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Tip revision: e654813496823b85b6ede43c437e97e80f073dda authored by William Asquith on 31 August 2015, 19:40:59 UTC
version 2.0.1
Tip revision: e654813
ChangeLog for R Package "copBasic" by W.H. Asquith

Version 1.4---October 30, 2008 Initial Release (class project)

Version 1.5.0---August 31, 2011
1.  Enhancement on derCOPinv.R when a solution is unbounded in uniroot()
      to return NA as needed. This was discovered in massive simulation
      from simcompositeCOP()---massive means 500k simulation counts.
2.  Added Nelsen's copula in equation 4.2.12 as the N4212cop() function.
3.  Removed and restructured the tabulated L-comoment solutions to the
      Plackett-Plackett copula to clean up some loose ends and set up the
      ability to load much much larger solutions sets that are too big
      for CRAN distribution.
4.  Major construction of the data subdirectory and changes to documentation.
      Removed comp2lcomsPlackettPlackett.Rd, comp2lcomsPlackettPlackett2.Rd,
5.  Added lcomoms2.cop2parameter.R/Rd (replaces lcom2PLACKETTPLACKETTcop.R/Rd).
6.  Added data/PlackettPlackettNP.RData and man/PlackettPlackettNP.Rd.
7.  Changes to the CITATION file.
8.  Removed capitalization of arguments in the empricial quantile regression
      (including f --> f.lowess): EMPIRqua.regress.R, EMPIRqua.regress2.R.
9.  Removed capitalization of arguments in the median regression:
      med.regressCOP(), med.regressCOP2(), and
      qua.regressCOP(), qua.regressCOP2(), qua.regressCOP.draw()
10. Added level.setCOP() and level.setCOP2() that are dispatchers to special
      features of level.curvesCOP() and level.curvesCOP2(), respectively. The
      level curves functions required some extensive reorganization and
      further error trapping to support the single level set return.
11. Added surfuncCOP() as the joint survival function. This function is
      closely related to surCOP() but with subtle argument differences. This
      new function included to be ever more consistent with Nelsen's book.
12. Added kmeasCOP() for the Kendall's Measure of a copula, which is critically
      important for "secondary return period" computations.
13. Added alias of simCOPv() for simCOPmicro() to be in parallel with EMPIRsimv.
14. Relations between COP(), surCOP(), surfuncCOP(), duCOP(), and coCOP() are
      illustrated in a script in inst/doc/CopulaRelations_BaseFigure_inR.txt
      as a base figure and vector edited in inst/doc/CopulaRelationsFigure.pdf

Version 1.5.1---November 14, 2011
1.  Added data/PlackettPlackettABKGtest.RData and
2.  Removed lcomoms2.cop2parameter.R/Rd.
3.  Added lcomoms2.ABcop2parameter.R/Rd (replaces lcomoms2.cop2parameter.R/Rd).
4.  Added lcomoms2.ABKGcop2parameter.R/Rd.
5.  BUG FIX: Labeling inconsistency when sectionCOP() called with dercop=FALSE.
6.  Added the EMPIRcop() function for estimation of the empirical copula.
7.  Added the EMPIRcopdf() function to compute the entire data.frame() of
      the empirical copula---the copula for each coordinate is computed.
8.  Added the EMPIRgrid() function for computation of a regular grid of
      the empirical copula---this grid will form the basis of other copula
      operations on the empirical copula.
9.  Added the EMPIRgridder() and EMPIRgridder2() functions for
      computation of the sectional derivatives of the empirical copula from
10. Added the EMPIRgridderinv() and EMPIRgridderinv2() functions for
      computation of the sectional derivatives of the empirical copula from
11. Added the EMPIRqua.regress() and EMPIRqua.regress2() functions for
      quantile regression from grid emanating from EMPIRgridderinv() and
12. Added the EMPIRmed.regress() and EMPIRmed.regress2() functions for
      median regression from grid emanating from EMPIRgridderinv() and
13. Added the EMPIRsim() function for simulation of V given U from the
      empirical copula.
14. Added the EMPIRsimv() function for simulation of V given U (by
      argument) from the empirical copula.
15. Documentation fixes in derCOP2.Rd, lcomoms2.ABcop2parameters.Rd,
      lcomoms2.ABKGcop2parameter.Rd, PlackettPlackettNP.Rd, and
16. Enhanced error handling with COPinv(), COPinv2(), derCOPinv(), and
17. Enhancement to derCOP() and derCOP2() by changing derivative direction
      if near the 0 or 1 boundaries.

