's book, see references.
A <- matrix(c(0.46, 0.60, 0.74, 0.61, 0.85,
              0.56, 0.31, 0.80, 0.94, 0.76,
              0.41, 0.19, 0.15, 0.33, 0.06,
              0.03, 0.92, 0.15, 0.56, 0.08,
              0.09, 0.06, 0.69, 0.42, 0.96), 5, 5)
x <- c(0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, 0.9)
b <- A \%*\% x
gmres(A, b)
# $x
#      [,1]
# [1,]  0.1
# [2,]  0.3
# [3,]  0.5
# [4,]  0.7
# [5,]  0.9
# $error
# [1] 2.37446e+00 1.49173e-01 1.22147e-01 1.39901e-02 1.37817e-02 2.81713e-31
# $niter
# [1] 5

\keyword{ math }
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