Version 1.5.2---July 30, 2012
1.  med.regressCOP() and med.regressCOP() had arguments changed to match
      the qua.regressCOP() and qua.regressCOP2() functions.
2.  med.regressCOP.Rd and med.regressCOP2.Rd changed in argument to match
3.  qua.regressCOP(), qua.regressCOP2(), med.regressCOP(), and med.regressCOP2()
      all now insert an NA in case a root solution could not be found.
4.  Spelling corrections in DESCRIPTION: derivative and empirical.
      Thanks CRAN team for the automated spell checkers.

Version 1.5.3---April 20, 2013
1.  Added the ReineckeWells.RData and ReineckeWell266.RData.
  ** This version failed --timings checks by CRAN, never released **

Version 1.5.4--May 10, 2013
1.  Prof. Ripley remarked that the DESCRIPTION of copBasic was too long.
      This is a reasonably critique. The DESCRIPTION has been radically
      shortened. The original (with new edits and organization) is now located
      in the inst/doc/Extended_DESCRIPTION.txt file. WHA will use this file
      as needed to provide further guidance into the package.
2.  Contraction of --timings made to the following: tauCOP.Rd wolfCOP.Rd
      level.curvesCOP.Rd med.regressCOP.Rd qua.regressCOP.Rd qua.regressCOP2.Rd.
      Also some minor tweaks to the median and quantile regression examples
      were made.

Version 1.6.0--September 26, 2014 (Quasi-closure to class project of 2008)
1.  Added the Bernstein copula extension to EMPIRcop().
2.  Changes to derCOP() and derCOP2() of accommodate vectorization yet still
      retain the dynamic suspension of requested derivative direction should
      need to be changed (overrided) [but only when needed]. Thus, tauCOP()
      now does not kick off warnings.
3.  Added isCOP.radsym() for a gridwise check on radial/reflection symmetry.
4.  Added asCOP() to help build copulas with operational similarity to the
      expected implementation style for the package.
5.  Added isCOP.PQD() for testing postively quadrant dependency of a copula.
6.  Added gridCOP() for supporting 3-D or 2-D image renderings of a copula.
7.  Enchanced simCOP() for more speed and reporting features and vectorized
8.  Added the surfuncCOP() for the joint survival function of a copula, which
      is subtly different from the survivial copula in surCOP.
9.  Removed the ratcop argument from sectionCOP(). That feature is too much
      like what isCOP.LTD() or isCOP.RTI() was already doing.
10. Comprehensive Rd auditing including the Examples and example expansion.
11. Removed the capital "F" for quantile regression level and replaced with
      lower case "f" in qua.regress(), qua.regress2(), and updated all
      examples. If I have broken code for a few users, I am sorry but the
      refrain from capitals in function arguments should have been kept
      consistent with version 1.5.0.
12. Added Hoeffding's Phi in hoefCOP().
13. Adjustments to the features of sectionCOP().
14. Enhanced indexing by suggestion of Amaranthe R. Biessen, whom also was
      influential my major index extensions to the lmomco package.
15. Adjusted DESCRIPTION and NAMESPACE to only partially grab those few
      functions needed from the lmomco package.

Version 1.7.0--January 3, 2015 (The "Joe 2014 Release" [many ideas from there])
1.  Further refinement of documentation and continued work on highlighting
      and extending the connections to numerical results of various kinds
      reported in Nelsen (2006) as well as Joe (2014).
2.  Extended hoefCOP() into Lp distances from independence and weaved in more
      of Nelsen (2006).
3.  Added LpCOP(), which is functionally the same as hoefCOP().
4.  Minor documentation tweaks to EMPIRcop.Rd, EMPIRcopdf.Rd, EMPIRgrid.Rd,
      PLACKETTpar.Rd, PlackettPlackettABKGtest.Rd, PlackettPlackettNP.Rd,
      composite1COP.Rd, composite2COP.Rd, composite3COP.Rd,
      isCOP.LTD.Rd, isCOP.RTI.Rd, isCOP.radsym.Rd,
      lcomoms2.ABKGcop2parameter.Rd, and lcomoms2.ABcop2parameter.Rd.
5.  Added extended example for isCOP* functions inside isCOP.radsym.Rd.
6.  Added the Gumbel-Hougaard copula (GHcop) because WHA is studying the
      method of L-comoments on this copula relative to the Plackett copula.
7.  Fixed spelling of Roger Nelsen's last name in all Rd files (sorry Roger).
8.  Added another example to copBasic-package.Rd.
9.  Added FRECHETcop() and added utf-8 encoding to those Rd files requiring
      the dicritic on Frechet: GHcop.Rd, M.Rd, PlackettPlackettABKGtest.Rd,
      PlackettPlackettNP.Rd, and W.Rd.
10. Enhanced warning message in tauCOP() to point out that some failure of
      numerical integration can be (often is?) attributable to singularity
      for the given copula.
11. Added an example to PLACKETTpar.Rd that shows the development of a
      polynomial for estimation of Kendall's Tau given Spearman's Rho of a
      Plackett copula. Further, PLACKETTpar() now sets labels for the returned
      theta using names().
12. Added additional discussion to isCOP.radsym.Rd to suggest that is seems
      that radially symmetric copulas have zero L-comoments beyond
      L-correlation. The literature seems silent on this question.
13. Improved a conditional on infinity in PLACKETTcop.R.
14. Added 'graphics' argument to simCOP.R to make is easier to turn off
      graphical output from that function and also added the arguments 'snv',
      'infsnv.rm', and 'trapinfsnv' as influence of Joe (2014) is incorporated.
15. Changed to more idiomatic R syntax in derCOPinv.R and derCOPinv2.R so that
      the lines of code were reduced.
16. Added L-comoment example into the independence copula P.Rd.
17. Added diagCOPatf() for solution of the probabilities u and v that provide
      joint probability F.
18. Added densityCOP() and densityCOPplot() following review of Joe (2014).
19. Added sample Blomqvist's Beta computation to blomCOP() after Joe (2014).
20. Added uvlmoms() and uvskewnewss() after Joe (2014).
21. Added lcomCOPpv() for simulating the sample distribution(s) of
      L-correlation, L-coskew, and L-cokurtosis for a copula.
22. Added 'weibull' argument to EMPIRcop() [note the Joe (2014) often uses
      Hazen plotting positions without so naming them as Hazen]
23. Added the Kullback-Leibler divergences, Jeffrey's divergence, and the
      Kullback-Leibler sample size.
24. Added semicorCOP() for semicorrelations of a copula and(or) data.
25. Added isCOP.permsym() for a gridwise check on permutation symmetry.
26. Added vuongCOP() for Vuong's procedure of copula comparison along with an
      extensive Note section showing the forefront of copBasic extension into
      the inference problem.

Version 1.7.1--January 31, 2015
1. Minor changes to CITATION following CRAN email dated 01/09/2015.

Version 2.0.1--August 31, 2015
0. Some major documentation expansion here and there as cascading impacts from
      the other changes listed below. Minor documentation formatting changes in
      a select few Rd files and many proofreading passes through all documen-
      tation resulted in modest additions and corrections. Overhaul of the
      Examples sections to keep --timings down to < 0.01 elapsed seconds
      for all documented functions outside \dontrun{} declarations on test
1. Added the "tol" argument to diagCOPatf and specified a tolerance tighter
      than the default of uniroot because of apparent loss of precision
      when experimenting with 1,000,000-year return periods.
2. Added a Note to GHcop.Rd showing analytical derivatives and the inverse.
3. Added jointCOP(), joint.curvesCOP(), joint.curvesCOP2() for an alternative
      framework for computing joint probabilities with a feature of the two
      conditions of AND and OR for the joint probability.
4. Typo correction in copBasic-package.Rd and extensions to that Rd considering
      more about joint AND, joint OR, and mutually exclusive OR probabilities.
5. Added exp(log(...)) logic to PSP() for more accuracy for very small
      probabilities to avoid division by small numbers.
6. Added in PSP.Rd discussion of PSP() returning NaN for zero probabilities.
7. Added (related to no. 5 and 6) trapped against a coupla NaN for zero
      probabilities in root-solving in COPinv() and COPinv2(). The functions
      jointCOP(), joint.curvesCOP(), joint.curvesCOP2() have this trap too.
7. Added Note section in duCOP.Rd about joint AND, OR, and exclusive OR.
8. Added reflection permutations to COP() and simCOPmicro() after Joe (2014) as
      cited in documentation. WHA does not desire to implement the reflection
      feature throughout the package---see the combined documentation of these
      two functions.
9. Changed the named argument "swap" to "wrtV" in qua.regressCOP.draw to
      parallel syntax of similar uses in copBasic.
10. Added inst/doc/CopulaRelationBaseFiginR.txt, which is an R script that
      creates a base graphic suitable for manual vector editing defining
      bivariate relations of probability a copulas.
11. Added Joe's Skewness of a copula by joeskewCOP() after Joe (2014) for
      measurement of permutation asymmetry (skew).
12. Added "RhoE" of a bivariate extreme value copula by rhobevCOP() after
      Joe (2014).
13. Added Kendall Function [kfuncCOP()/kmeasCOP()] along with very considerable
      documentation concerning how they are presented in Nelsen (2006),
      Salvadori et al. (2007), and Joe (2014). The inversion is kfuncCOPinv().
14. Added convexCOP() for a convex combination of two copulas after Joe (2014).
15. Removed the extensive copying of internal results within composite1COP(),
      composite2COP(), and composite3COP()---should be big speed increase for
      giant sample sizes.
16. Added Spearman's Footrule as footCOP() with sample estimation as well.
17. Added sample estimation to Gini Gamma in giniCOP(), Hoeffding Phi in
      hoefCOP(), and Schweizer and Wolff Sigma in wolfCOP(), and for
      parallelism---sample interface in rhoCOP() and tauCOP() to R's cor().
18. Added L-moments of the kfuncCOP() via kfuncCOPlmoms() and kfuncCOPlmom(),
      which closely parallel theoretical L-moment computation using the
      cdf2lmoms() and cdf2lmom() functions of the lmomco package.
19. Added Linear Spearman copula in FRECHETcop().
20. Added Asymmetric Gumbel-Hougaard extension to GHcop() with L-comoment demo.
21. Added prod2COP() for the *-product multiplication of copulas.
22. **DEPRECTATION ALERT** Added Hazen extension to EMPIRcop() and lumped
      computation types into new argument "ctype"" and fully **removed**
      the "weibull"" and "bernstein"" arguments.
23. Added GLcop() [Galambos] and HRcop() [Husler-Reiss] extreme value copulas.
24. **DEPRECTATION ALERT** Overhaul of kullCOP() into Monte Carlo integration
      and deprecated numerical integration to kullCOPint(). Logic is simpler
      and expense of longer computation times but does not suffer from
      hard-to-mitigate divergent integral errors.
25. Added isfuncCOP() as a gridded numerical test on whether a bivariate
      function appears to be a copula. Credit to user S. Kloibhofer for idea
      and initial code---thanks for the support!
26. Added statTn() as a measure of a fitted coupla divergence from the
      empirical copula.
27. Added the tail concentration function in tailconCOP().
28. Added the copBasic.fitpara.beta() in copBasic.fitpara as a potential
      uni-dimensional or multi-dimensional parameter optimization interface.
      This is not a maximum likelihood approach but matching of sample
      statistics to theoretical (e.g. like a method of moments). Discussions
      of maximum likelihood implementation with S. Kloibhofer are ongoing.
29. Overhaul of the output structure of vuongCOP and added elements on the
      return list to enhance clarity and added t-dist. for confidence interval.


(1) Implementation of state-of-the-practice nonparametric estimators of
       lower and upper tail dependence parameters. Neither of the three books
       cited within deal with this. A turn to recommended literature by
       Joe (2014) is needed.

(2) Maximum likelihood.

(3) Goodness-of-fit of the Kendall Function following Genest et. al. (2006,
       Goodness-of-fit procedures for copula models based on the probability
       integral transformation: Scand J. Statist 33.

(4) Convergence evaluators for the Monte Carlo integration in kullCOP() to 
        potentially speed computation times.
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